Nearly there....
Hi again!
The end is nigh, boys and girls! I've play tested most of the update and bugfixed along the way. One more day should see me through. So the plan is to send it to my quality control guy late monday night (tomorrow). And unless he finds something very critical, I'll post a test-version here on Patreon on Wednesday night (European time).
Let me be clear: this will be a TEST version, so it will be missing some features (1 scene, 1 animation and some other minor features/improvements). But other than that, the game should be playable.
I will then spend the next few days completing the missing stuff and polishing the game based on any feedback I get. Hopefully the actual complete update will then be released on Sunday, February 23.
I'm sooo looking forward to start working on the spidergirl update

Have a nice day!