Theres a storyline for a sequel,
Debt, Debt Collectors, Bank Manager, Lisa and Laura try to use themselves to clear the debts, but no luck there, just end up getting used and abused, Tom ends up doing the pimping of Lisa and Laura to make money, Tim looking for work, Alice looking to get some action of some sort and talking Tim into getting into some shady crap. Which eventually works out for the better, Tom seriously injured because of this, (I,m Team Tim), and Tim and Lisa fall in (soppy) love (put soppy coz some might go "Love, eeww" and Alice and Laura move next door to them. But.....
Maybe things with Tim go sideways and he gets injured, can't help Lisa or Laura and Alice goes into partnership with Tom, it then transpires that Alice caused Tim's injury and convinces Lisa and Laura that it was Tim's idea to put them to "work". They then get Mrs Chance and her daughter involved.
Here is a twist, Greg (father) turns up with his new "younger" wife and because he dumped Lisa and the boys, Lisa gets Alice to get flirty with Gregs wife, who then ends up either having sex with Tim or Tom or both and Alice or Lisa films it, then they blackmail Greg into giving them enough money to last a lifetime. Coz I decided Greg's rich

I think thats enough for now.