Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

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Aug 22, 2017
Yeah, I'll think I'll call it either "Good Girl Gone Bad" or "Just a girl who can't say no!"
Female MC games come in two varieties. Either the males in the game world initiate the sexual encounters, or the female MC initiates the sex. Noticing a pattern here, btw: female writers tend to write female MCs more proactively.

The Retard in Lechertown

This girl is just dumb. Much more naive than you'd think a girl over the age of 10 should be. She's pretty, and an adult, sure - but she has the worst luck, she's somehow ended up in a city / town / dimension where everyone has no other goal in life than to molest, abuse and rape her. Do they mix fluoride with viagra into the water? Is the MC girl just so hot that supposedly functional human beings would go into a blind rape-rage in her presence? Nobody knows. But the girl is dumb enough to go along with all of it. There's no blackmail scheme too stupid to fool her, and no ridiculous bluff isn't rewarded with a reluctant sexual favor. She can't work without her boss molesting her, she can't go down the street without getting groped. She can't go to the doctor without getting fucked. This dumb cunt can't even buy a bag of apples without getting herself raped twice. Sometimes she gets raped by dogs, too. Any smart person would take precautions, or gtfo out of this crazy town. But she just isn't a smart girl, she's oblivious to it all until eventually she may start enjoying it and stops protesting. At that point she can become the Cockhungry Slut.

If she has a boyfriend, that will be pretty much the only man in her life who doesn't forcefully fuck her at every opportunity, i.e. every breathing second.

Examples: Annas Exciting Affection, Road Trip, Lily of the Valley, Daughter from Dating my Daughter, Katie's Corruption

The Cockhungry Slut

This girl once tasted the cock, and now she can't get enough of it. She is hungry for the cock. She is gagging for it. She'll walk around in fetish gear shopping groceries with a vibrator humming inside her, and offer a flash to any random passersby. She will suck your dick in an instant, if you merely ask. If you don't ask, she might consider your agape mouth an invitation to do so anyways. No matter where she goes, she is the sluttiest and cockhungriest thing in a huge radius. And if she doesn't get some love for longer than 5 minutes, she can just move into the bushes and do herself. Does she get raped? People try - but you can't rape that which always consents and begs for more.

This girl doesn't have a boyfriend, or he's completely oblivious to what she's up to. One guy simply can't have the stamina to do her the way she needs it. Dogs, horses, girls, family members, random homeless people, no one is safe from being made a little bit more relaxed by her. Maybe she's a demon spawn who gains magical power from each milked cock, or maybe she's just a horny slut. Either way, she loves the cock.

Examples: Coceter Chronicles, Girl Life, Good Girl Gone Bad, presumably everything with the word "Succubus" in the title
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Active Member
May 30, 2017
The Loving Younger/Hateful Older Sister

It is a universal law that in any game containing a younger sister, she will always have a special relationship/secretly lust after her older brother. The MC is always the family member they come running to with any problems and thus the MC has to put in only minimal effort to start the ball rolling as he corrupts her. The MC in the beginning will often express remorse at lusting after his "innocent little sister" but swiftly gives in to the urge to stick her with his horse dick.

Opposite the loving younger sister, the elder sister almost always treats the MC like crap. No specific reason is given, but the older sister starts the game believing the MC is a sex offender and leaps to the worst conclusion in almost every situation involving the MC. This is usually revealed to be a facade masking either A) the elder sisters secret love for the MC or B) her submissive personality which just needs a firm hand to have her begging for her brothers cock. A firm hand the MC is more than happy to provide, safe in the belief that they totally deserve it.

Examples: Big Brother, Dreams of Desire, Man of the House.

Burt Reynolds Mustache

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Jul 19, 2017
The thing is, lewd aunts are real. I had a lewd aunt myself, childless (probably should go into the trope description as well), she'd aggressively flirt with me and watch me squirm. Nothing bad happened, but of one of my school mates, got his man-cherry popped by his own lewd aunt. Ok, the guy is like half french and the aunt was on the french side of the family and they'd have wine for breakfast and such. So I wasn't there to witness it but I believe the guy to this day. Lewd aunts are real.

Many of these tropes are real. The "Slutty Best Friend" is obviously a real one too, shy girls will attach themselves to more dominant girls, that's just a function of the social dynamics. It's also one of the more tolerable tropes, I find.

