Uhm... I don't think... that's not the...for the same reason why we had a surge in Landlord Porn when the American housing market crashed
yes..... yes you can.. do you think everyone with a mortgage is forced to live in the house they bought until the mortgage is fully paid off? no, you put the thing back up for sale, someone buys it (preferably for more than or at least = to the amount owed on current mortgage.), pay off the remaining amount on said mortgage. I thought this was common knowledge.Wait, wait, wait, you can sell off a house that you haven't paid for yet?
Yeah, the "Beta" version is full of soy and cuckoldry.Did anyone notice if the Chapter 12 official had different content than the Chapter 12 Beta version?
is this news to you?Wait, wait, wait, you can sell off a house that you haven't paid for yet?
No, that is not how mortgage works.Actually yeah, isn't the House technically the bank's right now until they pay it off?
Incidentally, if your house value dropped a lot and the mortgage is more than its worth. this scenario is called being underwater.What happens to your mortgage when you sell your home?
When you sell, ideally you’d have enough equity to pay off your loan balance, cover closing costs and turn a profit. Upon closing, the buyer’s funds first pay off your remaining loan balance and closing costs, then you are paid the rest. If you're selling your home relatively soon after purchasing, check with your lender to see if a prepayment penalty applies to your loan.
> If you sell your house. you are legally not allowed to buy a new one.Most probably you can sell the house, but you still would have to pay the mortgage. And then you have nowhere to live.
Maybe a rather foolish idea - except if you really have to.
1. self defense. he literally drugged your sister and tried to rape her. if you knife him on the spot you can easily claim self defense. almost certain to be declared not guilty. very low odds of going to prison.That's some real "Ben Shapiro" level thinking. First somehow get away with murdering your grandfather, then land a decent paying job as a 19-year-old with no skills or experience, then buy a home with no credit and no savings. Super easy, barely an inconvenience!
1) I'm not sure that self defense argument would hold up in court, but the point is moot because I was originally questioning this:1. self defense. he literally drugged your sister and tried to rape her. if you knife him on the spot you can easily claim self defense. almost certain to be declared not guilty. very low odds of going to prison.
Worse case scenario... he actually really does go to prison. shrug. shit happens.
2. mom is the one who owns the house and she has a credit score. she must have been paying on time because the house was not repossessed. so her credit should be good to take a mortgage for a different house after selling this one.
3. savings are covered by the sale of the existing home. unless it is underwater then its sale will produce some equity after covering the existing mortgage. which, if you downsize properly (as this family clearly should), would cover a decent down payment.
4. IIRC mom has a job.
5. you say it sarcastically, but it literally is super easy, barely an inconvenience.
At that early point in the story, Hunter hadn't done all the terrible things that keep getting mentioned. You can't justify actions using future events.If i were in his shoes, grandad would have an 'accident' pretty much immediately after the first conversation.
it absolutely would.1) I'm not sure that self defense argument would hold up in court,
well, fair enough that it would be a lot harder to get acquitted in a scenario where all you have is your own word that he told you he is going to rape the girls and there is no drugged out girl and drug delivery method who can be tested for drugs.At that early point in the story, Hunter hadn't done all the terrible things that keep getting mentioned. You can't justify actions using future events.
a. dev never actually bothered telling us that the house is underwater. explicitly stating as such would have made it better. although still silly.2 & 3) If there's equity in the home, then yeah, Ophelia could probably sell it to at least cover her debts, but we don't actually know what she owes so it's hard to say.
Huh. ok, well, I misremembered there.4) Ophelia does NOT have a (paying) job, she's been a stay-at-home mom since she was a teenager.
I know. I recognized the sarcasm and I recognized the reference.5) Yes it was sarcasm, but also a popular reference.
Hey let's not sell him short. Sterling doesn't learn this for a good bit but Hunter groomed Drew to seduce Nora and Keira and then seduced them himself. He then did the same to a bunch of households around the world that he'd then pimp out.Lets not forget. Everyone writes Hunter as this "Big Bad", but in reality. All his accomplisments are in non-canon bad ends. The most he has SUCCESSFULLY done in the canon story is touch Ophelia's ass at the start of the game (barely) and keep them on drugs (that have all been to STERLING'S benefit).
Lets face it. Hunter is a joke because he's written to be a joke.
The thing about self defense is it usually has to be a proportional response. I'm not sure murdering a senior citizen over attempted rape is proportional, but hey, I'm not a lawyer.it absolutely would.
ESPECIALLY so in the USA where you have a jury.
You need to convince 12 jurors to ALL unanimously vote guilty for you to be declared guilty.
David, the recently deceased husband to Ophelia, was the one who had a job and paid for everything.Why does not a single person in the house have a job?
Pfft, if you knew it was a joke, why are you splitting hairs over it? I was sarcastically emphasizing the difficulty a 19-year-old would have getting away with murder, then getting a good job, then buying a house, and I stand by my point. Rhetorically: how old were you when you bought your first house?I know. I recognized the sarcasm and I recognized the reference.
I am also saying that unironically, it would be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
The meme is about actually difficult to impossible things being glossed over.
Not basic shit like "get a job and spend less money"
right, but i meant what he's accomplished in that house specifically. He does apparently run a secret operation successfully, but that's without Sterling interfering. Which goes to show, that Sterling isn't just sitting back doing nothing. Hunter has a portfolio of things he can do, but Sterling has been able to thwart his every move.Hey let's not sell him short. Sterling doesn't learn this for a good bit but Hunter groomed Drew to seduce Nora and Keira and then seduced them himself. He then did the same to a bunch of households around the world that he'd then pimp out.
He also didn't barley touch Ophelia's ass. He clearly scooped it.
True. And in half the bad ends where Hunter wins Sterling or Catherine immediately kill himright, but i meant what he's accomplished in that house specifically. He does apparently run a secret operation successfully, but that's without Sterling interfering. Which goes to show, that Sterling isn't just sitting back doing nothing. Hunter has a portfolio of things he can do, but Sterling has been able to thwart his every move.
1. only in some states.The thing about self defense is it usually has to be a proportional response.
I am not splitting hairs here.Pfft, if you knew it was a joke, why are you splitting hairs over it?
Of course you can. But with which money do you buy the house? You still have the mortgage to pay and not much income.> If you sell your house. you are legally not allowed to buy a new one.
> If you sell your house. you are legally not allowed to rent a place to live in.
I already explained it 5 times, but lets go againOf course you can. But with which money do you buy the house? You still have the mortgage to pay and not much income.
And paying the mortgage for a house you do not live in anymore and a rent? I would avoid doing that, if I can.