RPGM - Completed - Paizuri Slave Training Program [v1.05] [Aeba no Mori]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Good art and all but making this an idle game is just a bit weird, its not very engaging just waiting for the next scene or for enough resources, it barely feels like a game, at least have something a bit interactive here.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I will start admiting I'm being way harsher than I need to be with my review, normally I don't review games I didn't enjoy but this one I will do out of the fact that is the ultimate culmination of what I dislike in every japanese hentai game I've played until now.

    There's only 2 good points to this game and only one of them is outstanding, hence the 2 stars just for that:

    1. The art is good, but not uncommon for japanese games I've played.
    2. It IS one of the best if not the best game in terms of Breast Expansion I've played, if you want a fetish game for BE this is what you are looking for. There's tons of tit mass to look for.

    And that's where the good points end.
    The game is grindy, boringly and unecessarily grindy, especially in the early middle of it. You need to expend more time grinding for resources then you do atually playing the scenes and this particular game uses one of the most boring and unfun types of grinding ever.

    The scenes are boring and TOO repetitive and I do mean it, they are litelly the same scene in terms of dialogue and only 6 or 7 different scenes in terms of content, the only thing that changes is the breast size. You literally have seen all of them when you see only about 1/6 of all the scenes in the game.

    And speaking of dialogue, this game has one of the cringiest dialogues I have ever seen. This would be normal, but I was basically forced to skip every dialogue after the second BE because it was so identical and cringe that made my penis wither and die, defying the purpose of me playing this. I'm not asking for a literaly master piece, but if you need to write SO much dialogue at least make it readable.

    And the content is no better, with just titfuck I would get it ONLY having the same 5 boring titfucking scenes. But it's not, it have brainwashing (the most boring type of corruption) and semen play. So why the heck it limits itself by using ONLY titfucking? No nipple play? No toy? No masturbation? Nothing? And why there's semen play without semen eating? It gets even more boring when the heroine don't do ANYTHING other than talk in 3/4 of the scenes.
    And why would you add 3 more girl characters for them to have the exact same personality and be non-interactable? And one of them looks basically like the main heroine...

    Now, for the icing on top. This game is a prime example of japanese authors/devs/etc butchering interesting female characters for the sake of whatever. I could actually fap to the main heroine and was finding her backstory really cool for a porn game, until they killed her personality and thought this made her more fappable, which it didn't and if it was not the good BE content I would find this game impossible to fap to. And of course they can't stop the butchering at only the heroine, they needed to create a very good plot and backstory and also kill them by completely ignoring their existence for the sake of more boring dialogues.

    Suming, I don't recommend this unless you are desperate for BE content and have enough patience to get it, since the most BE content is locked into the endgame of this shitshow.

    And as an afterthought, I don't know who was the dumbass that first thought latex would be a good fetish for a game when the whole point of latex as a fetish is the touch feeling. I would prefer to see real flesh instead of the purple, boring latex uniform all the girls wear, it would help this become a little bit more fappable.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Well I manged to finish this game, all I can say as a man who loves massive breast and expansion. This game is for you. There's so much mass I'm surprised it didn't cause a black hole.

    As you go through it is a bit of a clicker game to speed things up as you have 3 separate resources but it helps your research.
    It's not that long of a game its just somewhat grindy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is clicker game is good by the sense of many things.
    Art- Amazing
    Game mechanics - not bad
    Story - I love it
    The progression of the game is fun and it leaves you with a completely mind controlled person.
    Basically PLAY IT
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a clicker game where you accumulate enough semen to do scenes that in turn unlock more scenes. These scenes are repeatable and change as the corruption of your slave increases, which is great. The game difficulty itself is incredibly easy since there's basically nothing that you can do wrong.

    Unfortunately, there's hardly any variety: paizuri is literally the only type of sex in the entire game. To be fair, if you're into that, it will be the perfect game for you. But you have to be REALLY into it, otherwise it will grow stale.

    There's at times loads of rambling and excessive dialogue. And the game takes itself, funnily enough, a little too seriously. For example, there's essentially philosophical breakdowns of destiny, free-will and a Platonic investigation of what it really means to be a so-called "titty-fucktoy," which as you can imagine is somewhat hilarious given the otherwise nonsensical nature of the game. Otherwise, the plot is actually pretty good for a porn game.

