He is a fucking scammer,this isnt complete and there are no updates on his patreon,rip to those he scammed.
Hi Karl!
If you think it's worth spending a lot of time creating a game based entirely on original hand-drawn art (not on existing arts from asian segment of the web or on existing Daz-3d characters) and earning $24 all the time on Patreon, that's a "fucking scammer", ok then. I wish all scammers were like this, haha

-here is my earnings for all the time.
To be honest, I was upset that there was little traffic going to the page, I then thought that people did not like the idea or the art, but I updated the page as long as I had patrons. But when the last patron unsubscribed from me after 2 months, I abandoned the page update. But nevertheless I am grateful for the patrons I had, and they will receive free keys to the game when it comes out. Karl, if you are interested in the game, but you do not want to buy it in the steam store, I can also send you a key, I'm interested in your opinion about it.