Oh, wow, a bunch of posts here that I wasn't aware of! I normally get emails when someone posts here - my spam filter must be stopping them or something. I just came on here to update the links for v0.7.2 and found that they're already on here and people need some help. Sorry for the slow response! I guess I'll have to check the thread manually now.
With the new version my old saves didnt load up.
So I startet from the beginning, now I am at -448$, did I overlook a way to earn cash?
So if I'm not mistaken previous release had problems (playing windows version) so I started a new game..
And now with this release we have the same (not loading saves) issues? Do we have to start a new game by every release?
I mean, I really love the game, but this is getting rather annoying.
Ideally, I'd like saves to carry over 100% of the time and I've tried to ensure they usually will. Unfortunately I got a lot of feedback (on this thread specifically) that the movement around the apartment was frustrating and bad, so I redesigned that with the new mini-map. The problem is that that will break any save that was in an apartment room with the arrow-based movement system, because all those scripts have had to be redesigned.
I'm not planning any more big changes like that, so I don't expect for that to happen again too much. I wish I could guarantee it - I'll just try to keep it to a minimum.
Welp, kind of sad that I can't play this game... I liked the dev's previous games and played them a lot but this one for some reason (and I hear i'm not the only one) is unplayable for now. I had bugs and black screens in previous versions but now it straight up made my PC crash

! Here's hoping that next versions are more stable because i'm sure there is potential for a great game here ! For now I don't really know because I never managed to go past the firstvisit of the appartment. For those of you that manage to play the game enjoy !
That's the first I've heard of it crashing a system. That sounds like it's likely some kind of clash with the engine, which is very frustrating for me because I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing that issue. I have a really hard time even getting their support people to reply to me. I'm making a note of this and I'll see if I can do anything about it, though.
Game is unplayable for me. played the last version, but after getting into the house on a new game (cause my saves wont load) the next loading screen after the house if fully explored is just the black loading screen forever.
Are you not getting the "NOW LOADING" message, then? It sounds like it crashed; I've been trying to make it less temperamental that way. For a little while I was able to replicate those errors and I thought I'd weeded them out for now, since it does definitely load for a lot of people.
When it gets to that point it's trying to load the main part of the game, so it should be a slightly longer loading screen than the others, but it should still be able to load. I'll make a note of this and continue to see if I can improve its stability when loading the main game.
Incidentally, you say you played the last version - was that v0.7.1 or v0.7.0? Or was it the much earlier 0.2.3? I'm just wondering because that might help me narrow down the problem.
kind of stuck my skill things are all 20+ Emi line is done up to the dance club but nothing else is activating im on day 38 or 39
Same here, all the stats are 20; trust points are over 300 and love points are over 500, but the only playable path is Emi's. Is that a bug or does it supposed to be like that? I am playing the offline version.
Same here, only sex in game that I've come across is beach scene and fashion show scene? Is that right?
Just to be clear, the story ends on day 21 (actually, the game is supposed to just stop there - I'm not sure why it isn't, since it worked for me in testing). The sex scenes will not trigger after that and you could get all manner of strange bugs if you keep playing past day 20. In order to see all the flashbacks and the sex scene, you've got to get Emi's points up and see her subway flashbacks before day 21.
There is definitely more to see past the beach/pool scene and the fashion show!
HTML black screen on every browser. Figured what the hell even with the warning since my pc is top of the line....NADA! How the hell is this still not axed on here? Oh well, deleted and will never darken this game's page again.
I'm running it from the same, do you have anything like no-script or adblock on Basilisk? No-script certainly blocks html files from running scripts by default.
I've been having trouble with the HTML version myself, which is why I didn't distribute that version for v0.7.2 (so any downloads for it on the page will be out of date). However, I think Trixpix might well be on to something here - it might be blocked in browsers by script blocking software like no-script, privacy badger or that kind of thing. Good thinking! I'll investigate this and try to figure out if that's the problem.