4.10 star(s) 108 Votes


Jul 18, 2019
...like the voice acting so far? You can be totally honest
Honestly: The VA is a nice gimmick, but for me nothing more. Please don't get it wrong, the voices fit the characters well and actually do their job quite good, nevertheless the voices often only partly fit the actual atmosphere. And as mentioned here before, even I read faster than the spoken words - although English is not my first language. But for the VA you have to listen AND read, because the MC's text is not spoken by an actor (thank God!).

The music is quite nice. Nevertheless - only one song during the complete first chapter?
But maybe there will be some more music from you in the next updates.

As for the game itself, nothing has changed on my part - I still like it very much and I'm already excited about the next chapter!
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Active Member
Jun 22, 2017
Discojesuslordo! you gotta warn a brother before you pop up a screen like this! lol
Picture Perfect Blinding 001.png

I almost went blind! ;)


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I think voice acting is a big miss when you can name characters. If you want to do voice acting, have set names so you can actually call them what you want. Having a break every time a name is called makes the voices instantly get turned off no matter how good they were.
I don't think this is necessarily true. I have seen this work in other games. You just have to be careful. For example, when it is written "Stop telling DADDY what to do", the voice can say ""Stop telling him what to do", a simple "Kiss me, DADDY" "Kiss me, you". It does take analyzing line by line to see what sounds more natural and specially it requires some forward looking when writing dialogues.

Moreover, in the extreme you can go the full Bioware option. There is a name, but everybody calls you by a nickname "Shepard", "Hawke". Main problem with that is the setting of this novel, where you want your "tenants" to call you "daddy". And it that alternative, people will have to do with your daughters calling you by a fixed nicknames. I am almost confident that for most of us, normal thing is to call mother and father not by their names but by some variant of the word mom or dad. So this alternative is probably less than perfect given the setting of the novel, but it could work for some other novel Dev has in mind.

Overall, I think that for a first time it was good!! It can definitely be improved, but my comparison with voice acting is not fair, as I have only find them on huge budget games. I doubt Dev could hire Keanu Reeves to wake us up to burn a city (who doesn't love Keanu?) or Morgan Freeman, for that matter. Also, as I had already read the novel before voices were introduced, I have created a "voice in my head" that needs some time adjusting to the voice chosen. If anything, Paris is the one that sounds closer to what I imagined, with Sasha being the most different. It is not that the voice is wrong, but Sasha in my head spoke way more "informal and inelegant". I don't know how to explain it. Current Sasha was a more ladylike version of how I imagined her to sound.

In my opinion though, I would focus first on finishing the story and later look into voice acting, for several reasons. First, I doubt the feature itself is such a selling point. I would be very surprised if one's opinion of the VN is that changed by it. More likely, you have already bought the product or not, and the voice will not swift your opinion more that a few millimetres. Second, with the novel being in development, there is a big danger of a big part of content changing. And even more dangerous, there is always the possibility that the voice actors will not be available in the future, for whatever reasons. By waiting that everything that needs to be voiced is already written you can just ask them to do it all in a row. It is way more likely that they will manage to do that that they will manage/ be available to do it sporadically over several months if not years.

Having said that, the fact that Dev is willing to go to the point of hiring voice actors shows a level of commitment not so commonly seen, which is nice. But well, those are my two cents on the matter. Obviously, I am not trying to tell Dev what to do, just mentioning what I think is best for a project I like. Totally disregard my opinion, I am known for having no common sense.
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Jul 28, 2018
So do they acknowledge the incest in the voice acting? I really don't like it when certain words are omitted in the voiced lines. Really kills me immersion in games like Awakening.
Totally get where you are coming from, and it why i turned the VA off in Awakening. I have not noticed much in this game but i skipped most the stuff that had VA i think as i played the game on my laptop originally so had to start over. My only complaint with this so far is that you cant set the nickname and relationship with each girl individually. This causes Sabrina to call MC dad even though the dialog clearly states that she is only Miracles best friend and also from Britian i believe


Active Member
Jun 22, 2017
But how did you like the voice acting so far? You can be totally honest
Well, as long as it's like you say and it doesn't take any time away from you producing content first and foremost....
Because if I were a gambling man, I'd wager a poll would more than likely end up with the results something like -
First Place - Story/Sex Content
Second Place - Well Made Animations
Third Place - Voice Acting

Now i'm NOT saying "No voice acting ever/get rid of it!", just saying if ever in the future you have to prioritize something, thats how I, and I believe many would vote.

Now as far as the voice acting itself....
in order of "Best" to "Not as Best", I would rank them -

Now I saw before someone calling Miracle's voice a "loli" voice. I disagree. It doesnt come across as a childs voice, rather, possible someone with Puberphonia or perhaps what is sometimes referred to as "Little Girl Voice" in the psychology field. Meaning a childlike voice that may develop in females who have suffered a traumatic experience in their youth.

Now, let me say, none of the voices were so bad that I had to run to the game folder and nuke all the sound files i could find. However, they did come across as a little stilted. Miracle's VA being the least to Paris's being the most of the three. Again, I wouldnt label any of them as outright bad, just that there were a number of times where the lines just felt "hollow", or awkward, just failed to land from time to time. And again, im not saying every line from every VA was like this, just that my higher ranked ones were less noticeable than my lower ranked ones.

And since you are not having the VA's record MC names or labels, you CANNOT leave a space in the middle of a line! Any immersion you have built prior is instantly wiped out by an abrupt pause in the middle of a line read. Since you can't use MC's name or relationship, at least place some kind of Pronouns as a replacement so there isnt any kind of mood killing pause. Granted, I believe there were a few lines you would be able to get away with it, but more often than not, it didnt work at all.

