I will start admiting I'm being way harsher than I need to be with my review, normally I don't review games I didn't enjoy but this one I will do out of the fact that is the ultimate culmination of what I dislike in every japanese hentai game I've played until now.
There's only 2 good points to this game and only one of them is outstanding, hence the 2 stars just for that:
1. The art is good, but not uncommon for japanese games I've played.
2. It IS one of the best if not the best game in terms of Breast Expansion I've played, if you want a fetish game for BE this is what you are looking for. There's tons of tit mass to look for.
And that's where the good points end.
The game is grindy, boringly and unecessarily grindy, especially in the early middle of it. You need to expend more time grinding for resources then you do atually playing the scenes and this particular game uses one of the most boring and unfun types of grinding ever.
The scenes are boring and TOO repetitive and I do mean it, they are litelly the same scene in terms of dialogue and only 6 or 7 different scenes in terms of content, the only thing that changes is the breast size. You literally have seen all of them when you see only about 1/6 of all the scenes in the game.
And speaking of dialogue, this game has one of the cringiest dialogues I have ever seen. This would be normal, but I was basically forced to skip every dialogue after the second BE because it was so identical and cringe that made my penis wither and die, defying the purpose of me playing this. I'm not asking for a literaly master piece, but if you need to write SO much dialogue at least make it readable.
And the content is no better, with just titfuck I would get it ONLY having the same 5 boring titfucking scenes. But it's not, it have brainwashing (the most boring type of corruption) and semen play. So why the heck it limits itself by using ONLY titfucking? No nipple play? No toy? No masturbation? Nothing? And why there's semen play without semen eating? It gets even more boring when the heroine don't do ANYTHING other than talk in 3/4 of the scenes.
And why would you add 3 more girl characters for them to have the exact same personality and be non-interactable? And one of them looks basically like the main heroine...
Now, for the icing on top. This game is a prime example of japanese authors/devs/etc butchering interesting female characters for the sake of whatever. I could actually fap to the main heroine and was finding her backstory really cool for a porn game, until they killed her personality and thought this made her more fappable, which it didn't and if it was not the good BE content I would find this game impossible to fap to. And of course they can't stop the butchering at only the heroine, they needed to create a very good plot and backstory and also kill them by completely ignoring their existence for the sake of more boring dialogues.
Suming, I don't recommend this unless you are desperate for BE content and have enough patience to get it, since the most BE content is locked into the endgame of this shitshow.
And as an afterthought, I don't know who was the dumbass that first thought latex would be a good fetish for a game when the whole point of latex as a fetish is the touch feeling. I would prefer to see real flesh instead of the purple, boring latex uniform all the girls wear, it would help this become a little bit more fappable.