Yeah I'm already starting to sound like a broken record.
Female/Futa-protags are better than male-protags in action-based games because:
Female/Futa-protags are better than male-protags in action-based games because:
- Male protagonists are almost always meant to be self inserts.
- Male protagonists have little to no personality (generally compared to the wackos around them)
- Male protagonists have to seduce/date any girl they want to fuck.
- Male protagonists generally cannot be fighting against girls because beating women is wrong (but somehow the opposite is right)
- Male protagonists being raped (by girls) always looks goofy.
- Male protagonists raping enemies makes them morally wrong.
- When they do rape, the story tries to say that whoever they raped actually deserved it.
- Male protag games succumb to being a dating simulator or a harem game.
- They then get criticized for not being realistic.
- In general, you can't have any kind of stakes with a male protagonist or do anything creative with their character because otherwise twitter cancels you. The people he fights are generic bad guys who don't have any plot relavence.