Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
A thing like that should be better explained by its opposite or negation. But what is the opposite of the duckfacing snapchat dog filter girl? The super special pretentious snowflake? That is not a thing to aspire to be either, those special snowflakes are just as basic as the rest of them. Thus my question: What bitches aren't basic? They all are.
Can't tell if just lack of respect for women or no actual experience with them. My friend Tilde would be considered pretty basic. She spends a lot more time than I'm comfortable with attempting to conform to a sort of social normality. She takes care of her appearance in ways that she thinks people will approve of. She attaches herself to social causes and then fails to understand them all the time (This is common among snowflakes). I love her all the same, but she's definitely basic.

My friend Freddy on the other hand is a lot more down to earth. She has fun like anyone else, but her ideas of fun are more in the form of dancing, making music, playing video games. She has a high opinion of herself that comes from within. She doesn't dress to seek approval. She's smart and not afraid to show it.

Being basic is about conformity. Its about being the exact thing that society expects a woman to be. They want her to appear dumb, whether she is or not, they want her to be obsessed with makeup and boys and shoes. That is what makes a girl basic, going with the flow.
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Jun 7, 2017
Just came across the thread today. Funny that My Sweet Neighbors was mentioned on this page as I went through the whole thread thinking "I should mention that as a great game that only has one or two of the tropes here and largely avoids the worst ones."
Aug 22, 2017
Can't tell if just lack of respect for women or no actual experience with them. My friend Tilde would be considered pretty basic. She spends a lot more time than I'm comfortable with attempting to conform to a sort of social normality. She takes care of her appearance in ways that she thinks people will approve of. She attaches herself to social causes and then fails to understand them all the time (This is common among snowflakes). I love her all the same, but she's definitely basic.

My friend Freddy on the other hand is a lot more down to earth. She has fun like anyone else, but her ideas of fun are more in the form of dancing, making music, playing video games. She has a high opinion of herself that comes from within. She doesn't dress to seek approval. She's smart and not afraid to show it.

Being basic is about conformity. Its about being the exact thing that society expects a woman to be. They want her to appear dumb, whether she is or not, they want her to be obsessed with makeup and boys and shoes. That is what makes a girl basic, going with the flow.
Just lack of respect for women. Women are water, they take the shape of their surroundings - All of them, no exceptions, and they are very good at that. I very much understand the example of the basic bitch "Tilde" you're giving, those girls are a dime a dozen. What it sounds to me like is that "Freddy" is fundamentally a more intelligent girl, and in turn, more capable of tickling that sort of mental itch you probably like in a girl. But she has chosen different surroundings - boys, most likely - while Tilde seems to surround herself more with girls. But make no mistake about it, they are both "basic" insofar they both "conform" (adapt) to their respective surroundings, like they all do. It is their nature.

What probably confuses me is that the "Basic Bitch" meme is one that I'd expect mostly to be perpetuated by women themselves, and due to the nature of the "Basic Bitch" it would exactly be this "Basic Bitch" that does it. Or would you rather expect tomboy Freddy to perpetuate it to stress her unique snowflakeness instead of apex basic bitch Tilde?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Just came across the thread today. Funny that My Sweet Neighbors was mentioned on this page as I went through the whole thread thinking "I should mention that as a great game that only has one or two of the tropes here and largely avoids the worst ones."
Most of the tropes here center on the Incest genre I'd say... Technically one could make the argument that you fall into the "be a gentleman" trope as well as the "No Life Dad". That said I think it also subverts them by having you actually be a gentleman and while you technically are the no life dad you have taken action in your new life.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Just lack of respect for women. Women are water, they take the shape of their surroundings - All of them, no exceptions, and they are very good at that. I very much understand the example of the basic bitch "Tilde" you're giving, those girls are a dime a dozen. What it sounds to me like is that "Freddy" is fundamentally a more intelligent girl, and in turn, more capable of tickling that sort of mental itch you probably like in a girl. But she has chosen different surroundings - boys, most likely - while Tilde seems to surround herself more with girls. But make no mistake about it, they are both "basic" insofar they both "conform" (adapt) to their respective surroundings, like they all do. It is their nature.

What probably confuses me is that the "Basic Bitch" meme is one that I'd expect mostly to be perpetuated by women themselves, and due to the nature of the "Basic Bitch" it would exactly be this "Basic Bitch" that does it. Or would you rather expect tomboy Freddy to perpetuate it to stress her unique snowflakeness instead of apex basic bitch Tilde?
You seem to think that men don't do exactly that as well. I find that concerning. We are all shaped by our environments and it is up to us to make our own decisions about what that means, and whether or not they're comfortable with that. As for intelligence, I would say that Freddy is the brighter of the two, but Tilde is in line to be a biochemist, so it's not like she's dumb, she's simply more self conscious, which translates to a need to do something to make herself appealing.

As for the meme itself, it is the basic bitches that are spreading it. Its as much a commentary on each other as it is a self deprecation. Many of the common tropes of the Basic Bitch meme have to do with things that men and less girly women aren't all that into and thus, prove that it isn't coming from the outside. I also wouldn't call Freddy a tomboy. She's feminine, but its a confidence in herself rather than a conformity to the norm that separates her from Tilde. Freddy isn't more boyish, she's simply more practical.

Back to the fact that men are just as guilty, I once shared a Basic Bitch meme in which I tagged my little brother. In it it had a dog filter, starbucks, a rose gold iphone, and that other filter with the flower crown. Why, because he's just a basic as they are. It has nothing to do with gender. There are conformists everywhere. Not being able to see it in yourself is something that you should be afraid of.
Aug 22, 2017
You seem to think that men don't do exactly that as well. I find that concerning. We are all shaped by our environments
Let me make an example: Lets us assume we'd live in a world where it is socially expected to hack off an arm for some reason. Women would happily chop off their arms if the alternative was social ostracism, and they would decry and shame anyone who doesn't chop off their arm. It's men that would violently rebel against this nonsense, even when they're shamed and ostracized for it, like "You just use that arm to fap" or whatever. Men would rebel against the custom to chop off ones arm and women would keep chopping them off until enough men put an end to this madness for women to think it is acceptable to not chop off ones arm. This is just one of those fundamental differences between women and men - Search your heart, you know it to be true. Men and women suffer from different madnesses, conformity to madness is womens, and madness for the sake of rebellions is mens. In my example, the custom to chop off ones arm would certainly have been introduced by a man, a man seeking to rebel against the "two-handed" society, or whatever.
As for the meme itself, it is the basic bitches that are spreading it.
Called it. Yeah, I believe I get the meme now in its entirety. But you do however realize the irony in revealing, that by spreading the "Basic Bitch" meme yourself, you are such a "Basic Bitch" as well?
I once shared a Basic Bitch meme in which I tagged my little brother
He may be a bitch now, but he's gonna get older. All men start out as bitches, yet later, most become men. And one important part by which one does indeed become a man is rebelling against that kind of madness that conformity demands. It is certainly acceptable to occasionally remind a bitch little brother that he's still a bitch, this is meant to instill that exact rage and rebellion that I talked about earlier, so I certainly wouldn't hold this against you.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Let me make an example: Lets us assume we'd live in a world where it is socially expected to hack off an arm for some reason. Women would happily chop off their arms if the alternative was social ostracism, and they would decry and shame anyone who doesn't chop off their arm. It's men that would violently rebel against this nonsense, even when they're shamed and ostracized for it, like "You just use that arm to fap" or whatever. Men would rebel against the custom to chop off ones arm and women would keep chopping them off until enough men put an end to this madness for women to think it is acceptable to not chop off ones arm. This is just one of those fundamental differences between women and men - Search your heart, you know it to be true. Men and women suffer from different madnesses, conformity to madness is womens, and madness for the sake of rebellions is mens. In my example, the custom to chop off ones arm would certainly have been introduced by a man, a man seeking to rebel against the "two-handed" society, or whatever.
Obvious strawman is obvious. Men are socially expected to be badasses who are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. They are expected not to cry or show emotion. They are told that this is manliness that this is strength. Its all bullshit. Even among beta nerds this hierarchy of manliness pervades. Look to the group of nerds as they establish a pecking order based on who has the greatest number of sexual conquests or whatever measure they go by... kills in call of duty for instance. Men are just as susceptible to social pressures. What you fail to see is those social pressures in yourself.

Called it. Yeah, I believe I get the meme now in its entirety. But you do however realize the irony in revealing, that by spreading the "Basic Bitch" meme yourself, you are such a "Basic Bitch" as well?
The meme is intended to be self deprecating. It is making a commentary on themselves. Yes that's Irony. I don't see the point you're making here. Do you think that they somehow don't realise that they are indeed making fun of themselves? Again I fear for your ability to look inward.

He may be a bitch now, but he's gonna get older. All men start out as bitches, yet later, most become men. And one important part by which one does indeed become a man is rebelling against that kind of madness that conformity demands. It is certainly acceptable to occasionally remind a bitch little brother that he's still a bitch, this is meant to instill that exact rage and rebellion that I talked about earlier, so I certainly wouldn't hold this against you.
I'm so glad you said this, as it goes toward what I was saying before with that first paragraph of nonsense. That image of a man you have is in itself a conformity. It is also a dead conformity. It is toxic to our current society that no longer needs it. The prevalence of this idealized manhood is why we can't solve our problems without violence, it's why 90% of the games on this site deal with men pressuring women into sex. The very concept of manhood that you believe we all grow into naturally is that which you rail against in women.

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
Most of the tropes here center on the Incest genre I'd say... Technically one could make the argument that you fall into the "be a gentleman" trope as well as the "No Life Dad". That said I think it also subverts them by having you actually be a gentleman and while you technically are the no life dad you have taken action in your new life.
Nah, he's totally a gentleman, he's pretty much creeping on the daughter, can peep on her, and push things pretty far in ways that are pretty ungentlemanly.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Nah, he's totally a gentleman, he's pretty much creeping on the daughter, can peep on her, and push things pretty far in ways that are pretty ungentlemanly.
Yes, but unlike the other games you aren't rewarded as much for doing so. The first time I chose to be a bit more of a creep was in the scene at the hotel when you're opening her suitcase and look up to her panties. What was really refreshing about that was the way she reacted. Again, I'd done nothing overtly sexual that the game didn't force on me. So the actions she took there, for me, are entirely her decision to be more sexual, and not the result of having been worn down by my perversion.
Aug 22, 2017
Female Player Antagonist
or: Antagonistic Female Player Character

Your female main character isn't in it for the same reasons the player is. She wants to remain pure, faithful or unmolested, and yet the player wants to see her molested, raped, abused. In games where lewds only happen when the protagonist loses a fight or a jumping puzzle, and gets raped as a result, she may also act as a antagonist to the player, as her motivation is opposed to the players motivation who intentionally runs her into a tentacle monster to see her get violated.

Porn games rarely take the time to establish the precise relationship between the player and the protagonist. Is the player a suggestive whisper in her ears, or can the player physically force her to do things she wouldn't do on her own? Or is the player character merely an avatar of the player, with motivations solely defined by the player? If not the latter, does the player want to help the protagonist with her goals - or does the player want something completely opposite of what the heroine wants? In a porn game, the player typically wants to see lewd stuff, even (or especially) when they are degrading, humiliating and painful to the female protagonist. And while some female protagonists are masochistic enough enjoy and even seek such treatment, many do not - and if it is the players option to make the heroine take an unreasonable course of action that will predictably result in her being raped, abused and molested, this makes this female protagonist an antagonist to the player - a Female Player Antagonist.

This heavily overlaps with Corruption Games, where the mechanics often take the form of an RPG, limiting the actions of the protagonist character to the capabilities and experience scores of a character. Nothing is physically hindering your underage schoolgirl protagonist from offering the bouncer at an exclusive club a blowjob in lieu of paying the entrance fee or bypassing age restrictions - but she has to have enough "corruption points" or "slut score" to actually go through with it. Once corrupted enough, the schoolgirl will happily go down on her knees and debase herself if it gains her entrance into the exclusive club - and enjoy it. The player takes the role of an whispering advisor trying to change the underlying modes and motivations of the female character, and only once he "defeats" the prudishness of the protagonist, he is rewarded with more lewds.

In some games, the female protagonist may never offer to blow the bouncer - So the player has to trick her into a situation where she is forced into a lewdness, make her take unreasonable courses of action. Maybe he will have her try to sneak inside through a window, only to (predictably) get caught by the clubs security, and forced to blow him so he does not call the police over her criminal trespassing. Ayame from "Fleeting Iris" can be made continue working for her grabby boss, even when she mentions she wants to look for a new job. Ayame wants to stay faithful to her newlywed husband, but the player wants to see her abused by The Weinstein, and if she is made to continue working there by the player, the molestation soon turns into rape and blackmail.

Abuse and molestation are a frequent kink of many porn games with female protagonists - often, every single male character (with the exception of the optional boyfriend) will molest and abuse the female protagonist given the chance, and the player merely forces the character to expose herself to such molestations, forcing her to go along with every stupid blackmail scheme, often making the protagonists look dim-witted - Those are the Retards in Lechertown.

Rape is a difficult subject in a female protagonist game - The player may want to see the female protagonist get raped, but if the female protagonist herself would want to get raped, it can hardly be called rape anymore - killing the kink. So why, then, did the heroine walk down Rape Street? The first time it may have been that she (and the player) truly didn't know any better. But why go there a second time, or a third? Is she into it? Or is she made to do it by the invisible force of the player overriding her own common sense and self-preservation? In a Corruption Game, the player may send the protagonist down Rape Street as often as it takes until she likes it.

If the girl willfully just "Does Whatever It Takes" to achieve her goals, for example to willingly sleep with her boss to further her career, then they are not Player Antagonists. Sabia from Kingdom of Deception is willing to blow every orc and dog in the war camp, if it gets her an army, and the player is in it for the same reason - Watch Sabia blow all the Orcs and get an Army.

Examples of Antagonistic Female Player Characters:
- Ayame from Fleeting Iris
- Lily from Lily of the Valley
- Jennifer from Road Trip
- Anna from Annas Exciting Affection
- Claire from Claire's Quest
Aug 22, 2017
Rape Street

In open-world games with a female protagonist, a place where you send the main character - to get raped.

Almost always advertised as a "shady or dangerous" area, some street or dark alleyway that is not part of the main plot. The player is informed of the nature or can infer that one should not walk around there at night. This gives the player the paradoxical option to have the female protagonist willfully walk in there, hoping to get her raped. Frequently, this is even repeatable.

- Girl Life (Walk around the Park at night)
- Annas Exciting Affection (Shady Alleyway)
- Claire's Quest (Virtually all the places)

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Duex Sex Machina.

Whatever you need, whenever you need.
It seem that the player charater always just happend to find the tools he need for his intercourse.
Dad is rich and never around(being dead useally) so money isnt an issu and causes mom to be frustrated by a lack of regular sex.
The rape drug is already discovered and conviently landed in his lap(or magic book, succubus, etc).
Police, teacher, anyone with any power to stop you is extreemly incomptent.
Future victems keeping there secrets easly too find(useally in easy to copy tools like cellphones or computers).
Blackmail always works.
Threats always work.
Nobody suspect you even when repeatedly caught.
The shower door is never locked/always broken.
You are never punished for missbehaving(you dont get grounded for being a douchbag, trown into jail for getting into a fight, etc)

See no rape, hear no rape, be raped.
You could be banging mom so hard that they heard it on mars and nobody seem to notice.
You could have raped your sister while she is sleeping but the sperm, smell and sore feeling is never brought up.
Despite being your mother and having the power to ground you she never seem to punish you for creeping on your sisters(if you even can get caught).
Walking outside of class during class time will not get you suspended, stolen objects are never reported and students/people are never searched.
Nobody ever report's they where raped(or even tell there mother)
Nobody notice the increasingly slutly clothing your victems start wearing(Exspecialy if you are focusing on one at the time)
Aug 22, 2017
Duex Sex Machina.

