The only good things I get from this game are some good CG, the character of Iris who's fun, sometimes. And that's all.
All the others things are .... Well it's depend on people but the story, characters, dialogues, the game loop are poorly made or problematic.
This is "Sexist, misogynist, incel, grosophobic, machist THE Game". From the beginning to the end, this is the only you will read : Women are whore or aspire to become one, they are made to pleasure men, they only think about cocks and being raped, they love money because the only way to advance with their story or get something from them is to spend A LOT OF MONEY for them. God ! The grinding in this game is so repulsive. And it goes on, fat women are ugly, frigid women are feminist who can't enjoy a GOOD cock and the only to cure is to rape them... Dude WTF !
And if your "whore", don't here you up, SLAP her, Insult her, Spank her ! It's THE ONLY WAY to make her understand what you want .... Seek help man ! And I'm not talking about prostitute.