Ahh, stupid dragon.
The rematch at the second version on maniac is hell, even at lv 70 and top tier cells it can one shot Alcy after having full buffs. Considering that the first version can be easily defeated at level 50, the damn jump was scary.
It was hell until I got to day 100 and unlocked the damn ability I needed, Alcy Wall that does AoE guard.
Plants that raises attack, tp and gives debuff to the enemy at the start of the battle.
Gigolo food to raise def and speed.
Alcy with all her skills unlocked (I didn't know that the final skill tree is unlocked at day 100).
Cell needs most of the buffing skills, most of the debuff skills, diamond dust, AoE super heal (the one that costs 300 mp) and the buff cleanser.
It's stalling with all the skills you can use and items until the dragon gets to 0 mp (the venom skill is essential here). Raise the def, lower atk, lower spacial (mag down) and raise speed.
The water skill that uses 55 tp to lower atk and mag in order to survive and land the debuff with the venom skill.
Venom skill to give mp poison (important), hp poison (it's like 1k, but something is something) and blind (important).
The earth skill that uses mp to raise def. Without it, Alcy dies.
Diamond Dust and Glitter Dust depending on the attack.
The skill that uses 999 MP that raises all stats is also useful at the beginning in order to get all the buffs quickly after turn 4. Without the Mag buff and Mag debuff combo, the damn dragon will constantly stun with its normal 4 hit strike (it doesn't do too much damage if you stack def up and atk down).
Time to finally finish the pre DLC story.
True Ending finished. The most difficult battle is still the pre dlc lv99 dragon, although I was probably a bit underleveled (Alcy was lv 70).
DLC bosses are quite easy if you tackle them after unlocking the skills and get the best gears. It's just debuffing, buffing, attacking and damage mitigation, keeping the debuff/buff active all the time. The 100 tp light spell that gives a 5 turn buff is more useful, even if it gives less stats than the 999 mp buff. The permanent blind debuff gear for your cell is ridiculously good.
Wind mage is just raising def and lowering her attack. You don't even need the damage mitigation spells. Defeated her after Collette, that's how easy she is.
Light mage, you need to wait until you unlock the higher tier spells dark spells. Attack using dark spells, the combined dark spell that loweres stats and removes buffs can also cleanse that anti-debuff shield he uses.
Dina, fight normally, but equip the instant death null kamui.
Grim, this one was actually a bit hard, I defeated him when Alcy was lv 175 and she had the best gear possible available for her at the moment (before the ether equipment). It was stacking the damage mitigation spell. The earth version that uses 55 tp most of the time and the water version that uses 100 tp before the big attacks. Judgement near the end and spam all your special attacks except for wind, he has too much def for wind spell to work.
Super Dina 1: Spam the double Eruption spell. She doesn't have any dangerous attack that requires you to use the 55 damage mitigation earth spell.
Super Dina 2: (to unlock the book for the ultimate weapon) is way easier in comparison since you unlock the quad alcy passive at that point.
The adventurer ASI is good for the dlc dungeons. It's too heavy and doesn't provide any stat, but it doesn't matter. Most of the random enemies dies from 1 instant death ability. ASI Dragon and spamming instant death will raise Alcy will raise her to max level without even trying as long as you don't escape from battles.
Story was nice, but I felt that it lacked something.
I am too lazy to unlock the trophies (1000 sex and 300 monster looks like a pain to do). What is the last trophy?