is thee any mod to make all paths available in one go through
One note on Ms Evans' achievements. I think that the game intends to have the following 3 achievements:
1) Dive into her cleavage in class.
2) Offer to repair her house alarm in exchange for bad grades for basketball players.
3) Offer to assist her at school in exchange for bad grades for basketball player.
Achievement 3 can only be obtained if you choose "privileges of basketball players" when asking Ms Evans to give the basketball players bad grades, so if you are in a path where you got Sarah's scene in the sorority, you fall into the bug I reported a few posts ago. Fortunately, there is another bug that allows you to get achievement 1) multiple times, so if you intend to get Sarah's scene, you can always save before the scene with Ms Evans in class, get the achievement, reload and get it again, and then you do not need achievement 3) to obtain the 3/3 for Ms Evans' achievements.