And she never shuts up about the size of this other guy's dick on any of the cuck paths. How cliche.
While having sex, she has to go on and on about it. After they've had sex, she has to repeatedly mention it. While her and her husband are having sex later, she again has to say something about it. Does being a cuck necessarily mean that a husband and wife cannot have private intimate moments any longer, to where they're focused on each other instead of talking about other people while having sex?
I could never be a cuck, but even if I agreed to some sort of sharing arrangment with my partner, we would not last for long if she was routinely bringing up other men when we're supposed to be spending time as a couple. Thankfully, on the "threesome" route the wife finally shuts up about the other guy's dick after they leave. She still mentions Derek groping her breasts before she has sex with the MC in the bedroom, or men staring at her tits as she danced while she has sex with the MC in the hot tub, but at least she finally shuts up about how much bigger and better this other guy's dick is.
In contrast, if the MC gets a BJ from the masseuse earlier in the game, he's unwilling to say that her tits are better than his wife's...which arguably is correct, but I'd like to think that even if he thought her breasts were nicer than his wife's breasts, he might be unwilling to admit this out of respect for his wife (not wanting to make downward comparisons in relation to his wife's body parts when considering other women's body parts). The funny thing about the BJ incident too is that it's the only event in the game where the wife shows any kind of hint of jealousy. Otherwise all the jealousy comes from the wife teasing the MC. I would start to question my value in a relationship if I'm the one who's always being made to feel jealous.