Whatever you need, whenever you need.
It seem that the player charater always just happend to find the tools he need for his intercourse.
Dad is rich and never around(being dead useally) so money isnt an issu and causes mom to be frustrated by a lack of regular sex.
The rape drug is already discovered and conviently landed in his lap(or magic book, succubus, etc).
Police, teacher, anyone with any power to stop you is extreemly incomptent.
Future victems keeping there secrets easly too find(useally in easy to copy tools like cellphones or computers).
Blackmail always works.
Threats always work.
Nobody suspect you even when repeatedly caught.
The shower door is never locked/always broken.
You are never punished for missbehaving(you dont get grounded for being a douchbag, trown into jail for getting into a fight, etc)

See no rape, hear no rape, be raped.
You could be banging mom so hard that they heard it on mars and nobody seem to notice.
You could have raped your sister while she is sleeping but the sperm, smell and sore feeling is never brought up.
Despite being your mother and having the power to ground you she never seem to punish you for creeping on your sisters(if you even can get caught).
Walking outside of class during class time will not get you suspended, stolen objects are never reported and students/people are never searched.
Nobody ever report's they where raped(or even tell there mother)
Nobody notice the increasingly slutly clothing your victems start wearing(Exspecialy if you are focusing on one at the time)
You're troping wrong, mate. These are all different tropes. Yes, in porn games, there are tropes that are there to facilitate making sex happen like the Love Potion or the Absentee Dad, or the Monster Cock with Hypnotic Powers. But that's just it, those are their own tropes.

And the only actual "Deus Sex Machina" that I can think of is the obligatory random neighborhood skank that, out of nowhere, fucks you at the end of the 0.1 incest Daz3D demo, after all the not-yet-fuckable family members are introduced, just to show the player that this game also has sex in it and isn't just a showcase of the Daz assets the creator bought/pirated, with the promise that you'll be able to fuck the mommy and the imouto and the tsundere big sister as well but it'll take more persuasion and more patreon donations and you probably won't even get a handjob from the imouto until version 0.5

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
You're troping wrong, mate. These are all different tropes. Yes, in porn games, there are tropes that are there to facilitate making sex happen like the Love Potion or the Absentee Dad, or the Monster Cock with Hypnotic Powers. But that's just it, those are their own tropes.

And the only actual "Deus Sex Machina" that I can think of is the obligatory random neighborhood skank that, out of nowhere, fucks you at the end of the 0.1 incest Daz3D demo, after all the not-yet-fuckable family members are introduced, just to show the player that this game also has sex in it and isn't just a showcase of the Daz assets the creator bought/pirated, with the promise that you'll be able to fuck the mommy and the imouto and the tsundere big sister as well but it'll take more persuasion and more patreon donations and you probably won't even get a handjob from the imouto until version 0.5

The main charater is anoying lucky, he walks around school without a care in the world, the secrets for blackmail are litterly screamed from the future victems mouth he just happend to stumble over, he has access to a club room for his breaking without anyone ever checking the club or just happend to find tools he can used to break them randomly at school.

Gives you mind control powers without even checking if you are dangerous, Despite supposly being closely watched billy can get away with mind controling most of his school and his mother and sister without any risk of getting caught(or getting evil points because aparent mind control isnt evil...)

you just have a magic artifact that you inherrited from dad and are made regent for reasons i dont know.

you charater see how to use the drugs for perversion but drug already existed.

How it duex sex machina not a trope?
It is the trope to point out that the player always just seem to have access to whatever he needs rather then accauly having to work around it.

There are very few games where you accauly have to deal with problems like boyfriends or making your own drug to trail and error.
Aug 22, 2017
How it duex sex machina not a trope?
Because it's not a trope, its a LIST of tropes. I think the meta-trope you're thinking of is Plot Convenience. But even tvtropes has removed that as a trope in of itself (a mistake, I might add) and replaced it with lists of lists, because those types of plot contrivances are in every story that has ever been written, ever.
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Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Because it's not a trope, its a LIST of tropes. I think the meta-trope you're thinking of is Plot Convenience. But even tvtropes has removed that as a trope in of itself (a mistake, I might add) and replaced it with lists of lists, because those types of plot contrivances are in every story that has ever been written, ever.
Thanks for explaining.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes