Unity - Completed - Parasitic Evil [v3.08] [R's]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't give this game 4 stars, but don't exactly feel like 5 stars - disclaimer.
    The game is really good. When I say really, I mean, the game is really straightforward, has a lot of scenes-per-playtime hours. The last portion of the game gets a little so-so, but it's pretty good all throughout. I didn't even realize the monsters were an option until midway through the game. The game also isn't superbly long.

    - Fantastic art quality
    - Solid kink engagement
    - Respectable gameplay mechanics
    - Falls off a little towards the end because of repetitiveness but has good parts. Would have enjoyed all the monsters having respective scenes.
    - High Goon-Game ratio. A lot of the game is gooning and it incorporates it fairly well into playtime. It forces you to goon because the game has a lust meter, which is good until you want to finish the game. But you can change how fast that meter progresses.
    - Solid sex progression
    - Think I would've liked more upgrades, or more specifically more upgrades to the sprint meter.
    You want to stay a little slower for a while, until you start really getting money and getting into the last parts of the game when you have a lot of money and a lot of available bullets.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally, i really enjoyed the game, despite knowing its far from perfect.
    1. H-Scenes - they are really good and especially given that it is animated. the FMC is well drawn.
    2. Game play - The game play and mechanics is put together well and compliments each other. The game can get a bit hard if you don't have a walkthrough. Otherwise the difficulty is quite fair.
    3. Hiding - Some enemies have infinite HP or practically infinite. This makes hiding mandatory. and believe me... hiding is fun. *wink wink*
    4. Atmosphere - The atmosphere is well built. You feel fear, but not the disgusting fear. The combination of fear and.... well... H... really keeps your adrenaline up.
    5. Sound - Most games have sound as background. This game... sound is part of the mechanic.

    even though the game isn't flawless, its just so well done that i paid for it on Steam.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta hand it to this one. It was pretty good. I liked the concept. Very few side scroller games out there with male protagonist. Even fewer where they aren't beta males or getting raped. The premise of the game is pretty simple and believable for a porn game. It's a science gone wrong horror game where you wake up to find you have been infected by this strange disease but are not only immune, your blood and semen is the antidote/ cure. You wake up next to an infected girl who is hot as hell. You find out very quickly that your semen is capable of keeping her from changing into a monster.

    The rest of the game is as it should be for a porn side scroller game. You work your way through a dark hospital trying to make your way out without dying. Several monster types roaming the halls. The sound in this game is top notch and a key feature to survival. You can always hear the monsters before they arrive giving you time to identify them based on what sounds they make and whether or not you can or should fight/ flee/ hide. As you make your way through the game, you must regularly deposit you semen in your female companion to keep her from turning and trying to kill you. At first you can only do this in single patient rooms but as you turn her from a novice to a slut, she becomes open to sex while you are hiding as well. But be ware. The monsters can hear you having sex too if you aren't careful while you are hiding.

    Plenty of sex and porn throughout the game but it doesn't keep you completely focused on it either. The sex is good enough to keep you entertained while you play but the gameplay itself is just as enjoyable. Sneaking around the hospital in search of clues, resources, and all together progressing through the story was all together enjoyable as well. There are 10 hospital floors to search and work your way through. As you make your way down, it gets more and more challenging, introducing new monster types and often throwing multiple of those types at you at once. Fortunately only one monster type can't be fought off, so if you bring enough bullets in your hand gun, you should be set to handle most of the challenges you face if you are quick enough.

    I didn't encounter any bugs, glitches, or crashes and thoroughly enjoyed my time. Took me about 8hrs to finish give or take your experience level with these types of games.

    There were only a few minor gripes i had with this one. One was that you very quickly fully upgrade your character and then have a surplus of points to use for upgrading but with nothing to use them on. It would've been better to either make it more challenging to upgrade your character or had other things to spend those points on after you completely upgrade. Things like outfits, more sex positions, quality of life perks. I completely upgraded my character in the first quarter of the game and then found no reason other than to keep my lady companion from turning to have sex with her again. This leads me to my next gripe.

