DISCLAIMER: This is going to be a hard critique comment. I actually stopped playing just to make this comment. I do this in a constructive way because I care. Otherwise, I would just shut up.
I am replaying the game and I am getting the same effect I got the first time. Beginning was fantastic, then it was good, but not amazing. So I wonder what happened?
1) conversations just felt so natural. Paris and Sasha talking to each other and convincing Miracle were fantastic. All is good, fun and entertaining. Father talking to daughters was great too.
2) Then, out of nowhere, Paris tells you she is in love with you and out of almost nowhere you go full in. Something is weird.
3) Miracle and Sabrina were clearly in love with MC. Something is weird by construction. Miracle actually. What I found weird about Sabrina was the whole naked chapter but that is just taste.
4) Sasha on the other hand remains quite great through the novel. What is going on?
I had already discussed in this thread that the idea of harem-incest is contradictory to me by cause and effect. Again, not that I don't like it or it does not work, just that the overall effect of a happy loving fucking family neutralizes the incest conflict. But I am not here to talk about that.
What I wanted to address here is that there is almost no conflict with MC and Paris and MC and Miracle from the relationship itself. Yes, Paris mentioned she has been troubled about it and so does MC but you don't feel them really troubled. All is good and they become lovers without any doubt whatsoever. For this to be taboo, characters need to feel the taboonees (is that a word?) They have to be borderline breaking from their feelings, not a happy development.
With Sasha, this really works great, though. Precisely, the characters can justify their interactions. They are pushing boundaries in "safe way" but allowing plausible deniability as all is "acting and roleplaying". It felt natural with her personality.
But Miracle and Paris was kind weird.
Obviously, I am not saying to change the story. I like it very much, in the lines of light reading is great. But as a story about incest, it lacks that point of "this is morally wrong". Now I know this is light reading, as even the 4th wall is broken several times, but I just wanted to mentioned it cause now I understand why PP felt so great in the beginning and eventually itwas good but no longer that good.
Again, this is me just commenting in hope of giving constructive feedback. Best wishes always.
Thanks for the comments and I'll address some of them. The MC had been fighting his sexual attraction to the girls for the first three updates of the game and when Paris finally reveals her love to him, he accepts because she sees the mother and her and you have to remember that he has been hurting for years because of the abandonment to and just wants to be loved.
Miracle is super sexually curious as you know and has a huge attachment to the MC so of course she's down for it.
Sabrina already has a crush on him.
Par is is deeply in love with him already.
And Sasha is down with whatever.
That's why there is no conflict with the love, besides the main character in the beginning but each girl has plenty of conflict on their own regarding life and other things.
I hope that makes it clear for you the way I wrote the story the way I did.
Lol You're clearly late they to the party. She has never not had a vampire teeth
Ohh yes please, keeping my fingers crossed for that, and that we get to see the Miracle sex scene with her regular look

New content for PP?? Nice! Does that mean the old storyline won't be revamped?
Where you been, friend? Miracle being a vamp is kind of thing from day 1
The revamp is only about the renders and not the story so the story hasn't been touched in any way.
Hmm not bad not bad, and odd one if I do say so, father-daughter incest is less common and even less with no girls who are loli, even more, surprising is one with Electra in it.
Not a huge fan of Paris, but didn't find myself space barring anyone stuff.
I liked the models, for the most part, although Miricals squirty orgasm more looked yellow than clear, only just had my first playthrough so can not speak for the older ones.
Although what was a surprise was finding a revamp with zero animations.
Nice story, if odd a couple of times seeing cat instead of at, got better when the penny dropped to quickly restart and change it from big guy to daddy, felt much more natural story.
That writer chick is putting out all sorts of red flags for me.
Her squirt looks yellow because of the yellow lighting in the room. And there are no animations because I am not good at them and the person I was relying on to do the animations before tried to charge me more and I'm just tired of depending on other people so I have to learn how to animate but that would take time out to learn and I don't want to do that right now so later on I will
I thought old Paris was hot & new Paris is just plain and the game went backwards when we were hoping for an update. All you have really achieved is getting people to fight over what Paris is hotter, not really constructive...
Just like you abandoned your other game until there was a backlash from the players, stop second guessing yourself and make the games you started, a completed game will win you more patrons than reboots & abandonment...
There has been a lot of encouragement on this forum and people understanding the reason I want to revamp and make the game better.
As far as me abandoning other games and whatnot, I have given 9 updates on picture perfect in just 12 months (then started the revamp for the last 2 months)
and I revived the secret summer after people said they liked it so much, and there are plenty of fans of that game. That's why I am always on here listening to everybody to see what you guys want.
So let's review; I have giving you nine updates of one game where most developers take three months to release an update. ON TOP OF THAT, I have given 4 updates of my second game.
Yes I understand I have revamped and rebooted a few times, but you have to remember I didn't even know Daz or Renpy existed a year ago and I was learning everything on the fly. These games are in DEVELOPMENT.
Ifyou do not want to play a game in development then please wait until after the games are complete instead of coming to complain and offer no constructive criticism that actually helps these games get better