RPGM - Completed - Princess Go Round [Milk Force]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes in life, you just need a simple RPG with nice artwork and a gorgeous character. This game really exceeded my expectation. The artwork is good, princess is gorgeous with a nice thick body and the sex scenes are good as well. Storyline is okay and gameplay is very simple, you go town to town and collect 4 crystals... a game you can finish in one afternoon.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Finally returning to this game after years, having dropped it ages ago because I felt that the FMC was too pure (yes, she really is way too pure in the start).

    The art is gorgeous, the FMC and H scenes great. Most scenes are however largely vanilla, and the H talk is not very innovative.

    The difficulty, especially if you do a 'pure' run will need you to grind. Otherwise with a full H completion, you'll win most battles without any grinding. The final boss died within 4 moves.

    Overall a great 1-2h play!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the most middle of the road, standard "RPGM" game possible. Here's a quick rundown:
    • The macro story is ass but the micro stories are enjoyable
    • Bad plot, great characters
    • The game is short
    • The hentai quality is great but the hentai quantity is a bit lacking (lots of reused CGs).
    • The sex pacing starts slow but escalates exponentially, so it starts well but becomes a bit absurd.
    • Leveling experience is linked to sex, so the pure route is a grindy mess but the perv route is incredibly easy; however there is no point to doing the pure route as its ending is barely different from the perv route.
    • Combat is standard, but very easy RPGM combat; however combat encounters are too frequent
    I want to go into detail with two points that I feel stand out:
    1. The sex pacing and corruption is a bit odd. The sex functions like a base-10 logarithmic scale, such as the Richter Scale, with an x-axis of promiscuity and a y-axis of sexual activity. It starts incredibly slow but once she takes her first cock it skyrockets.
    2. The overarching story is entirely irrelevant. It's certainly there but five minutes after finishing the game I've completely forgotten what it was about, and for note I'm someone who actually cares about the story in an h-game so for it to be that forgettable is harsh. Something to add but there is no reason to go for the pure ending, as its literally just 1:1 the perv ending with a bonus h-scene lobbed off from the end. While the game's plot is terrible the rest of the writing is great. The characters, especially the FemC, "Fleur," are all great. They all feel rather believable (with consideration for "h-game logic") and NPCs are enjoyable to encounter. The world actually feels alive, like these are not just NPCs but are people within the world. Despite Fleur's sexual degeneracy spiking her character feels like the same person throughout (except a few late game events.) Additionally, it feels like she's having a great time throughout the game instead of turning into a mindless slut who just exist to fuck. The game is also rather humorous at times and it all hits well.
    I definitely recommend it. I'd give it a 3.5 if we could give half-stars, but I can't so I'm giving the average game the "average" rating of 3/5.
    Likes: mc247
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the normal plot for a corruption game. The protagonist has to save the kingdom and to do that she will do anything. You can finish the game without going down a sexual route, but this will make the game last much longer... but it's possible. Corruption is good and the scenes of her being corrupted too, there could be more different scenes, in the case of situations... MC expression and sex position is 100.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my few favorite RPGMs. I like that the game forces the player to corrupt in order to earn money faster and get good equipment. There is also a very long (hours) way to earn money by killing monsters.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A very simple game. It seems that the main plot and the 'spicy' episodes are detached, two watertight compartments. After a while, the latter get boring, as they are very similar, in fact some of them I fast-forwarded through. The game also suffers from the absence of animations. The visuals are nice. I expected without having played it a story about the heroine being corrupted by the enemy.
    The protagonist is funny, there are many clichés, the narration is light.
    The combat has some strategy...you can lose the fight if you only attack.
    Overall, a cute game but one that, for me, fails to hold your attention throughout the whole game.
    Rating: 7+
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Liked this a lot. Fleur is a fun character who slowly becomes a sex fiend. Takes until about the halfway point till she starts enjoying herself, but then the game become fun and quite hot. A decent little RPGM corruption game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is really good. The plot is normal for corrupt game, it is ok but not that good 7/10. You can play this game just for art. MC expression and sex position is 10/10. Overall 8/10 most of point is Female charactor design.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Charming game. The beautifully designed main protagonist get progressively more perverted. The lore is surprisingly cool and well made. The scenes are AWESOME, and gets progressively better the more you reach the endgame.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    the good:

    the combat and its UI actually looks good (it's one of few h-games that I don't find the combat annoying)
    i appreciate the adorable character image shown in combat (she's so cute!!!)
    the princess is very beautiful and sexy (she's thicc in all the right places, yummy) - design wise is a 10/10 for me
    h-scenes are very good and steamy, fap-worthy

    the not so good:
    it starts off slow...but it will get steamy soon, be patient
    the game is kinda short, for such a nice game I would appreciate it to last longer

    tip: weapons and armors are very important in this game imo

    if you like corruption and watching innocent princess becoming a common whore, you will love this game
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I think only one route is viable (if you don't want to grind the bad combat for hours). The combat is a little unbalanced sometimes (depends a lot on which monster you run into) and it's a bit confusing to tell which gear and how many levels you need for each zone.

    The art is great, but I would prefer if the corruption process was less abrupt. To me, the sex scenes are not that good, but if you are into prostitution and humiliation, you might like it a lot.

    Average compared to other games that are very similar themed (royal family girl corrupted, cursed, etc).
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good, simple game.

    The art style and quality is excellent, and the mc is really hot. The sex scenes are really good as well, lots of nice scenarios (e.g. stuck in hole in wall, sleep sex). Unfortunately, the genitalia are all pixellated which is a shame. The scenes are also all really easy to obtain, there is even a hints button in the menu which tells you if youre missing any.