    The music was pretty decent, except for the very last scene before the credits, which plays some terrible hardcore dubstep kind of track. Just took me completely out of it.

    Anyway, the game's decent, but somewhat boring, unless you only want paizuri, in which case it's perfect for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well paced corruption trainer exclusively focused on paizuri and breast expansion. There's a little back story to appreciate and some cringe repetitive dialogue to go through but it's a 5 if you compare it to other games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely the best corruption game that I have ever played, if you are into trainers and corruption, you are going to love this game, I did. It has the slow pace that a good corruption game needs to have, but you can see the evolution, slow yet consistent.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    if you like tits,paizuri then this is a 5/5 because it's all about it,tho the boobs get so big it's comedic but at that point you finish most of the content so if you don't like godzilla tits it doesn't really matter when 80%game they ain't that big big
    really can't say much we need games like this,where the focus is 1 thing,like blowjob or creampie but as far i know there is nothing like this
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Stelas QT

    As a fan of breast expansion, this is great. It is sad that there isn't any forms of penetration (with only tit-fucking), that is the whole point and fetish this game appeals to so I get that. Didn't expect it to essentially be a cookie clicker, but hot art so.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    What do I say, despite the excessively slow transitions and the abundance of dialogues I didn't care too much about, in the end I wished there were more breast expansions levels or scenes. So that's all she wrote.

    The animations aren't incredible but it's a great piece of gaming for tits enthusiasts.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It really is one of the best games of it's kind and I heavily recommend it.
    • The story it's honestly surprising for being a porn game, it's really well written and making you question your actions with the subject 004.
    • Scenes are equally good, some of them being kinda repetitive because you'll have to repeat them for "lore" reasons but overall mantain a decent quality level.
    • The soundtrack it's amazing and extremely well produced. I'll honestly be looking for the songs names because of how unironically great they are.
    • Gameplay it's the weakest part of the game. It's basically a visual novel with point and click elements, so you might get bored after some time, reason why I don't recommend playing the whole game in just one sit.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    the perfect breast expansion game. I don't think I've ever seen a perfectly executed BE game such as this before. Aeba no Mori literally brainhacked me and made the game of my dreams. The only issues I have with this game are minor ones. There is less content for the larger sizes compared to the starting ones. I'd really like Aeba no Mori to make another game in the same vein as this but they are making a pokemonesque catching game but with bit tit lolis...
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    STORY 2/5:

    The heroine (004) has a great back story, something that will get you to feel even worse about your actions and justifies her cold killing attitude. The issue, the purpose behind our character is left in the dark. It ends at a cliff hanger when there was plenty of a time to explain our role in this game.


    You can learn a great deal abut the heroine, but unfortunately not much else. Experiment 003 has the second most screen time so learning about her backstory would've been great. At the beginning there was a moment of bonding between 004 and 003 but this does not go anywhere. The issue comes with all their personality going down the drain as their brainwashed for your amusement leaving no individuality between the characters.

    ART 4/5:
    A great anime art style, these girls are incredibly hot. Their bodies being covered in latex is not even that big of deal breaker for me with how skin tight it is. There are only a few scenes where 004 is wearing another outfit. I sucker for huge tits, so I enjoy the CGs very much.

    SCENES 2.5/5:
    Paizuri is what you sign up for so I can't get that mad there is nothing else. But there is still more to be wanted in these scenes. Wish they were more dynamic with frames showing movement of your characters member rubbing back and forth but instead its a static image with movement lines simulating a titjob. These girls have incredible bodies! I wish the artist will one day draw them in scenes with penetration.

    GAMEPLAY 3/5:
    This game requires a real time clock to progress so there will be moments where its better to wait and do nothing then spend your resources. The resources you get can come from training with 004 and 003 and waiting in the main menu. You can use these resources to upgrade the rate they accumulate, unlock more scenes, expand 004 breasts and make items to make training sessions more efficient. Its not terrible if you know how to manage these kinds of games, putting effort to upgrade your gain on passive resources is the best way to start.

    Great art if gigantic tits are your fetish, there is a little bit of back story for you to chew on but the overall plot goes nowhere. I wish there was more to do with these characters and scenes portrayed more movement. You must really enjoy these fetishes to get a lot out of this game for me I can only enjoy returning to only a few scenes.

