I'm kind of conflicted with this one, but honestly I can't really give it anything but 4 stars just from the art alone. The gameplay isn't horrible to be honest - it's just fine.
Let's start with the combat. It's really easy, which honestly isn't bad; it's just your typical turn-based RPGM combat with little to no twists to it. There wasn't really any real challenge, and maybe to its detriment there were barely any puzzles to keep you occupied while clearing the dungeons. I only have two real complaints, first of all being that the encounter rate for enemies is too goddamned high, and it needs to be high since the bosses are pretty much just sponges that serve as DPS checks. This is worsened by the fact that, second, the dungeons are designed to waste time to pad out the game. Treasure chests are scattered around the dungeon in a way that you'll have to leave the right way to progress and take an entirely different turn to take them. It's not that other games haven't done this, it's just that this game consistently does this to an annoying degree and it's glaringly obvious.
Enough about the complaints though... at least for now. The general story is pretty okay and sets up the start of the game pretty nicely. The H Scenes, on the other hand, were great. They wrote pretty good scenarios about the protagonist getting fucked and they were pretty hot, and these are accompanied with hot CGs. However, some of the scenarios felt kind of out of place, and furthermore, some of the CGs were repeated with no variation between scenarios. There is also limited movement in the CGs.
Honestly though, just play it. It's not the best thing ever, but it's not glaringly bad and it wont make you feel like you wasted your playing it. Most of the H Scenes are hot enough.