Now I understand you! If abandonment were the only issue here, I'd guess you were right. But I kind of played the game as a story of a quasi dad getting even closer to his daughters. As if that were the focus. As if the mom went before the story started only the be reintroduced at the very end, as a sort of payoff (that was introduced too late to pay off). Maybe it was about the daughters being broken and their path to some sort mending all along. And I would feel really bad right about then, that the best thing I could come up with to help them with their abandonment issues was sex

. This is all tongue in cheek, of course, I really don't mean to offend. I just think that the mom coming back into their lives to find out her ex moved from father to lover could be more devastating than mending. And if the abandonment issues played a role in that particular development too, it could be argued that reintroducing her could have a reversing effect on said relationship... But I get you. As I said in my initial statement, you put the emphasis on the story (abandonment; a mom characterized by absentia) whereas I'm here for the relationship between the daughters and the MC (sex; the character I'm playing).
No. I only suggested to separate it into two: First you'd have the confrontation, with everybody talking (even shouting if you'd like) and the mom telling her story and making amends. Then she leaves. And the second part, where you focus in on each of them individually, their specific struggles with the abandonment and what they are going to do about it, happens later during their ending (where it's now). The time that went by in-between makes any sort of mending/resolution even more believable, because there was time to contemplate and as you said, healing takes time. Plus, you would have considerably less repetition, which admittedly is only a problem for those of us who try out all the endings. In any way, my suggestions are of course suggestions that'd require more work/time and I know that can be a real issue, always.