    There aren't very many scenes. There are 5 positions in total, and to be fair once you get close to the end of the game you unlock 2 more bondage scenes, but ultimately these scenes got pretty stale about half way through the game. I appreciated the variety in the sprite scenes but still not much there as well. Like I said, sex was enjoyable but wasn't so enjoyable that you wanted to go to a scene over finishing the story.

    The last thing really isn't a gripe, just a wish. Your character only fucks one girl the entire game, and of course if you die, she gets raped, and corrupted while you bleed out and die next to her. I wish that at the end they could of thrown in a few more sex scenes with other girls. At the very end there is a perfect spot where they could've implemented this in order to help several different girls. I think it could've been the end game reward for beating the game if they had let you "save" those girls. In a sexual manner of course. But you just kind of leave them their brainless and nearly lifeless. It was a missed opportunity given that your character literally has the magic semen that cures monsters. Why wouldn't you use it to save several girls. It just had be shaking my head. Also kind of bummed all the scenes were censored but you get what you get.

    All in all. Fantastic game. It isn't no parasite city but its unique play style and premise more than make up for that. Give the game a try, I doubt anyone will be disappointed unless you have a hard no policy on censored sex, rape, or get scared very easily and shit your pants constantly. Great horror sex game. We need more games like this with male protagonists fucking girls in side scrollers/ platformers. They are a rare breed but when they are made, they are usually very good. Need More Devs. Thank you. 5 stars for sure.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The scenes and atmosphere are pretty decent, but honestly the gameplay is repetitive and clunky. The map design is basically just the same few dark hallways and rooms looped 10x. The controls are jank, and the mechanics are inconsistent. Why does the MC gain skill points in shooting from having more sex? Why do skill points and the various sex stats only increase in the main simulator and not the hiding parts? Why are we looking for money in this abandoned hospital to use a vending machine, and why does a hospital's vending machine have bullets and sex toys?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is decent and i loved the puzzles! the animations are very good. the fetishes here are wild! the story was also interesting. i wonder if there will be second part :p recommended for those searching for naughty puzzle game!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite side-scroller game. Finally I can play a male protagonist who is in control and does the fucking. I'm tired of female protagonists and NTR stuff.

    There isn't anything bad I can tell from the game. I don't expect a FF7 level story telling from games nowadays, especially NSFW games. The story isn't too deep, but you can tell that there was a lot of effort put into the game.

    The game did what it intended to do by keeping the game haunting, mysterious, and at times, suspenseful. This atmosphere was skillfully created through the music, setting, and monsters in the game. The puzzled and aspect of the game really played into the mystery of the story while you search around the hospital.

    There isn't anything to complain about the combat system. A simple run and shoot mechanic. I do enjoy the suspense of the sounds and footsteps from the monsters as well as the breathing sounds as the character starts running out of stamina. This is what makes a simple run and shoot gameplay so much more enjoyable and immersive.

    The girl is super hot and his big tits. The scenes have a good variety and I really love being able to have sex in the gameplay rather than just cutting into a scene.

    I feel like there is much more to say about the game, but go enjoy it for yourself. If they make a second one, I would be really excited to play it.
    Likes: maxso
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is so dark that you can barely see most of the time even when I up the screen brightness to the max.
    Clunky controls only make it worse.
    It seens interesting, but those issues didn't allow me to really experience the game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game does something really special for me in the sex scenes. It's so interactive, the girl moans differently depends on how far you've trained her and speed you choose so there's like stages upon stages of different noises that she makes. It's so good I want the developers of this game to redo every single sex scene in every adult game I've ever played. The dialogues are also busty af.

    I don't really care about the story or the gameplay of a 6 dollar indie adult game. For me they don't have to be a "good game" they just have to be a "good adult game". The gameplay is alright is what Im saying.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I played with cheat engine while following a guide, so my rating is not affected by the grind that you will experience by playing with no cheats.

    The main reason why I gave this a 4 star is because I really like the hidden/risky sex element of this game. Tho, to reach this point, you would already have to grind for some time for the Female Main character to want to do it with you in the hiding areas.

    For the hidden sex scenes themselves, I wish there were more variations and more locations for H scenes. But overall, this was a good game to play (with cheats and guides)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Different approach for rape scrollers. Instead of female MC getting fucked by monsters we have male MC who has to protect girl with big tits from monsters and also fuck her regularly so she won't turn into another monster.

