VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch.4 Up.5 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Character design/personalities are great, environment is good, story is funny and interesting. The sex isn't absolutely forced upon the player and there's buildup which is actually a very nice feature. It's a very enjoyable read.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This may be the best 0.1 debut on this site. There's a level of professionalism here that's evident as soon as you boot up the game and see the care that has gone into just the presentation of the main menu.

    The impression that this is a product on a different level than most of the stuff on here continues as you start the game and get to customize the main character's backstory and personality which will affect your options going forward. There's a great degree of roleplaying here, lending an immersive quality to the game.

    The quality of this product continues to impress going into the game proper. To my knowledge only A House In The Rift rivals this game when it comes to getting Honey Select models to look this good. The writing also stands out, being strong in both narration and dialouge. The characters are good too. The MCs best friend being a particular stand out. He initially comes across as the typical asshole but it's soon made clear that he has a level of nuance and depth which makes him more interesting and explains why the MC would put up with him.

    The final and perhaps most important quality of this game to impress me was pacing. Here's a philosophical question for you: why would anyone ever jack of to a porn game rather than just a gif of some attractive people preforming whatever sexual act you might prefer? It's context. It's not just the act itself but also the circumstances around it that people find aurousing. If it wasn't porn games wouldn't exist.

    Despite this a lot of games features very flimsy scenarios in order to get to ''the good stuff'' more quickly, undermining that very good stuff in the process. Not so here. Pale Carnations is not afraid to provide a little build up to it's sexual acts. My favorite stretch of this first chapter is when some of the characters goes out clubbing which leads to a rather long, reactive and evolving scenario ending in a satisfying climax (pun very much intended).

    This is one of the most promising games to ever debut on this site. If any of the themes and fetishes it focuses on is appealing to you you owe it to yourself to try it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What a blast it was ! I really did not expect this game to be this good already especially looking at the HS models and premises that are not that engaging.
    Even if you are under that impression, I recommend you to give it a try, you might like it afterall has it has a lot of good points that can't be seen on pictures. Now, to be a masterpiece, it might need some improvement on the animations, but otherwise it is already very solid.

    - Renders are good, girls are cute & sexy, more than what you usually expect with HS engine, the MC is the typical HS male model tho'
    - The characters are fun
    - Music is well chosen and will fit with the situation most of the time
    - Writing is really good
    - Story doesn't seem very original, but the pace is good and the dialogues are engaging
    - The gameplay is fine, mostly VN with some freeroam from time to time to change the pace a little. Also at the start of the game, you can customize the traits of the MC which will affect some possible choices later on. The devs knows what to do to keep the player entertained
    - Sex scenes are good eventhough there are almost no animations, that might be the only negative point I can find at the moment
    - Some aspects and fetishes are portrayed, it seems you can avoid most of them if you don't like brutality, degradation or BDSM, but it would be a waste, those scenes are quite well done, with good dialogue/music/atmosphere
    - Contents are huge for a first realease
    - The UI is neat and unique

    ---- Chara Design : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Renders/Graphisms : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    ---- Story/Writing : :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
    ---- Background/Atmosphere : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Animations : (n)(n)
    ---- Sex scenes : (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
    ---- Gameplay : :):):):)
    ---- Contents/Updates : :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    review for chapter 1:

    It's late so I'm not going to go into to much detail.

    This is an amazingly polished first entry for a game. The production value is rock solid. The renders are all top quality. Though there wasn't really any animation, the variation of the still shots were done so well that I never felt like anything was missing.

    I like pretty much all the girls, even the one muscly girl who I initially thought I wouldn't.

    The writing is really good. Perfect English and compelling scenes. Good build of tension and even a few times where I found myself laughing along with the characters on screen.

    I can see the subject mater being a bit hard for some people to read simply because this is not the type of game for people who want a harem where you're the only one who gets to touch a girl. Usually that's the type of game I like to play, but what I've seen here is enough to pull me out of my comfort zone and still enjoy it.

    The gameplay is interesting. I'm not sure how much the opening traits you pick in the story will actually influence the flow of the novel, but it does grant you different choices you can/cannot make. And it seems as if the choices you do make in story aren't trivial... though it's uncertain at this point if it's possible to completely lock yourself out of a route with a girl or not.

    All in all, this is one of the most polished western VNs I have ever played. From the renders to the UI everything looks like a finished product, instead of a first chapter place holder.

    The only reason you should not play this game is if you absolutely cannot stomach the idea of girls that the protagonist might sleep with sleeping with someone else. (Note: this is not NTR. The protagonist isn't in a relationship with these girls either.) Also if you hate BDSM, then probably not the game for you. (Though so far they've focused on the humiliation part of things more than causing pain. I don't know if that will continue).

    If none of that is a deal breaker, absolutely play this game. If you're on the fence, try it anyways.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a good start! There is a lot of content in first chapter. Dialogs are interesting such as story. Yes, the plot is very promising, can't wait for second chapter. Renders are quality made. Abilty to watch a characters profile is a good idea. 5 out of 5!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic first build with lots of content, great models, and solid writing. I'm not a fan of BDSM and domination, but there seems to still be plenty of other content and more loving paths to take. I hope there will be a good balance so that fans of both styles can get what they want out of the game. So far you are striking a great balance. Can't wait to see the next release. You've got yourself a patron!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for the first release (chapter 1)

    it's really incredible ! i never saw a first release with all this content !

    the story is good, the renders too, the content is enjoyable and diverse, you have vanilla, bdsm, light femdom.

    i recommend this game, and i hope we will get a lot more content.