When reading comprehension is your biggest enemy... I never had trouble with the game pointers, Though yeah the combat has much to be desired but it is in it's early stages with the art and story being the main focus at the moment dev wise. If you want something done then supporting the dev and having patience would be the logical and ideal thing to do. and honestly? The art does carry the game this early on and that's more that can be said for most that end up being abandoned.Whan I read comix and found outt there is a game, I hoped there is somthing akin to that rpgmaker things. But this... they clearly not suited for making games. Overcomplicated combat without obvious mechanics is shitty at least.
Save-load made so poorly, you cant even tell - are you loading or saving.
Perfect example of situation when art is NOT everything.
No obvious pointers is making you reload again and again without any understanding - what the fuck did you do wrog this time. From gamedesign point of view - complete shit.
When you escaping prison, second room, SECOND FUCKING ROOM - and they're keep catching you. What to do? Where to hide? How stupid and blind devs are to shit this crap to life? Hope they will never make games again, they are imbecils anyway. Even BG3 has combat more comprehansible than this shit.
~~If I wasn't such a broke bastard I'd be donating on their patreon...~~