Jul 4, 2018
wait, who are the 3 off limit girls? If you mean this update. New vaginal sex is Amber and Cath, which only Cath is "off limits". If you mean in total, Then Cath and Brenna, which is only 2 again. what combo makes 3?

Unless you have a different definition for off limit characters. The off limit characters i'm thinking of are Ophelia, Cath, Brenna, Lucia and Aliza.
The girls who you couldnt have vaginal sex with before the update...its an incest game aint no female off limits in here lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
Even in an update where the cast literally pull a F95Zone card in calling Catherine the fuck out for all the cock blocking with her insane lack of perception of privacy and personal space she still somehow manages to do it yet again lol. I think this was my personal fave update in regards to direction the cast have been taken. Especially enjoyed the unexpected turn of Eva and Mallory getting screentime togerther - both felt pure side girls so them getting their own storyline is great to see. Also was pleased at how Catherine ballsy as ever somehow managed to break the secrecy of her relationship with Sterling with Amber in a way which didnt cause a full on meltdown given both their competitive natures and the fact she got to her boyfriend before her.

Brenna was a fantastic scene, was really happy that in the end it wasnt being coerced by Sterling, a scheme by Eva, drugged out of her mind by Hunter etc but because she really does love Sterling and how happy he makes her and the girls. Shes prob the most organic love interest character development wise and it was well worth the wait. Ophelia likely next to come but i think like Lucia and Catherine its opening a can of worms triggering her dominant sex starved side - that Hunter DNA is coming to the fore lol.

Best girl Lucia gets all the best scenes as always and by the gods is it good to see Sterling going more full on with her, makes no sense at this point him holding back and i kinda hope the Sybian has gone for good, its had more than its share of the spotlight. Now to see how things progress after her little spying escapade. Tiff is actually growing on me as a pure out and out likable character (please dont make Payton a love interest though lol), Kumiko too after her most of all feeling a needless addition and i really want to see more of Rebecca.

Only part of the update i wasnt overtly fond of was how little spotlight was shone on Aunt Aliza - after such strides in this update adding plot to all the side character she is prob the most rudderless storywise but WWG adding in an alternate location to the main house shows that he has plans at least for her but im not sure how she is gonna stand out uniqueness wise compared to anyone else in the cast now. I never thought id say it but i miss Kevin. The only scenario i can personally see to really bring her back to the main story as anything but an afterthought if the return of Drew whom now more than ever can offer some really interesting plotlines.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
i kinda hope the Sybian has gone for good, its had more than its share of the spotlight.
Considering where it's stored right now, I think it'll make a spectacular comeback (possibly with Sterling being forced to break it to *ahem* "progess").

Also, on a completely unrelated note (but since you mentioned Tiff), this has been the second time we had a full Hunter "win" on her path. I wonder if that will continue in the future (probably not yet next update, as I suspect Drew won't go full out yet).


Active Member
Feb 2, 2018
Any info on if the game is going to be completed with the next version (v1.0)? I want to play more games that are (mostly) finished but rarely does a game that I like achieve that status.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2018
Any info on if the game is going to be completed with the next version (v1.0)? I want to play more games that are (mostly) finished but rarely does a game that I like achieve that status.
Highly unlikely. The next release is gonna be Chapter 10 not v1.0. There is quite a bit of story and character development left, there should be a few chapters more.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2018
Highly unlikely. The next release is gonna be Chapter 10 not v1.0. There is quite a bit of story and character development left, there should be a few chapters more.
alright then I'll have to wait some more.. thx!


Jan 8, 2018
Honestly it's too early to cry "Forced Femdom!" at this stage, I'm not a fan either but WWG has implemented it with a light touch, compared to a lot of other femdom scenes in other games. As it was stated earlier this isn't counter to Ophelia's character either, WWG dropped some pretty big hints during the book club scenes, and the bathroom scene made it pretty clear that Ophelia snapped. Her life is out of control and Sterling made a forced advance on her against her wishes, in an environment she already knows is not normal or "right". Sterling made it clear he wasn't going to stop, so she coped the only she could by taking control, I'm pretty sure this was in her mind the only way not to lose it completely.

As was also touched on earlier, Sterling has been gradually changing and becoming more and more like Hunter. At the beginning of the game he was slightly wimpy, timid and wouldn't have dreamed of engaging in any kind of sexual antics with the other characters. Now he's buff, confident, assertive and kind of predatory in his behaviour. Ophelia's scenes may be femdom for now, but that's not to say Sterling might not end up turning the table back to his favour. We'll just have to wait and see.
at the same time sterling is also going on a different path then hunter where grandpoppy raw dogs the situation sterling is a slow progress of real intimate relations look at brenna and cath sure he may stumple and fall so now and again but he is on the right learning path to be something greater then hunter heck this sex god familiy legacy may even be improved by it


Jan 8, 2018
I can't believe Sterling managed to make the same mistake twice, the total idiot - first with Brenna, then with Ophelia; the second time after very clearly having learned his lesson about consent with Brenna AND after having a conversation with Ophelia where he realised the way he was acting towards her made him sound like a date-rapist.
I mean really, how damn stupid can you get?