    OVERALL 2.75/5
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 3/5. A visual novel presented as a trainer with themes focusing on paizuri (titfuck), corruption, and bondage. The heavy focus on paizuri (and no other forms of sex) makes the game stand out. However, aside from this aspect, the game is unremarkable.

    Gameplay 2.5/5. Very similar to most other trainers. However, it is different because you have to wait real time to generate resources, sometimes requiring you to idle before you can continue the game.

    Story 3/5. There are 2 parts to the story, the FMCs past which does not go anywhere, and the training story which is so outrageous it can be funny. Both parts are incomplete and are fine at best

    Art 3/5. Average quality for anime style RPGM game, lots o variety for paizuri and very little else.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Sigh. You know how sometimes you think you found the next best thing since sliced bread and it turns out to be like wheat bread?

    Story 3/10

    You kidnap a girl and you train her to be a titsex slave. As she's trained, you get flashbacks to her dark history. Her history of abuse and she killed her dad. And that's it, her story doesn't matter anymore and is never brought up again.

    Your situation is never explained. You're in space in a space ship with technology far more advanced than what's available on the surface. How? Why? What is this?

    I just didn't buy the mind corruption. You sex the boobs and she wants to become a boob slave? Because that's your only tactic. And I also don't agree that once her boobs got really big she couldn't re-enter society and there was no going back. Breast reduction surgery is a thing.

    Gameplay 5/10

    This was like a shallow training game. You wait for resources A, B, and C, then you watch a scene, then you wait some more and then watch another scene.

    But you know what? It kinda worked. It wasn't particularly fun, but the management aspect was alright.

    Art 6/10

    Sigh. I really like this art style. I really wanted to like this game. But I just didn't. I can't get behind just paizuri. And to be clear, that's all there is: paizuri. This is a game of three fetishes: Corruption (mild and unwarranted imo), breast expansion (yes please!), and paizuri. Where's the rest of it?

    The worst part is that the girls are all wearing a full purple body suit. Forever. In every single scene. How do they poop?

    Overall 5/10

    I wanted to like this game but it just came off as average. The lack of sex and the only-purple skintight suits made the art kind of meh.

    The story was weird and unexplained. Why waste my time with the girl's backstory when it was just there and didn't do anything? It was just meaningless exposition.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The sheer degree of absurdity this game went to in order to explain the contextual justification of kidnapping girls and turning them into titty fuck slaves is as absurd as the size of their tits by the end of this. 10/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is focused on three main fetishes: Corruption, Paizuri (Breast Sex) and Breast Expansion.

    The execution of the game is well done. We get to play the role of the capturer but also get insight into the viewpoint and thoughts of our main captive along different stages of her transformation. The change of her mind and morals matches the events she undergoes and slowly corrupts her into submission. The important part of that being the changes in mind and body seem to be weighted accordingly and thus being plausible.

    The art overall is well made and sufficient. Only in a few scenes the nipples do look a bit out of perspective. Body proportions are fitting the anime/manga style. Even in the late stages of her expansion the proportion seems fitting and the breasts are looking well shaped, which is a big plus point as more than some titles fail in this making the expanded breasts look misformed.

    Scenes are underlined by sound and visual effects to make them extra raunchy. Camera zoom function is used combination with sound to excite the viewer during scenes, which makes them especially fappable. There is no voice-acting in the game.

    All-in-all a well rounded title with a good selection of scenes that really excels in execution.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An easy 5/5

    The corruption is really greatly done, the progression is smooth and even if there is a focus on 3 fetishes: big boobs, titfucking and corrupting the girl (also shiny costumes), it does deliver for a full game.

    One thing I hate about a lot of porn games is that they waste your time with tedious gameplay, and in the previous title from these studio I hated that. In this one it goes to the point with minimum gameplay to spice things a bit.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the best execution of the corruption tag I've seen to date. And probably in the Top 5 for the rest of time. I don't even have much a boob fetish and yet this game really hits the spot. But, seriously, I'm in awe at how fantastic the execution of the corruption in this game was
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I had zero interest at all in latex suits or breast expansion until I played this game. Literally almost the only things covered in this game is latex suits, paizuri, and breast expansion. But holy crap does it do it well. A very nicely paced trainer/gradual corruption game with a well written and translated plotline. Music is great too. Gameplay is pretty minimal, simple and doesn't get in the way too much imo.

    Play this if you are in any way into corruption games even if from a glance the game doensn't seem like it to you.