So here's the Patreon update with WWG. Patreon wants WWG to change his link, so this site doesn't traffic to his patreon page. I'm guessing Patreon wants to have as much proof as possible that they have no connection to f95 and incest patches. So they have possible deniability to paypal.
The only problem is, once WWG updates his Patreon link, F95 will just update the new link. On the other hand, traffic to his patreon is a good thing, because there are people who find games they like and do end up supporting him.
I suppose using a redirector like tinyurl wouldn't be good enough to get around the "direct link" issue either.
Perhaps this is something
F95Zone should start to consider - they are indirectly responsible if it keeps up, for impacting the games and developers that they are focusing on, at least that still use Patreon.
I guess one way to nip it in the bud, might to omit any link whatsoever, and simply give the Patreon page/dev name, so people can search for it themselves manually. But
again, that would rely on F95Zone staff not sabotaging it and inserting a link of their own. Really all a /pirate/ site
should be concerned about is having the game listing, and download links. There's no true NEED to have a direct link to a Patreon/SubscribeStar/etc page. Just the name of it so someone can find it with a manual search if they want to support.
It's a bitch of a problem, that's for sure. Shitreon isn't doing anyone any favors.