VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Parental Love [v1.1] [Luxee]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an excellent game. 5/5 Stars.
    At the start it was kind of worrisome, but the choice based combat made it fairly easy to deal with the problems.
    Hope more people get a chance to play this gem.
    Also can't wait to see if this dev has any plans to make more games.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 8
    Writing: 4.5
    Renders: 6
    Total Score: 6.2

    Some good renders, the overall story is good but good god the writing itself is terrible. Not grammatically, I'm talking about the plot holes and the way the characters are written. It's understandable that you'd want a somewhat plain characters for self-inserts but the MC just coasts along everytime something bad happens. I get it, weirdo is touching daughters or trying to take a picture and he beats the guy, cool, understandable even. But how the hell does it make sense that your house is broken into SEVERAL times, no shattered windows but the guy gets inn that easily... What this makes me think/feel is very straigthforward.
    - Are you retarded and not able to close doors and/or windwos?
    - How doesn't the MC talk to his daughter about Eric not being welcome? - Elly just allows him inn no problem as if she and MC never talk and just fuck all the time?
    - Okay MAYBE it's acceptable that she forgot or wasn't told, how does the MC just enjoy sex for several days as if there's not weirdo criminals after his daughters?
    - MC is staking out waiting for said criminal and can't just reject Elly one fucking time for the sake of safety?

    I don't know, I feel like the story itself is good, the plot if you will. The fantasy of a family that accepts and wants an incest/harem or whatever you want to call it. The characters themselves being attractive etc. If I had to compare it, I'd compare it to power-fantasy media just the porn version. I liked the game, and the fact it's complete is a big plus but even though I love harem/incest, I can't really give this anything higher than a 6.2. If the game was animated at all (sex scenes are static) or the writing wasn't so bad in the start I'd gladly give this an 8-9, which saddens me.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is very cliché at the beginning and then turns into some ridiculous xD, at least it made me laugh and there is pregnancy :)
    No music.
    No animations.
    Renders were not that bad.
    Most characters are cliché. Man... that Jenna is insufferable, she did things that the MC should have done, which in my opinion, means bad written characters.
    Overall this is a 6.5/10.
    Likes: BakaG
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Tytuł: Parental Love

    Opis fabuły:
    W grze wcielasz się w ojca, który po rozstaniu z żoną wraca do rodzinnego domu. Jego dwie dorosłe córki zaczynają z nim flirtować, aż w końcu zakochują się w nim. Główny bohater ma już doświadczenie z kazirodczym związkiem z siostrą, więc teraz musi przekonać resztę rodziny do podobnych relacji.

    Co mi się podobało:

    • Dialogi: Były dobrze napisane i realistyczne. Historia rozwija się stopniowo, co nadaje jej wiarygodności.
    • Realizm: Gra przedstawia sytuację w sposób, który mógłby wydawać się możliwy w rzeczywistości, zwłaszcza w kontekście stopniowego korumpowania seksualnie domowników.
    • Wpływ siostry: Rola siostry głównego bohatera i jej wpływ na resztę rodziny to świetny motyw, dodający głębi fabule.
    Co mi się nie podobało:

    • Wiek młodszej córki: Jest zbyt niski, powinna być starsza o co najmniej 3-4 lata.
    • Scena z Farrah: Ta scena była zbyt przerażająca, nawet dla kogoś o specyficznych upodobaniach.
    • Mało wyborów: Gra oferuje niewiele fabularnych ścieżek i decyzji, a te, które są, mają małe znaczenie poza początkiem gry.
    Szczególne cechy:

    • Grafika: Ładna grafika i modele postaci, choć biusty i pośladki wyglądają sztucznie.
    • Rodzinny harem: Mało postaci pobocznych, co pozwala na głębsze rozwinięcie głównych bohaterów i ich charakterów oraz stosunku do kazirodztwa.
    Ocena gry: 4 na 5


    Title: Parental Love

    Plot Description:
    In the game, you play as a father who returns to his family home after separating from his wife. His two grown-up daughters begin to flirt with him and eventually fall in love with him. The protagonist has already experienced an incestuous relationship with his sister, so now he has to convince the rest of the family to engage in similar relationships.

    What I liked:

    • Dialogues: They were well-written and realistic. The story develops gradually, which makes it seem plausible.
    • Realism: The game presents the situation in a way that feels like it could really happen, especially with the slow sexual corruption of the household members.
    • Influence of the Sister: The role of the protagonist's sister and her influence on the family is a great motif, adding depth to the storyline.
    What I didn't like:

    • Age of the Younger Daughter: She is too young; she should be at least 3-4 years older.
    • Scene with Farrah: This scene was too disturbing, even for someone with a warped mind.
    • Few Choices: There are not many narrative paths and decisions in the game; the ones that exist are mostly significant at the beginning and less important later on.
    Special Features:

    • Graphic: Nice graphics and character models, though the breasts and buttocks look artificial.
    • Family harem: There are few supporting characters, which allows for a deeper development of the main protagonists and their characters, as well as their relationship to incest.
    Game rating: 4 out of 5
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    Was really excited about this AVN, since it combines incest, a crazy sister, and a very young daughter among my kinks.

    Sadly, after a few hours of playing, the experience was ruined by horrible writing. The developer thought that getting the MC shitfaced drunk while away with the youngest daughter, and then taking her virginity while drunk (with only 2 totally blurry screens shown to the player, and no text) would be a fun way to cheapen the experience. Personally I wanted to see the expression on her face her first time, take our time with the experience and really enjoy it, and was utterly robbed of it.

    Due to the limited number of LIs, it totally ruined the VN with that crap move. It was trending between a 4.3 and 4.5 for me, but after that it's down to a 2.0. Future note to all developers: DON'T rob the player of unique experiences that they may be looking forward to in your game(s). It sucks ass, and makes your games suck ass as a result.