Having the voice actors acknowledge the incest is a very good way to get my patreon paged banned, considering they don't allow incest. =]
Maybe like eleventy billion other games on this site do and have a "Totally Not Related To You Or Your Game Person" list a patch on Lewdpatcher? ;)

you have to understand that patreon bans incest so I couldn't possibly make the voice actors say anything related to that, or risk getting my page banned.
I think the bigger problem would be (with patches be a normal thing nowadays) having to tell the player what they can and cant have their MC called. Because it would be problematic and definitely NOT cost effective to have your voice actors record the same line a million times trying to take into account every possible word a player might want their MC called! lol

I don't think this is necessarily true. I have seen this work in other games. You just have to be careful. For example, when it is written
"Stop telling DADDY what to do", the voice can say ""Stop telling him what to do", a simple "Kiss me, DADDY" "Kiss me, you". It does take analyzing line by line to see what sounds more natural and specially it requires some forward looking when writing dialogues.

Moreover, in the extreme you can go the full Bioware option. There is a name, but everybody calls you by a nickname "Shepard", "Hawke". Main problem with that is the setting of this novel, where you want your "tenants" to call you "daddy".

Overall, I think that for a first time it was fine. It can definitely be improved,

In my opinion though, I would focus first on finishing the story and later look into voice acting, for several reasons. First, I doubt the feature itself is such a selling point. I would be very surprised if one's opinion of the VN is that changed by it. More likely, you have already bought the product or not, and the voice will not swift your opinion more that a few millimetres. Second, with the novel being in development, there is a big danger of a big part of content changing. And even more dangerous, there is always the possibility that the voice actors will not be available in the future, for whatever reasons. By waiting that everything that needs to be voiced is already written you can just ask them to do it all in a row. It is way more likely that they will manage to do that that they will manage to do it sporadically over several months if not years.
What they said ;)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019
This is a good one, definitely looking forward to the Pregnancy tag.
I am still on the fence about this being good one myself. Mainly because it will only be Paris that the main character can have a complete relationship with by having the choice to impregnate her. Personally i think i will only persue a romantic relationship Paris myself when the story develops more and not persue a romance with the other daughters.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019
I doubt its anywhere near complete might be 12 chapters or more and all the daughters will get knocked up before the final curtain falls.
Unfortunately no. Superwriter already said it will only be Paris that can have the option for impregnation later in the story. I wanted to romance, seduce, and impregnate them all. Something i was really looking forward to. Sasha, especially, because she is, well, was my favorite character.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
Was hoping the story had progressed from it ending on the last night of the camping trip with sabrina sadly not :( Voices in my opinion are really not needed, Like the background music in the game and still not bothered about having no animations as the renders and story are by far greater than the rest of the stuff the dev is trying to implement! Really wish he had worked more on progressing the story as it was, instead of trying to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place! Still.. Looking forward to the next update when hopefully the story is worked on again :)


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2018
For most of what has been said here about the voice acting, I agree in general, for better or worse. But for me, as someone who is rather bad in English, this is certainly interesting, but I won't use it when playing. (Funny thing while trying it out: even I was sometimes faster at reading than the actors at speaking...).

Well, now to the music: How shall I best express it - it is "there" now. But I must admit, I had hoped for something more. But let's see what the next updates will bring.

Was hoping the story had progressed from it ending on the last night of the camping trip with sabrina sadly not :( Voices in my opinion are really not needed, Like the background music in the game and still not bothered about having no animations as the renders and story are by far greater than the rest of the stuff the dev is trying to implement! Really wish he had worked more on progressing the story as it was, instead of trying to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place! Still.. Looking forward to the next update when hopefully the story is worked on again :)
I'm not really worried about that, this game is based on an ebook of himself - so the story is basically finished!

My summary for this update: Quite ok, but I wait for the next chapter with new content.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
I think the bigger problem would be (with patches be a normal thing nowadays) having to tell the player what they can and cant have their MC called. Because it would be problematic and definitely NOT cost effective to have your voice actors record the same line a million times trying to take into account every possible word a player might want their MC called! lol
A possible (although somewhat more time consuming) option would be to just remove those choices in an incest-patched version, leaving up the custom names only in the unpatched version with the dialogue gaps, example:

patched: "but he's my father... fucking daddy sounds pretty hot though" voiced and text are the same

non patched text: "but he's my (insert relationship here, default=landlord)...fucking (insert nickname here, default=big guy) seems pretty hot though"
non patched voice "but he's my _____... fucking _____ sounds pretty hot though"

This would in fact only require hiring the VAs for the first version of the line, and then cutting out the words "father" and "daddy" with your sound editing program of choice for the no-incest-because-fuck-puritan-patreon version


Active Member
Jun 22, 2017
A possible (although somewhat more time consuming) option would be to just remove those choices in an incest-patched version, leaving up the custom names only in the unpatched version with the dialogue gaps, example:

patched: "but he's my father... fucking daddy sounds pretty hot though" voiced and text are the same

non patched text: "but he's my (insert relationship here, default=landlord)...fucking (insert nickname here, default=big guy) seems pretty hot though"
non patched voice "but he's my _____... fucking _____ sounds pretty hot though"

This would in fact only require hiring the VAs for the first version of the line, and then cutting out the words "father" and "daddy" with your sound editing program of choice for the no-incest-because-fuck-puritan-patreon version
I mean... I understand what youre saying to a degree. But as I stated in my prior post, Having youre VA's leave spaces in their lines, no matter the version =

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Active Member
Jan 13, 2018
For the first try the voice acting was good I think. Give it some time to adjust. And I personally loved the game, even better with voices. But yeah can't wait for storyupdate ^^
4.10 star(s) 108 Votes