mm? who told that?

'True ending', that's the first time i hear it
Your own little crony Bouwen, he has on several occasions mentioned some things in regards to Evelyn and her overwhelming presence when it comes to content ideas.
Some stuff he has told this forum so far is:
That Evelyn is the Nr.1 LI above the rest.
That Evelyn is the default idea when content is being discussed or you get stuck with coming up with new ideas.
That Evelyn has several big updates planned out while most other girls have at best only one.
And he mentioned when the threat of Patreon closing down the game, and you making the choice to end the game if it did happen, that you would just quickly end all of the girls routes, and push out a few Evelyn focused updates to close out the game.
And at some point he did claim Evelyn was the "true love" while everyone else was just a side-girl.
But do feel free to refute his claims since it is YOUR game, and we would love the insight.
As for "True Ending" was probably a bad choice of words, I would instead compare it to something like the "Canon Ending" or "True Love", The Witcher 3 is a good example that has a canon love interest in Yennefer, while the game allows you to go after Triss in a loophole from the players choice and can be considered "canon" too.
Everyone would probably appreciate it if you joined a few of the discussion going on here, since not everyone can or wants to join the Discord.
Pushing Evelyn into the ending of other LIs? But why?
The player should have the right to choose

If the player chooses LI, player wants to get the ending of that LI without another character being forced into ending. The ending with Evelyn included should be an alternate ending to the actual LI only ending. Is asking about the right to choose too much?
Going to be hard to get a "1 girl ending" for this game I think, since you have to pursue all girls in order to progress the game, and you can't really deny or turn any of them down.
So Lina wasn't getting updates to avoid patreon rules while mc was fucking Evelyn, logical

To avoid patreon rules in past mc could sell Risa to RM which would prevent Twincest
And as a reward she got to watch MC get it on with his own sister infront of her instead.