RPGM - Completed - OverDevil: Legend of the Sacred Stone [v1.37] [Big elbow]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    The start of the game is really good, its funny, interesting and engaging. At first glance, the gameplay is also really good. But then you get to the middle point of the game and you just get hit with a MASSIVE amount of text. It was so bad i just started skipping dialogue because of how much pointless yapping was happening. And the gameplay also nose-dived in quality. Considering that after like 4 hours it becomes very repetitive. The main reason for that is that the game is linear and railroading when it comes to gameplay and its progression.

    The only real redeeming two qualities of this game is the art and the sexual scenes. Both of these things are very well made with some really hot scenes to be seen here. Its a shame that the math doesnt add up. There is too much gameplay compared to the sexual scenes.

    I cant really recommend this game for you. It has too much grind and yapping, at its core its a boring experience after you playthrough the first hours.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So I've had a rough time rating this game.
    It's a solid 3.5 in my opinion, because for everything it does well, there is a seriously bad counterpart.

    First, the art is awesome if you like big proportions. The ladies are numerous and beautifully drawn but... the sex scenes are sometimes just meh. A lot of kinks but mostly just the usual abuse type, lots of sleeping scenes too... also there are two different types of writing, one is short and not detailed, the other is very long and boring for some scenes...

    The combat gameplay is great, it's difficult and forces you to change strategies depending on the ennemy but... don't expect any exploration liberty, you'll only have an impression of it in the first part of the game. Plus, there are a lot of fights that are scripted and you cannot win for the scenario without knowing it first, super annoying. All your grind and equipment will not matter in the second half of the game since you just keep changing formes... so frustrating for a rpg!

    The writing is fun, sassy and has a lot of hilarous moments but... only in the beginning since the second half of the game is suuuuuupeeeeer looooong, extremely chatty with a lot of nonsensical babbles!!!! You will litterally spend five minutes playing for one hour reading during the 5-6 last hours!
    If the scenario can seem deep and whatever, it's true the realisation is great for rpgm and the characters are well written, there are just a humongous load shit of them, you don't even care for anything after the fifteenth plot twist and twentieth betrayal .... Suspension of incredulity is completely lost at some point, too bad cause everything else was decent!
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's really a waste of time. Over-grindy maps with not much happening, barely any porn, and a "story" that would give a 70s porn movie a run for its money.

    If you like spamming the attack button, and self-important cheesy dialogue, go for it I guess...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic RPG first and foremost, one of the very few H-games to have a deeply compelling story. The game's faults (lack of H-scenes and uninspired RPG maker gameplay) are fixed by the mid-game. The story and the choices the game presents are fantastic and well worth the time for anyone who wants to experience a great story with H flavor.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Pro for this game:
    + great visual and sex ideas

    But after that good point, everything else is not very good:
    - much gameplay with low value if you are here for the sex scenes
    - few sex scenes/story compared to gameplay

    It's some kind of disappointmenet since I loved the artwork.
    Likes: M.Ed
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a REALLY nice rpg thats heavily carried with it's comedic timing and writing, but falls flat in the porn aspect.

    -The characters feel like HUMANS from the way they speak. They crack jokes, they scoff at each other, they scream at the bizareness of certain things, they'll even occationally break the 4th wall. It's a bit cheesy and maybe done a tad bit too much, but it's fun to read and root for the characters.
    -Theres an insane amount of portraits in this game, even for NPCs that you'll never talk to. It makes you wonder if they're all Ai generated...but they all have 5 fingers, so who knows?
    -There's a decent plot, actually! It isn't a brainless pornplot, but a story you might see in an average/decent RPG game.
    -Theres a little guide on the upper left that tells you what to do and where to go. "Go to west harbor!" or "Talk to your aunt", that kinda thing.

    -As hot as the characters are...there's little porn. It isn't hard to find the CGs, since they're highlighted with a little pink diamond, but the diamonds are a bit rare.
    -The characters all have these extremely flavorful facial expressions...but from my knowledge, there's no customization for their profiles. So, you'll never see their sprites wearing different clothes.
    -You can't manually save, you need to talk to this pixel cat to save. There are plenty scattered around...but it still sucks not being able to save in the menu.
    -Random encouters, and monsters are a bit too tanky to ignore the combat. The combat has nice thought behind it for sure, but you can also mindlessly spam attack with high success, so whats the point of strategy?

    -It's extremely linear. That's great from a story perspective, but horrible from a porn perspective, as there's little freedom.

    All in all, this is a game thats 80% RPG, and 20% porn. Normally these kinds of games would be a 2/5, but the quality of the RPG is so damn high that I can't help but give it a 4. Don't download this for porn.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Shi Tsu

    If you enjoy BDSM or gaping, give it a try!

    The only downside to this game is that the recollection room doesn't include all CGs, so I have to spend time collecting the missing ones. Also, you can't find many hentai scenes from the early game, they mostly appear a lot in the end game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I often only review Great games, or stay far away games. This is one of the great ones.

    Short form:
    This is a great comedy game, with adult/hentai added- to either further the comedic portion, or to add to the story. Adult scenes do not happen to just happen like in so many other trashy games.

    -If your looking for an actual Game to play, that also has adult content, then you will definitely enjoy this one. I was very skeptical of this going in, and honestly only downloaded for the lesbian and milf tag :p, but ended up staying, and playing it through because the game, story, and comedy was just great. Not to mention the art is fantastic. Even trash side characters that are apart of the game for like 8 lines of text have better art then 98% of character in most adult themed games out there.

    Long Form:

    I really Don't know why this game is getting some of the hate that it does. It's one of the best adult games I've played, but maybe not for the reasons a lot of people search out Adult games.

    The game is basically a Comedy RPG, with hentai. If your coming into this trying to quickly add scenes to your spank bank in the first 5 mins, then this is easily not what your looking for.

    However, if you want a decent comedic story(if not the best I've played as far as adult games go) with adult events that occur here and there that add to the story and isn't just there to be there, then you will definitely enjoy this game. Because that's what this is, an actual game, and not just pure hentai driven stories, with combat to cause adult scenes like all the others. If an adult scene happens in this game, it's for the purpose of the story or comedy, and in most cases both.

    This game has many scenes that are aimed towards a comedic form of hentai, along with some that are just down right kinky.

    The art is fantastic.

    Music is amazing for the genre.

    Story is Hilariously good.

    I found myself wanting to play this game the next day, not for the adult content, but for how fun it actually was to play. The adult content was just a bonus.
    I find many adult games are great while your "in the mood."
    However, this one is just plain fun, hilarious, and has it's moments of kinkiness.

    The scenes that have stuff like "ugly bastards" are treated in ways that make it funny. But not in some grotesque ways that you see in many other games. But instead as ploys that the main characters exploit, and then is actually entertaining and funny as you watch the main characters get their revenge, or blatantly point out that is was their plan all along to let it happen.

    I definitely recommend this game. I've found it incredibly entertaining to play in many ways, and the game really caught me off guard with how well it's written, and how perfectly the music goes with the various situations.

    I sorta feel like the lower star ratings people were going into this game looking for pure adult content.

    I'd say this game hit's that sweet spot of the perfect amount of Gameplay, story, and adult content.

    Just give it a try if you think you'd enjoy pleasantly fun gameplay, with a well written comedic story, and great art.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Played on version 2023-10-20

    Recommendation level: Not unless you have a lot of patience?

    ++ Good art
    + Unexpectedly substantial story

    -- Infrequent and short scenes
    - Lack of indication for bad end
    - Random encounter rate too high
    -- Too many cutscenes with sprites slowly walking across the screen

    Comment: Not much to say, it's all up there above. These Chinese games have potential but there is always lack of QA that allows the smaller problems through, when they pile up like that it becomes a chore to play.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Focused too much on side characters... too much rape and promiscous women.. bad erotic stuff....but very good bgm/music, good battle system

    Yuri/Lesbian bait from the start... hate the 2 other "main character"...
    Plot is okayish
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is... okay. It tries to be a good RPG and a good H game but just ends up being incredibly unimpressive at both.

    + Art is good
    + Story is well above average for an adult game.

    - The H scenes are too short and too spread out, and if you don't care about H scenes there are countless better RPGs for plot alone.
    - Saving is a pain in the ass. You can only save at certain locations (yes, in 2023) so if you want to see one of those mediocre game over H scenes you'll probably be set back a couple minutes each time.
    - Random encounters happen far too often. On the easiest difficulty you don't HAVE to grind much but even just running away from fights takes up a huge amount of time.
    Likes: k2ren
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    IMO this was a good game, not great but fun game and I really liked the story. I understand the author is Chinese so it must’ve been hard to get the direct translations over since most of the dialogue was quite corny but it’s a H-game and comedy as well so it was funny. Characters are well drawn + good H-scenes however the animated scenes could do better. I do have a complaint which is the dialogue is too lengthy sometimes like there’s so much filler words and a lot of things should just be left unsaid just because it’s a waste of time and means nothing to the story nor does it matter. The whole game before the two endings had so many areas where if you walked around then you were challenged by enemies everywhere which was very annoying as I had to keep pressing escape, this happened even though I was on the lowest difficulty out of 7 difficulties and those fights wouldn’t even do much as I was just fighting fodder enemies. I do have to say though ending B had very little of that and a lot of H-Scenes like probably almost 30 or more in that one chapter. I will say that Ending B is much better than Ending A at least as Ending A just seemed rushed or was written by someone who isn’t creative at all, ending B however I had a great time playing and genuinely felt like a real anime I was watching and I’d hope the author does make a new one with how good this one did. I spent a total of 25 hours on the game (3-4 hours afk so more like 21-22hrs) but it took me this long because I was actually reading the dialogue and getting immersed in the story and characters and actually doing side quests and checking everything out, I originally bought the game for the h-scenes but genuinely got connected with the characters and story. I did a full like 18 hours run in a day from evening to the afternoon next day. I’d play it all over again and I probably would.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a large RPG with H-scene sprinkled in between. It isn't a CG simulator, so don't go in thinking it's a h-focused game. It's more of a RPG with some H-elements, but they're all mostly under-represented.

    In terms of h content, it's barely 2 to 3 stars. But in terms of it being a game by itself, it's a clean 4. Since you're on F95, I'm pretty sure that you are looking for a CG simulator, or something somewhat fun, but I'm a story kind of person. I usually looking for games with good CG, somewhat straightforward gameplay and generally okayish plot.

    This game is about 20% h content, 80% plot. It's not even that the H-Content is few, it's the relative balance between h-content and plot that makes most of the negative reviews here. I don't blame them, the level of story that this game focuses on is much heavier than the other games on this site. The number of scenes for its length is way too short. Compare Pray Game, which has a similar length with much more h-scenes, for example.

    However, the reason why I consider it a 5 star is simply because I can feel the effort. I don't know who made this game, I don't know how quickly they made it, but I guarantee whoever that picks this game up will not be able to say that this is the same type of shovelware we see every few weeks.

    I can quite literally tell when the developer swapped writers or swapped artists because the writing is inconsistent and the art varies - but only slightly. The quality of the writing goes from being okay, to campy, to becoming much more nuanced at the end. The writing at the beginning of the game and the end of the game is so drastically different, it's like I'm playing Dragonfable Chapter 1 - 3.

    Maybe it's because of the translation, but the pacing of the game in the beginning is horrendous, with Delica entering the party abruptly despite literally only having less then ten lines in her introduction, etc. The game picks up near the end, but the H-Scenes becomes barren as they stop you from exploring the full world.

    It has no fast-travel system but sometimes it rewards you for backtracking, it has a world map that has no other use rather than just showing you what could have been, the enemies range from being laughably easy to incredibly difficult. Ending A, in my opinion, has one of the biggest damage sponge bosses I have ever played in any game ever, and I was playing on the second-easiest difficulty. Ending B was a bit better - and I could tell that whoever wrote Ending B is not the same as the one whowrote Ending A, or at least not as interested in it.

    The game is an honest 3/4 star - but simply because it's definitely not a shovelware cg simulator like the majority of the games on here, I'm going to give it 5 stars, because the last time I was this invested into a story on this site it was with Pray Game, and I didn't expect another 12-hour slog fest to actually hold my attention.

    The possibility of more H-Content is there, but it is underused. The character development in the story itself is also underused, mostly focusing on the main MC or the blonde MC, making the third party member more of a tag-on because they had no idea what to do with her.

    There are two endings to this game; Ending A and Ending B, which if I have to give a recommendation, do Ending B first. Ending A was on my second playthrough and it was so annoying with the level of HP punching bags I had to run into that I simply gave myself 999 million gold and bought 99 of the strongest healing and regeneration items of the game. To prove it, I can even tell you the name of the bloody item; 'Meat Bone', restore all HP, SP and BP.

    It's not a bad game. But it could be better. It has art that is underused, it has storylines that are both too short and too long, the main MC devolves from a normal dumb H-game MC into a straight up idiot that genuinely made me upset to even pilot, and the writing doesn't know if it wants to be a H-game, a comedy game, or a diatribe on racial politics and the needs of the many or some other dumb moralistic shit.

    But it isn't shovelware, so I don't mind posting 5 stars. I heard there's some updated version with better CGs, so I hope we get it, but otherwise it's still a decent game to give it a chance, if you have half a day to waste.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best hentai games there is, I cannot fathom the takes that the game has too little porn overall or that the pacing is bad. Has more porn that majority of games on this site outside the HTML or QSP ones.

    Game has:
    -Actually Good Turn based Gameplay (especially for a h-game)
    -A Decent plot and writing
    -Huge cast of characters

    The Porn:
    You get about 4-7 Scenes per chapter plus 3-4 bad endings if you want to go for that, there are 10 chapters plus extra scenes for each ending with ending A having alot more scenes then ending B but both being 10+. Overall the game took me around 6 hours to 100% but as I said the story and gameplay are suprisingly good for a H-Game.

    The Criticisms about the porn that are fair enough:
    The game does start a little slow, I think chapter 1-3 have only 4-5 scenes each.
    The quality and type of scene is really inconsisistant, there are some that are just 1-2 CG while others are alot more and there are 3 poorly animated scenes in the middle of the game that feel out o f place.

    Only other critique is that:
    - Random encounters you cant turn off (but you can turn difficulty up and down in settings to effectively skip any fight)
    - "Overworld" movespeed is torturously slow for no reason.

    As a loser hentai game addict, this is easily one of the better ones in the past couple years. I would ideally give it 4.5/5 or 9/10 because of lots of random inconveniences in the game but it overall is quite good.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not an Hentai Game, it's not a good RPG game.
    Few scenes, a lot of missed opportunities and themes,the chars after 6hs of playtime had a lot of chances to interact to various events that happened to them or around them but didn't.

    I don't want to say that if there aren't a lot of H-scenes in the first hour a game is bad, but after 6hs I saw just a few and sparse scenes AND no good characters development/dialogues that made me care about them.
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    Below average RPG, below average H game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is good but kinda dragged out
    There are lots of hentai content but they are paced horribly
    The battle system is alright, really like the custom-made battle sprites

    Overall, play the game if you're in it for the long haul. The hentai content is very badly paced until end game. It will feel like hours before you come across a hentai scene. And once you do, it'll feel like a huge burst of scenes got dumped on you. I'd reckon th game would be paced much better if they were spread throughout the game.

    But once/ if you reach chapter 7, the pacing issue gets much better. It does start to feel like you are consistently getting these scenes.

    And i can safely say some of these scenes are incredible. If you're looking at some of these tags and thinking if it'll scratch your itch, it most likely will. but you may need to endure hours of game to get to it.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Imp Sana

    - I suggest using Mtool for the game speed if you just interesting about sex scenes because its will be long hell of the ride .
    - So much going on , so much character yet so little , its like the game when u see 8 "good" screenshots and ... thats it . 8 CGs .
    - the main character Lola got 4 - 5 of her sex scenes before got to the Ending B , thats about ~2-3 hours of gameplay if you using mtool , 9 Chapters . feel like the game can be much more than this .
    -worth the $ for it ? No , maybe ?
    -Beside the less content , the Quality i say , remind me of Curse armor vibe , very nice art , humor story and the rpg part seem good , most all the cg are self made include enemy and monster .
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR: don't play this game

    This game is a huge disappointment. You may look at the CG samples from the thread and think "hey, looks hot, gonna play it". Congratulations, you've been baited. While the CGs are hot indeed, during the actual game they are rarer than pork on an arab bazaar. The gameplay is just one fucking annoyance with those random unpredictable encounters and very slow dialogues consisting of boring elementary school-tier writing ending with several fucking "....." screens in a row that can't even be skipped properly. I dropped this shit on the third chapter and just decoded the CGs with an online decoder (should have done it from the start).
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    i can finally give this game a review after finishing it

    -good combat
    -good art
    -interesting story and worldbuilding
    -enjoyable characters
    -lots of unique character portraits

    -barely any H-scenes. i think this game started to become "lewder" around chapter 8-9 and even with that can still feel very dissapointing.
    -this game is WAAAYYYYY too long for how little lewd scenes that exist. it took me 10 hours to beat the A ending and another 2 hours for the B ending.
    -although the combat is good, enemies took way too long to kill even on standard difficulty. that combined with the insanely high encounter rate makes it really annoying to progress without just cheating the game.
    -no save everywhere by default
    -no gallery for B ending for now.

    overall an alright rpg but not a very good porn game

    edit: forgot to add that this game has some farting scenes and a scat scene in the B route
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    In chapter 3 right now and so far the game has been very enjoyable. Only reason I gave it 3 stars is that it disappointed me on the H part. Where is the H? I came for a porn game and so far it looks like just... A game with some smut here and there, very sparse. It doesn't even feel like a porn game text-wise, just your run of the mill adventure rpgm, which begs the question: Where the hell are all these tags coming from? Where is all the content? Maybe this game has like... 40 chapterz with tons of content spread out, or maybe the content thickens some chapter forward. I pretend to keep playing just out of curiosity and because it's entertaining and who knows? But for now... 3 stars.