Plus, we've got a "great" setup with Hunter's bag of drugs that can very easily be made to seem like Sterling's the one who's been drugging everyone, since he's got them locked up in his possession.

It's well-written, but it's also so frustrating how excruciatingly bad his decision-making is.

It's depressingly impressive how pretty much every chapter so far has ended on a downer, made even worse this time because of the above failure to learn AND because so much good progress was made with pretty much everyone else beforehand - Ophelia's content this time around really makes Brenna's "I guess you really ARE just a great, generous guy" dialogue so tragically, laughably wrong in comparison.
he is young let him stumple and fall so now and again in this accidental path of sex godhood he is on on hunters schemes heck we know everone is being spiked with all kinds of drugs that lower there morals and thinking by the bastard


Jan 8, 2018
I think a lot of the people here complaining about Sterling and Ophelia not learning lessons and having personality shifts need to read the dialogue again. To my mind there is something going on with Sterling, something "Hunter'ish" add to the fact Hunter is drugging everyone in the entire house with god knows what that affects them god knows how.
In ch 9 he steps up his game and starts to drug the very air everyone in the house breathes.
So Ophelia having gone through the loss of her husband, his debts, their children, Hunter's "help" and her body acting crazy, now Sterling crosses the line, high on whatever aphrodisiac that Hunter sprays them with and bring Ophelia well over her comfort zone and basically mouth-rapes her.
Of course it will send her over the edge, in the book club scenes she eventually admits that she wants to experience control in the bedroom, being dominant, and now with what happened between her and Sterling and she knowing that she needs this as much as he wants it, she decides that to continue their after dark activities, she needs to play a character that she has always wanted to play.

It's not at all a leap in logic imo what happens between several of the characters this chapter.
he right on the money on that i had the exact feeling it was that people are to quick on the gun and butthurt to think cleary and take all the info we into account of what is happening heck considering drew is now a trap he needs a heir i have almost the feeling the slimy bastard is both training and testing stirling as well trying to get lucky


Jan 8, 2018
I think perhaps you misunderstand. I don't mind anything that's going on - but I do notice (some) character traits, and inconsistent behavior. MC's a bit of a two-faced insensitive wanker, especially considering he's the one preaching to Catherine about consent.

considering he and the rest of the house are being druged by hunter that lowers there morals change in bodies[more hormones can fuck your head] and clearly put them a slower level of thinking i would not call sterling a two-faced insensitive wanker


Jan 8, 2018
Okay, I don't typically defend that segment of the populace, but..
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The distinctions are significant.
The distinctions are indeed significant why people confuse the 2 i dont know but i have add 3 groep into that the ex chad is classic trans all those in game games that ophellia and lucia played clear futa drew i would say is a trap now with how she looks any person who does not know her and go's in thinking get a woman will get a nasty surprise if all the parts are still there


Oct 9, 2021
Wasn't there a walkthrough mod of sorts? somehow i can't find it.. or maybe its because of the mandela effect.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
There's no walkthrough mod, because it's not needed. There used to be a (very confusing) walkthrough before, but fortunately we've been able to get rid of it since it serves no purpose at all since it's a kinetic novel. If you're wondering where to go next, just go to your room. There's a list of events there when you click on the robot.
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Oct 9, 2021
There's no walkthrough mod, because it's not needed. There used to be a (very confusing) walkthrough before, but fortunately we've been able to get rid of it since it serves no purpose at all since it's a kinetic novel. If you're wondering where to go next, just go to your room. There's a list of events there when you click on the robot.

Ahh.. yes.. so i didn't need a mod after all.. i remembered there was some hint option or something. Thanks mate!


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
i kinda hope the Sybian has gone for good, its had more than its share of the spotlight
You and I both know it won't be gone until we catch Ophelia riding it. Or since she's a domme right now she might incorporate it into her sex play with Sterling.

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
So, if Drew turns out to be a trans character, are people going to lose their shit and rebel? In theory, Drew should only be seeing action in avoidable NTR scenes anyway, but ... we know how "satisfying" that answer is to some of the players.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2020
So, if Drew turns out to be a trans character, are people going to lose their shit and rebel? In theory, Drew should only be seeing action in avoidable NTR scenes anyway, but ... we know how "satisfying" that answer is to some of the players.
Some people were already mad, so we'll have to wait and see how this actually affects WWG's bottom line. I hope it won't though, cuz I love futas/trans girls.

Also look at the symbol on Drew's shirt and compare her backstory (where she's a guy) with her current appearance now. It's pretty much guaranteed that Drew is trans. The only question now is if WWG is planning a double bamboozle by putting a twist on the twist.
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