Thanks for the interest! I've got answers to your quesions below:
1. I made the game set in a fictional Southeast Asian island country because I specifically wanted to write a setting that combined aspects of several interesting locations I've been to. (But it's also easier to work with a fictional setting, because I can change the rules of the place when I want to.) I've visited a fair bit of SE Asia in recent years and I just find the places really interesting, kind of like a "hot and humid cyberpunk". I guess I just like talking about them and it helps to write about something you have an interest in. I was mashing up Singapore and Bangkok, primarily. That divide between haves and have nots seemed like a good background for a story about suddenly getting a bonanza of wealth and women, too.
2. I ultimately settled on a month for the amnesia timeline for a couple of reasons, but probably the main one was just that I didn't want any of the relationships to have been going on for very long. My original plans had the amnesia going over a whole year, but then I realised some of the stories would feel weird if that much time had elapsed. This way all the emotions are fresh in everyone's minds. That said, while I have a timeline in mind of how it happened, I also haven't put too many specific dates on things, so I can probably get away with fudging things a bit.
3. I'll look into that. It
should give you a bit less trust when you go on an unfavoured date and more on a favoured one. I think I've tested that...
And morning/afternoon dates should only give trust; the text might be incorrect, yeah. I recall fixing that, but the fix might have been in v0.8.
4. Yes, I will probably be doing stuff with the night time section. It's a little less obvious what to do in PAT, since the ladies leave for the night, but in PAL I did quite a lot in the night period after a while. At the moment I think the only night event is Emi's sex scene. It's a good point, though; I could set it up to be a little more active.
5. Yes, I will add a scene gallery in time. It's a bit of a big task, so I've been leaving it for a bit later in development, but it's probably something I should put on the list for the not too distant future, I guess.
6. The bug with that replaying scene is because the game is calling the wrong scene - it's supposed to be triggering the temporary ending. So at that point you're supposed to stop playing.

I've fixed that in later releases, but not that version, unfortunately.
7. Negging is that pick-up artist thing, yeah.
8. That kind of thing is quite possible, yeah. I've actually got a new character that I may be introducing soon who helps to lead in to that kind of content.
Sounds like you've probably finished it, particularly if you got Emi's interactive sex scene in the apartment. I'm glad you played it! The next public release, when it comes, will be another big one.