Others - Princess Reconquista [v0.3] [Sorry Karl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    the art and animations are very high quality and the fights that are currently available can be difficult but are still fun. the only problem i had i only had cause i didn't read the full instructions on how to set up the English translation and was confused as to why they're where only partial statement or no description for items. all in all i'm looking forward to its updates.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It has very horny art style and good game play, plus sex is used as an attack and healing so you are not required to troll your self to see the sex scene. Its metroidvania (i think so), so there is backtracking which i am not fan of but its not that bad.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Mahicantec princess goes on a beat-em-up sex-fueled rampage against NOT European invaders.

    Top tier animations, sound, and character design.

    Gameplay is also decent fun too, satisfying difficulty that isn't too easy or hard.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep coming back to this one, following it closely.

    Amazing pixel animations, great mechanics, has potential to be a very good game. Hoping for more updates soon, but this is an insanely strong start.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great on the erotic side and also fun gameplay. I really liked playing this, the only thing missing is a built in gallery or maybe an option to disable clothing as seen in some twitter posts from the creator.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible pixel art and animation.
    There's also a fair bit of a variety with multiple enemies and women.
    It's a platformer/beat em up that has just enough to be interesting gameplay-wise imo while not being too easy or difficult.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is the best one ever. Matched only by Karryn's Prison, this game knows how to make sex and gameplay integrate in such a perfect way along with its addictive platform gameplay.

    Is it a good game?
    Definitelly! This is a normal sidescrolling action game but with some tweaks. The parrying system is really nice and it feels good to do the counter strike, also all the enemies are fun to fight and this being a 0.3 version it has a lot of variety! One melee, one ranged, a shield barrier, a granadier and a boss. Even if you're not looking to jerk off or something and just want a good side scrolling action this is for you.

    But... is it good porn?
    Ooh, yes! It is! Sex is perfectly integrated as I said before and here it works as a healing skill. When you hit enough enemies you get a heart icon and that means that the sex scene will heal you. You can start sex with anyone just by pressing the Z key, although some enemies do have shields so you have to hit them before trying to seduce them.
    Sex heals you so you don't need to actually avoid it! Isn't it genius? Most porn games punish you for having sex, here it is an advantage and that's is how good this game's devs know this nich. We want to jerk off and have fun, we don't need tons of dialogue and a stupid gameplay that make you avoid sex.

    But what about the visuals and sound?
    They are both really good but the sound can get a little better with more moaning and stuff during the sex scenes. the screenshots show how good this game looks but only playing and seeing the animation you will have the complete experience of it.

    Overall it is a great game and I'm completely in love with the characters! The first porn game that I actually payed the patreon service and I suggest that if you can and want you should do it too!

    10/10 - A Porn Masterpiece
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A PORN gam with FUN machanics, and u are not short of Seggs scenes cuz it is a vital mechanic to keep your self alive. this game knows their audience. it is the best balance of porn and gameplay. heck this game might be the first one to take my money like who COOKED THIS!!!!
    man i CANT WAIT for the new updates. and i am writing a review just for that. lost case was supposed to be this but now new creators stepped up and now i hope the keep the game going. the story is decent too not some dumb shit.its about the tradition and how people critize each other tradition and faiths. which is a good plot (and THE PLOT is S tier awesome animation and pixel movement)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    we need more games like this out there, very refreshing to see something like this come out recently.

    excellent animations, fun bosses, cool level design, even some secrets!

    very excited to see where this goes in the future!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I started this game to fap, but I just played it all and fighted the final boss with both hands on keyboard :)

    The core mechanic is good, it's classic platformer with fights, but you can dodge and parry attacks. And sex is well integrated it this system — it's used to heal yourself. Beside basic 'meele-man' and 'ranged-man' all enemies are interesting to fight with, the game design is really good at that side.

    Lore is good, it feels like alternative Spain invasion of Mesoamerica, and the music is great. OMG the final boss music is really one of the best tracks in game. Corrida is the best music for fight with boss from 'Spain'.

    And the boss himself was rather tough to kill. The ballte was alike to soulslike: you learn boss's pattern. You suck his dick a few times and learn to dodge and parry his attacks. And finally you kick his ass out! Nice!

