BBBen Are you sure? I'm at day 40, had all flashbacks. Have Love & trust for all girls way over 200, Hand, mouth & eye at 10 or more. But I'm getting nothing at nights in the bedroom. Am I missing something here?
It definitely
should trigger at that point and usually does, but I believe there's a bug that
sometimes blocks the scene from triggering. This is another one that if I were at home I probably would have fixed by now because someone reported it yesterday.
possible that for some reason having trust be too high is the problem - that it needs to be around or under 100. (If that's the case, I'll fix it when I can, because that's not intended.) The person who previously reported this issue got the scene by just starting the dating process over again, which is a bit of a pain, I know, but that's the only workaround I'm currently aware of.
I'll note that if anyone's worried about the game feeling "grindy", as it develops there'll just be a whole lot more content happening every day and that will really change the feel of it, because you'll be seeing a lot more content in between chosing dates and stuff. Main plot scenes and more date scenes from specific girls are the first part, but there's also some extra levels of the gameplay still to come and anyone that's played my previous game
Pervert Action: Legacy will know that the ultimate goal is to cram the game full of little extra scenes that trigger under all sorts of conditions.

Although that said, I think a little bit of a proper gameplay loop where you get to make some decisions about how to build up your stats improves the game anyway.