    Edit: Finished the game, and the rest actually got better (and didn't cuck the player again). So despite the scene I was looking forward to the most being lost, the overall was okay in the end. Still, major letdown in writing and scene planning. If you go the Harem route, be prepared for a disappointing Ada encounter. 2.5 stars for the effort, despite mangling the presentation.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    classic Harem/Incest Game. I really like these types of games. It reminds me of radiant and My new memories. F/D incest game where mc reunites with his daughters and falls in love with them. I normally prefer Young Man Protags, because they are closer to my age, but middle aged MCs arent so bad either. especially in games like these. story is a little mediocre to be honest, except the youngest daughters gaming competition, which was pretty interesting. Also i think you should add M/S in games like these, like in my new memories, that makess it even more interesting. At least there is B/S in here.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    There's no music, sound effects or animation, and the lack of these reduces the immersion of the gameplay. I also found the story very clichéd. The only good thing about it is that choices can affect the story, but that doesn't change the fact that the game is overrated. You can influence things with your choices, but the game didn't make me care about the story or the characters, so there wasn't much point in changing anything. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything special about Parental Love compared to other games I've played.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    CW: age (which I didn't know and just ignored because otherwise it's bizarre)

    Story 3/5 - the plot has it's moments, but there are a few turns that are just wacky or don't make that much sense ("let's just jump to threats of sexual violence", etc.)

    Art 4/5 - Renders improve over time

    Writing ESL/5 - I generally give folks a pass on this if it's possible to tell what you're after, and nothing in the translation is too egregious
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Although the logic in how the characters vision in familial relations is fucked up at times, it still has a perfect build op to every event & sex scene and most of the art is top tier. Perfect variation in the harem, different routes for your personal choices.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly an ok porn game, it has a variety of endings which I appreciate but this Jenna character is so annoying and ugly they try to force her into the main story when she really isn't needed at all. For example the path with Elly is the easiest to get but not without marrying Jenna as well which doesn't make sense and isn't the purpose you're going down the Elly path for...
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The protagonist's interest in certain characters as possible objects of affection or desire made me supremely uncomfortable. Once I got to that point I had to put the game down. If you're okay with questionable ages, then by all means proceed, but that was a very literal turn off.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game in so many regards.

    Great looking women, visually well done, renders just nice to look at.

    Story is perfect for incest and very suiting the flow of the game.

    Plenty of content with different women and a lot of fun in general.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Story starts out very very weird, you meet up with your EX-wife and can pick dont forgve her which i picked, but nothing after that makes any sense, MC is then being very nice to her, hugs and touch her and shit like that i mean why would he be nice if he dosent forgive her? he even sleeps in a bed with her? and they call one anohter things like honey? to make it even worse MC even has sex with the ex-wife? let me remind you, my choice was not to forgive her and they act like they are married and been living together forever even though they spilit up years earliere and also every choice i did was to avoid the ex-wife, never peeked or looked or said anything nice to her and it still ends with MC fucking her....its awefull and nothing story wise makes any kind of sense.

    MC gets back with the ex-wife without any choices to the players and every choice made with her is ignored, that makes for a really piss poor story.

    The incest patch makes it a bit creepy due to ages set, but thats an optional patch so cant blame that on the game, would have been nice with a normal incest patch with higher age or just have the option to pick it yourself.

    Girls dosent look that great but they are still ok and MC isent the worst, diversity in builds are ok.

    No animatons which is always a bit more boring.

    No music or effects which is always boring.

    Choices dosent really matter its mostly just a kinetic story where your choices are ignored which is always idiotic and make for a very poor story, game also forces sex scenes with people you hate which again is just no good.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the best cuckquean AVN on the site, belongs to the 'Family Harem' specialized genre.

    The incest/loli patch makes for a spicier experience, but overall it's much the same story.

    The character of the sister stands out as a special sort of degenerate, and I kinda liked her best among the options.

    It's porn with plot, and if the patch's contents interest you and you can't be bothered to go to **********, it's a decent play.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the most fucked up, immoral +18 game I've ever played, absolutely loved it. The only bad part of the game is that it ends, but even then the several endings give it some replayability, a very rare thing to find in games like this. Anyway, enjoyed it very much. Amazing game
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games.
    too bad it's over.
    Maybe there will be a sequel .
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great incest game. Only downside is that game is short. Very nice characters and great narrative/plot. A nice number of scenes makes a great game to play. If you are into incest, I definitely recommend it to play.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    First of play it with the lewd patcher, or atleast incest patch the game just doesn´t make any sense otherwise. And if you don´t like incest and lolis look somewhere else.

    I liked all the lolis and incest I was really surprised that the Fahhra scene happend, but most other scenes are not really that exciting especially because the animations are garbage. The models except the lolis also look very boring and Emily even ugly.

    The story is weirdly paced and not really interesting.

    Another really awful thing that makes me rate this game low is that there are no sounds or even music which makes it feels cheap and boring.

    But if you like incest and loli content you can try it but it´s nothing special.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a short but good game. Nice "plot" and setting. Everything very straightforward

    Only thing that I'd have to complain about is that the models look very much alike. The wife and the daughters seem to be twins of different ages, which is a little meh for me. I would have prefered more unique models and also alittle more depth in characters.

    Overall, if you are into incest and like blondes. This is for you :D
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A great great incest game. Dont know what to say that hasnt been said already. I like how you can just follow a path, but theres a lot of choices early on that may derail it. Thankfully you just save and the name will default to the path you're following-very nice little mechanic. Definitely a game worth playing for multiple endings.