    + Decent game length.
    + Good horror story.
    + Option to train the girl.
    + Interactive and uncensored hot sex scenes.
    + Combat, resource management, skill learning.
    + Puzzles.
    + Full audio.

    - While sex content is good it's also somehow limited and scenes gets quickly similar and repeatable.
    - Translation could be better.
    - Gameplay rotates about repeating same pattern of actions over and over.

    If you like escape room style horror games focused on solving puzzles, backtracking, exploring areas, finding clues/keys/etc you should have fun playing this even without sexual content. But there is sexual content as sweet cherry on top and it's not some optional thing added but vital part of gameplay, impacting story progress and game mechanics.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    its a functional game but overall quite boring. the gameplay stays the same and have nothing much to offer, the h is average with pretty stiff animation and sub par voice acting

    the map gets tiring with long corridors over long corridors, I get that its a hospital but atleast make it a bit more interesting.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the weirdest games i've played not only for the lore but the leveling up system as well.

    Firstly, they don't recommend a difficulty for your first time playing.

    Secondly, the tutorial is all over place. Don't get me wrong , the game is functional, not visually bad and with a chilling atmosphere but it just feels like a typical JRPG. Also, the h-scenes are repetitive and reminds me of some old school newgrounds games. I don't understand why the rating is so high here.

    I always rate my games compared to other great games i've played and i can safely say that this is a basic one. No offense but I gave 2* for the art and atmostphere.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game honestly feels kinda average, the story is fine but requires alot of backtracking to complete and alot of tedious hiding from the enemies combined with ALOT of walking if you don't spam buy stam pots.

    If you're here for the porn like I initially was, don't bother as the scenes don't really do anything different in either quality or ideas in this genre of h-games. That and the fact there's only 5 actual monster scenes/bad ends, was under the impression when I finished the game, that there'd be scenes for all the research noted monsters but suprisely few scenes enemy scenes, MC scenes aren't particularly special either, though his girl has alot of voice acted lines so that's nice.

    I personally don't see the appeal for this game as I don't see what it does differently from anything else in the genre, porn wasn't there for me at least..
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything was told before me I just wanted to give a rating for this game abd say 2 things.

    1. The translation could be better especially with AI but it's still quite good, no Shakespearian bullshit and it's still understandable.

    2. One of the review said that the game without a guide is 1/5 and I couldn't disagree more. Sure, if you rush all day every day, and don't know which markers you need to look for but that's on you not on the game. It's quite enjoyable and loved the exploring parts of the game too.

    You don't need any guide for this, everything is explained enough.

    Altho the only anonnying fact that there is no gallery in the game(or I missed it) even after clearing the game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Without a walkthrough, this is a 1/5 for the absurdly large amount of backtracking, with a walkthrough, this is a 5/5. So my rating is the average of those two, 3/5.
    Here's a link:

    So, the story is, in a genetic experiment gone wrong, you meet a young woman who is infected, the only temporary cure is the main character's sperm. You navigate around the hospital, avoid or shoot zombies, search for key items, unlock doors and floors and so on, and look for a way to escape the hospital. You get a happy ending when you escape.

    You search for items, hide in safe rooms, hide in lockers, find notes, fight or run away from zombies, farm points to acquire upgrades, collect money, bullets, healing syringes. You have to disinfect your girl companion with sperm from time to time to avoid hitting a game over. In terms of gameplay, she is completely useless and serves no purpose, but this is a porn game so you cooperate with her. There's infinite money spawning in rooms, there's vending machines to buy everything you need. In combat, you gotta either kill the enemy with 3 bullets, or heal up, or reaload, or run away and hide somewhere. You will find zombie traps on the ground and zombie eyes trying to see you and send zombies after you. There's a noise mechanic, meaning if you run of shoot you attract enemies, if you walk calmly or stay still or hide you don't cause noise, but this is kinda weird because you can remain still without making noise and yet the zombies can still find you, this is not explained in the game at all. Some enemies are immortal and you can only stun them for a duration, the big boss cannot be stunned at all so you gotta bail. There's a boss fight at the end where your skills really are put to the test, in combat you can also dodge to avoid incoming attacks. As you progress you will collect upgrade points, you need pretty much everything so that's interesting.