One of the more interesting tropes that are real is the "Stairway to Heaven". We know from behavioral research that the "human mating ritual" is something like that. You have layers of contact that have to be passed through for a successful mating. At the most abstract, you can think of something like

- Visual (Eye contact)
- Vocal (insert stupid pick up line, chat)
- Tactile (Touching each other)
- Oral (That's kissing)
- Genital (Penis in Vagina, Fucking)

Now what actually happens is that these steps can be differentiated into many sub-steps, for example, a gentle brush against the shoulders is a different tactile sub-layer than the grope for the boobs/dick. And scientists have done so. But the exact order in which these things happen depends on the culture. Famous, well-researched example: American troops in France during WW2. The French girls would say the American GIs were very forward. But the GIs would instead say, the French girls were very forward. They investigated this and found the central difference was in the kissing. Americans kiss much earlier than French do. For the French, a kiss is one of the last things you do before you do the hanky in the panky. For the americans, a kiss was something that came soon after a hello, with lots of further "mating dance" to happen after that and in before the actual sex. So they'd say hello, the Americans would start kissing, and the French girls would go "Oh, that was fast, ok lets fuck then" and drop their pantaloons to the surprise of the Americans.

The stairway is "real", but obviously overplayed in many games to the point of grind. You can stretch it out to 20 levels instead of 5, but for the love of god, just add booze as a mechanic, so that people can skip a few at a time, like in real life.
It's not that these tropes don't have a basis, or are bad. It's just that their overuse just tends to make things feel same-y. Hell, how interesting would it be for say the younger girl in one of these games to be the slutty friend, and her best friend is the shy one? Good Girl Gone Bad sorta does this in that Eric's younger sister is a bit of a whore, more so than the MC at the beginning for sure.

As for the stairway, I think the biggest issue I have with its use is that so many games seem to have one step a night or at a time. That's absurd. The steps can all happen in one or two dates, that's not crazy, especially when adults are involved.

A few of these are pure fantasy though, the whole 'gentleman' shit cracks me up every single time. Not that people don't creep like that, or even that it isn't successful at times, just that it's even considered being a gentleman in the first place.


Conversation Conqueror
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Jun 17, 2017
The Monster Cock


'Cuz, you know, most sexually awkward men in porn games that aren't getting laid, or that are in one humongous, decades long dry spell, have very gratuitously sized cocks...


New Member
Sep 22, 2017
What makes this a great thread to me is the fact that the OP's avatar is Burt Reynolds. So, as you read through these explanations, imagine yourself sitting in a room having all of these explained to you in detail by . . . Burt Reynolds. (if you start hearing Burt's voice as you read; your immersion is complete)

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
What makes this a great thread to me is the fact that the OP's avatar is Burt Reynolds. So, as you read through these explanations, imagine yourself sitting in a room having all of these explained to you in detail by . . . Burt Reynolds. (if you start hearing Burt's voice as you read; your immersion is complete)
The Monster Cock

View attachment 35700

'Cuz, you know, most sexually awkward men in porn games that aren't getting laid, or that are in one humongous, decades long dry spell, have very gratuitously sized cocks...
Sol Valley High is the perfect example of this one. He has literally no redeeming feature other than his forearm sized cock.
Aug 22, 2017
In lieu of the Monster Cock, this reminds me of a related trope

Hypnotized by the Cock

She saw her sons/brothers cock under the shower, and ever since, she couldn't stop fantasizing about it.

Basically a trope that incorrectly attributes male sexual mechanisms to females in a porn game. Males are very visual creatures, their sexuality is very visually oriented, and focused on body parts (tits as the most obvious example) - But women are not. As we know from research, women basically never look for porn based on body parts the same way men do, female sexuality is looking more for social cues - Status, dominance and the like.

However, don't expect your basic porn game writer to know any of that. The same way he personally may have gotten hypnotized (sexually aroused) by his sisters/mothers tits during puberty (and was ashamed for his feelings), it would work the same for a girl right? Just show her the big fat cock of her brother/son and she won't ever stop fantasizing about it and feel bad about her incestuous affection. And eventually she'd feel forced to act on her forbidden lust, thus making lewds happen.

This is mostly a trope of the incest genre, where the hack writer can't otherwise explain why the mom or the attractive sister would go for her 12 year old looking son/brother with the horse dick, instead of the buff tall, grown ass men that indubitably also inhabit the world.

