TD1900 and
I am still going through the various paths variations, but it is a really great update and as several other players already said, the new Hana scene shortly before the cut: AHHHHH, need next update, need next update, need

As far as our LIs go, my Top 3 are (still) Felicia, Hana and Mina, but the others grow on me too. Kath "as well", but for completely different reasons. I want to see in "her" playthrough, how she became who she is, why a deviant predator as she is, was
Rosalind definitely grows on me, even if in my main playthrough the MC just wants to help her.
Veronika: Normally I really like tall women, being tall myself and I have nothing against some muscles on them, but in the case here, where Arnie might get envious feelings, are a bit too much. Nevertheless she still looks great and in my main path my MC tries to help her too.
Felicia: What not to like about her? Great looking, a slut in bed, a Lady elsewhere, with a wonderful irreverant humour. But there is more behind the facade of a pure hedonist, I am sure.
Hana: When it comes to looks Hana is another surprise. I normally find women tattooed this heavily a turn off, but she looks great. And if you play the Hana path, you see why
Mina: She is another favourite LI to play for, but only if her relationship with Ian crashes. In my main playthrough I try to be a good friend and wingman for Ian and her and help to keep their relationship strong. Killian recognises it far too rarely that Mina is the best what happened to him so far. She is the most innocent character of the main cast so far, but that makes her vulnerable to tricky manipulations, especially since she is curious about what she missed due to her sheltered upbringing.
You two make a really great eroge, even if I dislike some fetishes we have already seen, but your artwork, storytelling and the choices with meaning are simply wow. Thank you for making Pale Carnations!