    Level design:
    it's stupidly hard, and realistic. You explore hospital floors one by one, but you have no map so you are completely blind, you need to quickly find a map and then start searching every room to get all the things you need. Sometimes you will see that one door which just wont open no matter what you do, that's because it requires items from the next levels, with backtracking. The last puzzle in the game with the colour separating is glitched if you fail it on the first try, you gotta reload, which is very very dumb. It took me 4 sittings to finish the game, cause on my 4-th sitting I picked up the goddamn walkthrough obviously, in this f95 thread you will see that 90% of the comments are people that are stuck in some level and ask how the hell they should progress, this shows you all you need to know about the tedious level design.

    At the start you can only have H-scenes with her in the safe rooms only if you have that red energy drink thing, which encourages you to farm resources and use the vending machine to buy red energy drinks. The girl is a virgin, so after the intro when you meet she now depends on you to inject sperm in her to avoid her turning in a monster, as you have more and more H-scenes she gets more degenerate and horny, this is a pretty bare bones corruption system. The H-scenes are fully animated and well made definitely, pretty much the only fun thing in the entire game. As she gets more horny, she will want to have H-scenes in all the hiding spots in the levels, there you can hide and fix her progressing infection for free, no more grinding for red energy drinks, which is fun. When you beat the game you get the entire gallery unlocked.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    You and your girl are walking through the dark hallway when all of a sudden a zombie mutant spots you. You fuckin' Akuma teleport past it and enter the restroom and get in a stall. The zombie walks in, pauses in front of the stall, and walks the other way. With the coast clear, you decide to have sex in the stall and go top speed with your girl howling loud enough that a zombie drops in from the ceiling.

    It's fun the way they incorporate an exhibition gameplay aspect. It can be a bit of a grind collecting resources though. The (non-hiding) sex scenes are nice the first time or two you do em, but it's hard to say why something feels unfulfilling to me.

    Overall a nice game to try out once. The "gallery" is even available without ever completing the game. You go through a showroom of the sex scenes/spots.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game.

    Gameplay is a mix between fast paced and stealth. You're going to be discovered eventually, but you are given plenty of tools to deal with that, whether using your gun, hiding, or simply running far enough away. Since stuff respawns, you won't have resource issues outside the beginning as long as you don't spam items and bullets on every monster. I recommend playing on the hardest difficulty unless you have really, really bad reflexes.

    Hentai wise, its pretty good. The girl is hot, and the scenes are animated. You have both full animated scenes on the bed, as well as those spritish ones with the standing models while hiding. That said, its mostly vanilla. You do have some unusual additions, like fisting of all things, and some light S&M with the wooden horse and whip, but it still comes back to mostly vanilla. There's definitely a maledom and corruption aspect to the scenes, which is good for me personally.

    My main complaint with the h-scenes is that its lacking something. Its hard to explain, everything on paper is good, the art is good, its just...boring. Might be more of a me thing.

    I wouldn't replay this, but I'm glad I played it. Considering the effort, and attention paid to making the experience pleasurable, I'm still giving it five stars.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really a great game, it balances erotic content well with gameplay. If the player cheats, they will not enjoy it properly, because it is that type of game that stimulates you by stressing you out so that you enjoy the scenes more as a reward and those who cheat will not feel that sensation. I hope to see more content like this in the future since there is a plague of visual novels that pretend to be games and only waste time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the female protagonist.
    The point that you have to hide, and have animated sex is the kind of thing that I didn't know that I love.
    And and horror game that don`t have any gore it's nice aswell.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I think for all intents this is a good game. One I do not like for most part and would never have played more then a bit if not for just assigning myself infinite resources. So a warning lads and lasses this is more a game then a erogame. Fair amount more then most 'games' but for any chance to finish if you start it you gotta come in running expecting to play a game with good H content.
    Someone should tag the walkthrough in progress being made.
    So when playing this until then bust out notepad cause you gonna need it otherwise gonna have to go through the damn notes you picked up to find code you are lookin for.