Examples: Summertime Saga (the Mother), Many others that I can't think of right now


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Aug 31, 2017

An Obstacle put in the path of the MC, wether to be overcome or to please the NTR-Fans.

Always an Asshole, always there when you don´t need him, interferes with your ,mostly not so honorable goals of getting laid and he gropes, molests, harasses and rapes all the girls and/or family members the MC knows. Simultaneously one of the main girls falls in unexplainable love with him. The Eric doesn´t care about the girls/familymembers feelings and more often treats her like a sidechick. He does unspeakable things to her(which the MC would do as well if he would wander in his shoes) but nevertheless, the play with our emotions lets us hate The Eric. He gets the girls and often acts from a position of dominance like boss in a big company, bully from school, rich goodlooking Prince Charming etc.
Basically he personifies everything the MC wants to be at any point in the game. Is mostly male.
Sometimes THE ERIC intertwines with THE WEINSTEIN

Examples: Eric(THE namegiver) from Big Brother, Dinn from View of Family

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
The Other Eric

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"Um, it's already in."

Not to be confused with The Eric the Erik is an absolute milquetoast character. He's usually the be 'nice' boyfriend who is cucked by the Good Girl Gone Bad. His is the route that no one in their right mind wants to watch, he's the ultimate Beta, and he exists only to have his heart broken at some point. He might even be OK with an open relationship, because that will never end badly. It's great for her, because hey he may be stable, but why have stability when you can snort coke of the cock of a latino gang banger who is likely laced with disease. Hell, Erics are so bad at sex, actual dogs are a better lay.

Examples: Good Girl Gone Bad (Eric, the namegiver), Any boyfriend in any corruption game ever.

The Erik

eirk cucked.png

"Hello darkness my old friend..."

The Erik is a "friend" of the main character who is useless at life. Unlike The Wingman these guys add nothing of value to the life of well anyone. They have absolutely no will to do anything on their own, and can only get laid with the help of the MC, often in a threesome that let's be honest, no one but the Erik really wants. The Eric goes beyond needing help to get laid, they are also leeches constantly making the MC do things for them based on the promise of some far off pussy. Thankfully, nearly all Eriks get cucked in the end. An MC needs to watch out, as there is a chance that since they didn't get laid out of their own volition, they will turn into assholes after finally getting some.

Examples include: Erik (Summertime Saga, namegiver), Male Cousin (The Artifact), Tom (Incest Story)
Aug 22, 2017
The Other Eric
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I don't think this is how trope naming works, though... "The Eric" is prominent enough, but you can't have additional ones. I'd suggest it be
"The Milquetoast Boyfriend", additional examples: Lily of the Valley (The boyfriend)
"The Pathetic Fat Guy", additional examples: The Twist (the fat friend)

Oh, and you better write "The Wingman" because that isn't a character I see enough of :D

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
I don't think this is how trope naming works, though... "The Eric" is prominent enough, but you can't have additional ones. I'd suggest it be
"The Milquetoast Boyfriend", additional examples: Lily of the Valley (The boyfriend)
"The Pathetic Fat Guy", additional examples: The Twist (the fat friend)

Oh, and you better write "The Wingman" because that isn't a character I see enough of :D
I see what you're saying I was building up to a joke, which I just posted though. I just find it kinda hilarious that every single Eric is a shitty archetype of some form or another. Heh.
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Aug 22, 2017
I see what you're saying I was building up to a joke, which I just posted though. I just find it kinda hilarious that every single Eric is a shitty archetype of some form or another. Heh.
I mean, as a joke it's funny, but that's probably why we now already have games making "Eric" jokes (Parental Love isn't the first one) and we're here doing serious business writing serious tropes. Or so I thought. As serious as trope descriptions get, anyhow.


The one that is way too common in female protagonist RPGM games is the rapist town. Every NPC (male or female) is a lecherous psychopath whose only purpose in life seems to be to trick the MC into increasingly degrading sexual interactions with them.

That old man in a side quest? he will pretend to be a feeble innocent old guy, but it's all part of his Machiavellian plan to force physical contact with you, because he just can't stop himself. You might get old in rape town, but you never retire from raping.

That kid in the park? he will just tear down your pants because that's what kids do. Wait what?

