This weeks preview sure has generated a lot of thread activity.
I don't think "Have you met Ian's mom?" is a legitimate quest for information. I read it as a facetious, rhetorical question meant to rebut the other speaker's viewpoint or suggestion about Grace with incredulity. A slightly more specific example: Edwin says there is a problem with Grace that demands attention, to which Mina suggests ignoring it, with Edwin replying "Have you met Ian's mom?"
Also, since we're all weighing in with our bandage theories, I have one:
Instead of the diner, Edwin takes the Carnations to an afternoon Orioles-Red Sox game for their pre-exhibition team building activity. The ghost of James Earl Jones shows up to give them a rousing pep-talk, but an inebriated Felicia, mistaking his speech as encouragement to streak, takes the field, becoming the first arrested. Shortly after, Vero gets in a dustup with Ben Affleck and some other obnoxious Sox fans, so she's outta there. Rosie apologizes to Ben while Ed calls Kathleen to figure out how to get the Carnations out of the clink. Suddenly, the kiss cam focuses on Ben and Rose. Thinking quickly before Rose gets swept down the path to being the third Missus Affleck, Edwin invokes the Full Deal to make Rose give him a kiss so lewd that mothers throughout the stadium shield their children's eyes from the debauchery on the jumbotron. Sheepishly, Ben ponders why getting humiliated like this is turning him on so much. Kat has the Police Chief get Big Red and Feli released in time for the exhibition. When Ed goes to pick them up, at the doorway to the police station, he inadvertently shoulder checks a cop getting off duty who's on his way to coach his girlfriend's son's little league practice. The cop, having had a disappointing decade since separating from the Corps, is wistfully yearning for his bygone fobbit days at Delaram, when he and his M4 went unchallenged by women and children alike. Snapped back into the present by the unexpected collision, he takes exception to Edwin's smug face and lack of deference, and bashes his hand with an aluminum baseball bat, promising to do worse if he ever again is witness to Edwin not groveling before the Thin Blue Line.
That's just what sprung to mind when I saw Eddie's bandaged hand. I don't know if it's because today's MLB Opening Day, but I just feel like there needs to be more baseball sprinkled into Pale Carnations. Anyone else?