    Nice! As well as the game is!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the most fun sidescrollers I've played since hollowknight/shantae, the gameplay alone makes this worth it, the fact the fanservice is S tier is just the cherry on top, takes a while to get all the skills that make comboing feel insane but it's worth it, the boss was also very fun and challenging, kinda wish I got double jump before fighting him rather than as a reward for beating him cause it'd have made the fight much easier. I also would have liked a spike attack at times when I am bouncing on top of opponents but that plus wall jump are both likely future power ups. I genuinely can't praise this game enough.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't wait for the full release. Probably my most looked up game this year. The animations are great, the story is goofy but understandable, the female lead is amazing, and the combat is well made. Frankly, I think that this should get way more attention than it already has. Can't wait to see what's more to come!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Love porn games with a bit of gameplay in them. The combat not flashy but that is perfectly fine for what the creator wants as it is simple. The pixel art is very cool especially the scenery and sex scenes they're animated beautifully. My only issues is the lack of translations which is a problem but manageable as the game is still playable and the lack of a pause function.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3 Review

    As any other reviewer's notes, despite being in such an early stage, it boast allot of its charms already and is only EDGING us into what the final product would be.

    I will surely buy this once completed.


    I was not familiar of SK's experience in Game Dev. , but man did they not disappoint. Beginning of the game makes you feel grounded but not limited, the combat is basic, the dodge and parry mechanics are satisfying. And what i love about this is that, it taps to the ooga-booga brain of being able to mash the basic combos mixed with parry every now and then, is enough to get you through the game no problem, especially with the added benefits of extra attacks and movement as you progress.

    But then comes the problem of any other metroidvania games, the exploration. Sometimes you just wanna get to the point, kill and fuck. With no map, it's easy to get lost and do something else instead of progressing, though i do find beauty in that. Most of the time however it makes me think if what im doing is even important. I think we can all say how difficult it is to 100% night of revenge without cheating, but hey maybe thats the point, makes us go here, share and socialize idk:WaitWhat:.

    - Great Movement
    - Great Combat
    - Cool Dodge/Parry system


    Never doubted SK's animation skill, always been there since their turnip animation. Personally would love to add more frames in some movement animation. Or maybe zoom out a little further with the camera, or just have a slider/multi-zoom feature.

    That's all from me really.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of platformers, but most if not all sidescrollers are often platformers. The combat itself is VERY satisfying with rewards for timing, execution and using the multiple mechanics presented to you. The erotic elements are implemented INTO the gameplay and that's something I absolutely look-for in erotic games. I want great erotic content and great gameplay, the best part is when erotic is part of the game instead of just something to get-off-to.

    In this game you will encounter enemies that make you think. You will approach things from different angles, parry attacks, destroy arrows, and have sex with enemies to regain health once you've filled-up your combat heart. That current end of the demo as of 0.3 is an amazing exercise of all you've learned while playing and asks that you use all of your abilities and skills. I recommend using parry a lot and having sex with him right before he recovers when you have a heal available. Great job so far, can't wait to see more!

    My only criticisms come in the form of a lack of defeat sex scenes or at least variety of them. As well as the game has the bare minimum translated for play. I was able to figure everything out without translation by assuming what certain things meant. But I'm used to playing a lot of games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is... a demo? Because it sure as hell doesn't feel like one. Positively speaking. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, and proceed step by step through this review.


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    A surprise to be sure. If a platformer can even capture me, a sworn enemy of the genre, then it's doing something right. The spot-on appeal to my tastes may have contributed to me approaching the game, but the rest speaks for itself.

    If you haven't tried it, do so and I'm sure you won't regret it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Just Perfect. You have awesome Scenes. Awesome Gameplay. There is much to explore and secrets to find. The Music is good too. Flawless Game in my opinion. Eager for new updates and keep up the good work :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    DEAR GOD THIS IS JUST PERFECT AND I CANT IMAGINE COULD THIS BE BETTER WITH AN UPDATE, GREAT GAME nice animations and gameplay just HELLA GOOD and the desings are GREAT the MC is just my wet dreams about CHELL FROM ELDORADO 10/10 i hope this not get abandoned ITS HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL we only need more CG ANIMATIONS and VA. (sorry for my bad english)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game, early access, but I think that overall this looks very promising for future development. The pros are great art, combat is solid but not too focused, platforming isn't tedious, and you can interact with any enemy. I'd say the cons would only have to be that the game is early access, so it's unfinished, and it is rather short, roughly 30 minutes. That being said, a complaint of "it's not long enough" is a testament to a good game in that the player wants more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Has actual decent gameplay and pretty fun fighting mechanics. I can see it getting pretty difficult down the line. The art and animations are top notch. Also the soundtrack is pretty good. I'll probably buy it when it releases.