You need to buy clothes? be ready to be groped by the store owner, that's the only way. Needless to say, he will peek while you change clothes. And because we are in rape town, costumers will sometimes join the peeking. It's just common courtesy here.

You need a job? you will have to wear this super slutty dress, it's the company's policy. Don't complain, you won't even be wearing it most of the time. It's just a technicality at this point. Next year they will probably forbid clothes all together.

Your boss called you to his office? in rape town people are unable to work continuously, you will have to put up with rape breaks.

That female coworker? she is a lesbian and wants to fuck you too. If she wasn't a lesbian before, the MC will make her one. Rape town is not sexist after all, everyone wants to rape.

You thought your boss was bad? wait until you meet his boss, who is usually The Weinstein. He epitomizes the corruption by being ridiculously obese and appearing at that stage of the game where the dev is running out of degrading ideas within the boundaries of the law.

Wow you just met a nice dude? remember you are in rape town, there are none here. The plot will eventually involve him taking advantage of you.

That sauna? yeah that's not a sauna, that's where certified rapists go to work in rape town.

The police? don't even bother. They are the rape enforcers. If it wasn't clear at first it will become clear after you end up entangled in a blackmail web where you will have to fuck your way out.

That NPC that is just filler in the map? as an honorable citizen of rape town he will point out how hot you are or something along those lines. You can't blame them, they are just trying to fit in.

That dog? yep, you know it. Only Patreon can save you now.
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Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
The one that is way too common in female protagonist RPGM games is the rapist town. Every NPC (male or female) is a lecherous psychopath whose only purpose in life seems to be to trick the MC into increasingly degrading sexual interactions with them.

That old man in a side quest? he will pretend to be a feeble innocent old guy, but it's all part of his Machiavellian plan to force physical contact with you, because he just can't stop himself. You might get old in rape town, but you never retire from raping.

That kid in the park? he will just tear down your pants because that's what kids do. Wait what?

You need to buy clothes? be ready to be groped by the store owner, that's the only way. Needless to say, he will peek while you change clothes. And because we are in rape town, costumers will sometimes join the peeking. It's just common courtesy here.

You need a job? you will have to wear this super slutty dress, it's the company's policy.

Your boss called you to his office? in rape town people are unable to work continuously, you will have to put up with rape breaks.

That female coworker? she is a lesbian and wants to fuck you too. If she wasn't a lesbian before, the MC will make her one. Rape town is not sexist after all, everyone wants to rape.

You thought your boss was bad? wait until you meet his boss, who is usually The Weinstein. He epitomizes the corruption by being ridiculously obese and appearing at that stage of the game where the dev is running out of degrading ideas within the boundaries of the law.

Wow you just met a nice dude? remember you are in rape town, there are none here. The plot will eventually involve him taking advantage of you.

That sauna? yeah that's not a sauna, that's where certified rapists go to work in rape town.

The police? don't even bother. They are the rape enforcers. If it wasn't clear at first it will become clear after you end up entangled in a blackmail web where you will have to fuck your way out.

That NPC that is just filler in the map? as an honorable citizen of rape town he will point out how hot you are or something along those lines. You can't blame them, they are just trying to fit in.

That dog? yep, you know it. Only Patreon can save you now.
Heh, this was lampshaded in Incest Story 1 where if you went out at night there were literally rapists roaming around the town with their dicks out that you had to fight. The trope is especially popular in Japanese games. Material Girl and Virgin Island have this trope in SPADES.
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Aug 22, 2017
The one that is way too common in female protagonist RPGM games is the rapist town.
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I already wrote about this, it's one of the 2 ways most female MC games go

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But to be fair, "Every guy is a rapist/lecher, every girl is a retard" is how a lot of Male MC games work in general and might be deserving of its own trope. "The Gentleman" is when the MC is also a rapist/lecher, and this only works when the girl in question is kinda... slow on the uptake... like the Daughter in DMD.


Sep 20, 2016
I don't really mind most of the usual tropes, but my main dislike with a number of porn games using 3DCG is the fact that they portray the young characters as midgets compared to everybody else. The daughter and her friends from DmD is a prime example, and the bother from Big Brother as well. It's idiotic to portray the youthfulness of the characters by turning them into midgets.

Now the argument could be made that the characters are naturally short, but in DmD all three the supposedly legal aged teens look like children compared to the adult females in the game, which makes absolutely zero sense since by the time you hit 18 you should pretty much be fully grown.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes