Believe it or not, the red tape and beaurocracy and middlemen are the fantasy. In any real scenario, THE COMMANDER IN ACTIVE CONFLICT WILL DIRECTLY REPORT TO THE KING OR PRESIDENT OR LEADER OR EMPEROR - as Emperor was the title given to the designated warring king who was supposed to coalesce all Roman provinces around a common effort to win the war.
Maximus in Gladiator and Ovidius in this game going straight to the Emperor as they are THE OVERALL COMMANDERs OF ALL IMPERIAL FORCES who report directly to the Emperor, that right there, it is the most akin to real life this game gets and the Rome movies/series.
Ovidius is also THE SPY MASTER WHO GOT ALL THE SPIES APPOINTED TO HIM DIRECTLY BY THE EMPEROR - so Ovidus is far beyond a simple commander of some legion, he is de facto intelligence master—just like FBI or CIA or Pentagon Directors reporting directly to the US president.
It's pure fantasy on the basis of imperial Rome, but has nothing to do with reality. The closest analog is the movie Gladiator. Also pure fantasy. After watching it, I gave up on Hollywood pseudo-historical opuses.
This game features one Arena Fight between two Amazon-like Female Slaves who rape each other during their fight (one
forces the other to muff dive while holding her head into her crotch, while the other fists the first one when the tables turn and the battle is won ) then MC can influence the Emperor to either kill the defeated or let them both live, after which they bang for the enjoyment of the masses.
Female domination, Male protagonist, Rape...
I don't understand. Will MC be raped by some girl? Is she ugly, or is he celibate? Why else would she rape him...
Girls in this game: