Unity - Completed - PerfectLover [v1.3.0] [GREEN CURRY]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Julie Sky

    Pretty girls, realistic graphics, very cool, successful and exciting sounds. I like the game very much. I would like to see something in a similar atmosphere.

    I would like to see more girls, outfits and accessories :)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Well no story, you just have 3 girls to pick from to spend the night with.
    Theres alot of diffrent things starting from foreplay to sex.
    It not really a game since you just have to click cum 5 times to make the girl level up and open more stuff, so i would say save the time and repeats and download a save as well so you can see everything from the start.

    Its missing a few things like you cant lick the girl but theres plenty of BJ scenes, no footjobs or anything like that so just standard stuff, theres like 3 diffrent sex positions missonary, cowgirl, doggy and some anal as well.

    It has pregnancy but just remember theres no story its just a button you click no more, and that goes for everything.

    Animaions are very good which is proberly the most importen part for a game like this.

    Music/Voice/effets are pretty good to.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Takes a bit to unlock all(or use the included patch), but animation and rendering still holds up in 2021. Have been unable to find any other games by Green Curry =( If you are not looking for any story, and just full H-scene action, this is the place for you.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2218253

    The game graphically is spectacular and the voices are very good.
    The problem is that it is extremely repetitive if you want to unlock everything. Another problem is optimization, if you want to put it on high you need a good PC. Also, animations are a bit robotic and customization is scarce. All this taking into account what the game occupies.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually pretty decent. Would be great if you could edit or create your own custom girls. Graphic quality is up there with Illusion games but it's a little different than the typical Illusion style H-scenes. I guess you could say it's a bit more westernized and much more hardcore!.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game to play around on for a brief period of time but it has enough issues that can't be ignored that it doesn't stand out. The women aren't different enough in body type, the curvier one needs bigger breasts and butt, it's still got translation issues, worst of all is the controls.
    That said for games of this type it's an honest effort, the girls are attractive, it even has pregnancy sex (and now lactation!), and it's not the hardest game to play it needs tweaking not a total overhaul.
    I'll give it three and hope it improves, I don't think it could go lower either so, give it a solid play once if you like the look of it. You won't be wowed but you won't be disappointed too bad either.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is too casual and have little content to it

    If you prefer to drop in and get a quick sex. This maybe for you
    but for me it is meaning less.

    The game do have nice girl but grinding. It not perfect for game like this where there is no varies in many thing such as sex position or other activity.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    a 'game' of sex animations, which are imho good. Graphics are reasonable, sound effects and voices are good. What is not great is lack of content, which might be getting there. To elaborate: 3 girls have the same body, and tbh it baffles me: why even bother?
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.2
    + Pros
    + Animated. (Quality above average.
    + Delicate, well-made 3D models.(Not including the model of the player
    + All 3 characters are voiced.
    + A few customization. (Clothing, skin tone, accessories
    + Decent price.
    + Pretty straightforward style.
    + A dev that's willing to listen to their playerbase.

    - Cons
    - Utterly grinding, looped gameplay.
    - Not all the poses have an ending animation.
    - Your customization data won't be saved.
    - No story-telling, and yet tells you to be careful.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    + High quality animations.
    + One-hand play mode
    + Sexy looking girls.
    + X-ray view of penis/vagina insertion.
    - No anal.
    - Limited amount of sex poses.
    - Hairy vaginas
    - No character customization (like boob size or height)
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v1.0]

    Not really a game, more like somebody charging for their animation coursework.

    Art's alright; facial animation and some body language animations are quality. The pregnancy deforms are oof and the You Fail Biology Forever on the lower bits of the anatomy is boner-destroying if you've ever looked at that part of a woman.

    Gameplay is grindier than a sandpaper magnate that forgot to lube up.

    Nothing squicked me: super vanilla repetition of 4 different kinds of bjs, a couple variations each on missionary / doggy / cowgirl, and I've seen riskier and more accurate ideas of 'bondage' from cosplayers at cons.

    TLDR: All I want for Christmas is a [Dress-Em-Up] tag.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Nonya Bizz

    As decent as the animations look and how kinky it can kinda get, I can't in good conscience give this a better score. I've only completed grinding with the redhead so there may be differences between the other two and her, but it's doesn't fix the issue.

    There is a lot of animation/model clipping, doing any vaginal penetration in an outfit causes the model to clip into and out of the panties, and it looks nice without panties sure but stuff like the bondage outfit looks nice and in order to wear the outfit you have to deal with the clipping.

    The 'customization options' are way too similar between all three. Aside from color variations in shared outfits and a notable difference between bondage/dress outfits that are acquired at the same level, there is somehow too little variation and too much. Why add the option to make all 3 of them white rather than have one be a gyaru or something, especially since all of them are pale skinned already. All three get the same dark elf skin, cat ears, demon horns, and a lust tattoo, but as I said before there are actual differences in regards to the bondage tier (where red head gets a corset, young blonde gets a bunny outfit, and the last gets a skimpy non-bondage dress). It would have been neater if one of them had gotten demon stuff and one of them got stuff like the cat ears while the other got something else, just having a theme for them rather than "they can all be demons with the exact same horn shape".

    The game chugs performance wise and the whole "take a minute to load the night then reload the game and show the game company after every night" is what really drags the game time and grind. I noted in a post in the thread that it took me from 3-6 hours to get the red-head up and swapping to other girls (both are under 20 affection still). The load times are bad enough and the gameplay itself isn't anything that special, but with a hurrying attitude you can complete each night in about 5 minutes if you count loading and such, the majority of which will be the title and loading.

    Speaking of gameplay/time to complete each night, it's good to get to that now: foreplay is awful. People noted that it's worst with the redhead due to her positioning but it's also not great in general because it's just a dull mechanic. You can't take initiative, you get no good buildup like in other games where you touch characters and the girls climax/squirt after every touch which is weird when they are still in clothes. If you enter a night at max lust, you'll start with sex and you won't need to do foreplay to unlock options for the night... but at the same time you still need to do foreplay to get affection for the night even though you were already going at it. As for sex itself, it looks great (aside from clipping) but the timer loop keeps you looking for random popups rather than enjoying the moment which leads to the big issue... the grind.

    Let's say it takes you 3-5 minutes to complete a night with max foreplay and affection gain. You can only gain as much affection though as the character's starting lust, meaning you'll get basically no points if she's only got one star at the start of the night, you cannot modify this in any way in the game without cheating. This means a completionist should jump to the highest lust character each time, only changing once one is done or to catch one up with the others. 5 star lust does not equal a full level of affection however, so I'm going to argue that it takes a minimum of 1.5-2 attempts per affection level. This means that in order to get 23/24 affection, you need to grind over 40 times per character. On the low end, assuming you do everything in 3 minutes with fast loading times and you're paying attention, it takes about 120 minutes assuming you only select one girl each time (which you shouldn't unless she's your true waifu, because the characters will have low lust periods where it's better to grind another).

    Every night is basically the same as well except you get less options at random, depending on her lust she might not be up for some sex acts and it seems to be random (like missionary B will be available, but not missionary A), if you don't understand what they are saying then each night ends with them saying stuff for another few seconds that seems to repeat quite often. There is no story mode, if they do talk it's not made clear on if this is one dude with his harem of if you are cheating on 3 random women.

    If you're able to cheat and get a full save going then it's probably a 4 or so, like I said the animations are pretty good and the sex acts do have some variations between the three characters in terms of body position and climaxes, but to actually sit and play this game and grind in it? I had to pull up another computer and watched youtube for most of my play time because I couldn't leave the game open while watching on this computer, and it still took too long.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    i mean... THESE are the type of animations every "animated" game needs to have! amazing work to the Dev for simplicity and satisfaction, you deliver it all right here. beautiful women, not too big and not too small. the constant babble during sex is a bit annoying, but the moans are sexy. i dont know what more i can say. hope to see more from you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good for what it is. Animations are solid, voice acting is solid (even though it's Japanese), and it even has little minigame elements to make it not so much just a scene viewer.

    Was going to take points away because the characters constantly babble during sex and it's unnerving. But it has an impregnation mechanic so 100/10!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Poor is EXACTLY the term that I wanted to use, thanks to the forum.

    The game is very grindy, pulling in players with the theme of impregnation and forcing them to play for like ten hours before actually be able to not use the fucking condom.

    I went to that famous online save edit site and edited some values to save myself some days of productivity, before discovering that if you get the girl pregnant, then the climax interface gets bugged and you can't choose the climax animation that you want to see.

    This game is really poor in content and the pregnancy climax bug is not really tolerable.

    EDIT 1.2:
    bugs were solved, but the gameplay stays boring. Good for a couple of faps, then you feel sorry that all those nice animations are there without a story or something to keep you entertained for longer. Why do I say for longer? because fuck me if I play this game without skipping that hellish grinding.

    Still, it gains one star from my previous review.

    On a side note, some pussy anatomy revision is in order