    The combat is nothing special, it's quite easy, and I like that you can level up easily by doing lewd stuff.

    The story is very simple and generic, no real issues. The fact that I didnt even finish the game (because you can unlock all the H scenes before you defeat the final boss) goes to show that the story is really not interesting at all.

    In terms of depravity, there are shota scenes and rape scenes, so those are the most depraved.

    Overall this is a well-polished game and is simple but excellent. Took me about 2 hours to complete (well I didnt kill final boss, but got all the lewd scenes). Low A-tier game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is about 4-6 hours long and isnt too complex. Level up, defeat boss, go to new town, chat with people with either a heart (sex) or mission (!). And go to next area to kill monsters. Each town has also 1 newer set of armour.

    The sex scenes are nice but not much you can do, just simple yes to view.

    I think it is possible to complete the game without watching any of the sex scenes but it would have been quite grindy with the monsters. Else not much replay-ability.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm kind of conflicted with this one, but honestly I can't really give it anything but 4 stars just from the art alone. The gameplay isn't horrible to be honest - it's just fine.

    Let's start with the combat. It's really easy, which honestly isn't bad; it's just your typical turn-based RPGM combat with little to no twists to it. There wasn't really any real challenge, and maybe to its detriment there were barely any puzzles to keep you occupied while clearing the dungeons. I only have two real complaints, first of all being that the encounter rate for enemies is too goddamned high, and it needs to be high since the bosses are pretty much just sponges that serve as DPS checks. This is worsened by the fact that, second, the dungeons are designed to waste time to pad out the game. Treasure chests are scattered around the dungeon in a way that you'll have to leave the right way to progress and take an entirely different turn to take them. It's not that other games haven't done this, it's just that this game consistently does this to an annoying degree and it's glaringly obvious.

    Enough about the complaints though... at least for now. The general story is pretty okay and sets up the start of the game pretty nicely. The H Scenes, on the other hand, were great. They wrote pretty good scenarios about the protagonist getting fucked and they were pretty hot, and these are accompanied with hot CGs. However, some of the scenarios felt kind of out of place, and furthermore, some of the CGs were repeated with no variation between scenarios. There is also limited movement in the CGs.

    Honestly though, just play it. It's not the best thing ever, but it's not glaringly bad and it wont make you feel like you wasted your playing it. Most of the H Scenes are hot enough.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Simple, but good game. Straight story, with classic RPGM gameplay. The art and the scenes are wonderful, apart from repetition. Too much and unnecessary dialogue written on a single frame. That was the worst part of the game. The game isn't that focused on corruption, it's up to you whether the character is a slut or not. Overall, a chill game with fast, simple gameplay and story. And of course, hot scenes..
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    still pictures... so can it really be good? well it could have but dialogue during sex is very boring and simple and stupid.

    there are some erotic scenes with some creativity but it's offset by some extremely dumb one. like she takes a nap and gets raped by 20ppl without waking up. sure. with 1 static picture, lots of useless dialogue, unsexy position.

    the art of the model is really good.... there are some scenes which are nice but then again, it's still a static picture with boring dialogue.

    and some scenes are just straight up reused with different dialogue.

    the corruption is interesting. she slowly learns to love fucking... but there are so many games doing corruption better. in the end it's just a fuckfest without any interesting scenarios... save 1-2

    combat is a bit grindy but quite fast.

    meh. this game had so much potential but imo it's a flop.

    it's honestly worth 2/5 but im too kind.
    Likes: k2ren
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game with a good story and gameplay, easy to play

    Score: 10/10

    Fun: 8/10 - The game is easy to play and provides a fun experience.

    Story: 8/10 - The story is engaging and not boring.

    Gameplay: 8/10 - The gameplay is straightforward and enjoyable.

    HGraphics: 8/10 - The CGs are of high quality, but more animation could be included.

    Kinky: 7/10 - The game features standard kinky content, such as glory holes and prostitution.

    Overall, the game is a great choice for players looking for a fun and engaging experience with a solid story and gameplay. While the HGraphics and kinky content may not be exceptional, they are still of high quality and add to the overall experience.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay wise we got a classic boring RPGM game, thankfully it's fairly easy so we can do what this game is meant to let us do aka corrupting our heroine.

    Start of the game is quite slow, you'll go through 2 dungeons and a good 30 mins to 1 hour of gameplay before getting the early "good" lewd stuff.

    Speaking of the lewd stuff, the art is pretty good, heroine looks really hot and is drawn really well.
    It's unfortunate that some of the scenes and poses are re-used many times.
    On the flipside some of the scenes are really good towards the late game which is the highlight of this game as soon as you unlock the "final status".
    It's unfortunate that we don't see the heroine in those alternate outfits more often as she looks really good in lingerie but oh well.

    Overall not the worse game, far from the best either, art while repetitive at time is really well made and this game gets a 3/5 from me.
    Likes: mc247
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    to sum it in one word: barebones.

    horribly bland. plot has absolute zero sense. and even the H has no H. it's just her showing off boobs and stuff because reasons. I'd give this a 1/5 but the only reason I'm not is because it did at least did the basics.
    Likes: mc247
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Princess Go Round [Milk Force]
    Game that has done its homework, thus taking a 6/10.
    Short and linear game, classic story but everything works as it should, so the homework is ready to be turned in. It doesn't add anything new, it doesn't excel at anything but it isn't bad either.
    it's one of those games that when you finish it you remember playing it but you don't remember the events well.
    Still, I recommend trying it.