What a blast it was ! I really did not expect this game to be this good already especially looking at the HS models and premises that are not that engaging.
Even if you are under that impression, I recommend you to give it a try, you might like it afterall has it has a lot of good points that can't be seen on pictures. Now, to be a masterpiece, it might need some improvement on the animations, but otherwise it is already very solid.
- Renders are good, girls are cute & sexy, more than what you usually expect with HS engine, the MC is the typical HS male model tho'
- The characters are fun
- Music is well chosen and will fit with the situation most of the time
- Writing is really good
- Story doesn't seem very original, but the pace is good and the dialogues are engaging
- The gameplay is fine, mostly VN with some freeroam from time to time to change the pace a little. Also at the start of the game, you can customize the traits of the MC which will affect some possible choices later on. The devs knows what to do to keep the player entertained
- Sex scenes are good eventhough there are almost no animations, that might be the only negative point I can find at the moment
- Some aspects and fetishes are portrayed, it seems you can avoid most of them if you don't like brutality, degradation or BDSM, but it would be a waste, those scenes are quite well done, with good dialogue/music/atmosphere
- Contents are huge for a first realease
- The UI is neat and unique
---- Chara Design :

---- Renders/Graphisms :

---- Story/Writing :

---- Background/Atmosphere :

---- Animations :

---- Sex scenes :

---- Gameplay :

---- Contents/Updates :