The moon flower pollen pastry I baked it once for Rosy and then the entire bake option is gone afterwards. I can't bake anything in any stove (regular or laced pastry). Is there some questline locking that? Also for most girls they seem to only take one specific thing (like frida want vergatables) and I haven't seen any of them take any other thing. Is there some trigger for everyone to start accepting stardust pastry?
After the first time you make Special Pastries you have to use "Make Food & Drink" to make more, the recipe is listed there. Click on the recipe to see what ingredients you have for making them and check if you're missing any.
Using "Make Food & Drink" always takes time from the clock based on the total things made in one session, you can make different things in the same session as long as you don't exit the menu. 1-4 total items = 1 hour, 5-9 items = 2 hours, 10-19 = 3 hours, 20-29 = 4 hours, 30+ = 5 hours.
I am trying to gauge how how long it would take me to get to this book of girls quest. Would you happen to know where it is in the guide? Or based on my current progress, would it be something I can get to in a short time?
You can get the Book of Girls with the quest "Ancient Treasure" pretty early if you make it a goal. I usually retrieve the BoG by Day 5-6 and have it activated by Day 12-13.
Talk to Ralph at the WW inn, the next time you go there Shady Eyepatch Guy tries to sell you something (buy it, 300 coins). Ask Ralph about Ancients & treasure and follow where the dialogue points you. Once you know where the
other key is buried you can dig that one up. (TIP: Don't start digging later than Hour 9, or any time there are attackers on that map.)
When you have both keys go the the Ancient Shrine map and use them on the right-hand outside ruins. The entry is hidden (not marked), see below for where it is. You can dodge the orcs if you want but you'll need to whack them eventually anyway. You should have a torch handy (
or Darkvision if you've made Blood Potions). Get the book, and show it to Erevi when you have the option to do that.