Private Dick [Development Thread]


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Well the batch of frequent updates have been nice. its also been a while since I've seen this thread, its cool to see the many ways you've used your art

This is the kind of shit that happens when you chop your game into three parts. Big story arcs stop making sense.
That's the thing I've been noticing about mine and other people's projects, where a lot of the fun is a focus on characters, but for this to work requires a fair amount of story to establish and define characters, focusing on just one character or storyline per project doesn't work because its the blend of characters reacting to one another and to the story that makes it worth wild, so even after years of hearing 'keep the scope of your project small' it's nearly impossible to do with story/character focused games. I imagine the first chapter/ark/game is the one you really want to try to sell/advertise since if I see a game thats second or third in a series I prefer not to play them unless I've played the first part and am motivated to play parts 2 and 3.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
That's the thing I've been noticing about mine and other people's projects...
Yeah, it's just innate to the project.

What's the point in a character focused story that's very short? As soon as you get into the characters, it's over. And anyway you need some length to build a bond with characters, you need share some experiences with them.

That can mean you end up with a very long game which most players will never finish, or you have several shorter games with diminishing returns.

Ultimately I want Private Dick to be a single 30-hour title with lots of short character arcs and one long story thread which ties it all together. And a satisfying ending, of course. But I don't have the budget so I need to work out how to split it all up...


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
So one of the many things I've been working on is revamping the intro sequence.

Since day one I've wanted an intro that's a bit cool, that sets the tone of the game and kicks off the story, that has a little bit of spice. Originally I just wanted some static shots of people fucking while P.D. Steele talks about how awful the world is. Something to announce up front that this is an explicit erotic title, that will hint at the rewards to come if you're patient while the story gets started.

The original demo had a long text intro with no images. Then I cut down the text. then I cut it again.

Well, FINALLY I've worked out a nice, pithy, dramatic intro sequence. And one of my art team, , has started working on a series of static images to decorate the intro.

Here's the first image!

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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Hi, quick update from me.

For most of the past two weeks I've been away working a contract on-site for a customer. So no devtime for me :(

I've recovered from all that and getting back into the swing of dev life again - although I'm still only on about 1.5 days a week so things are super slow.

There's been great progress on the soundtrack while I've been away, plus a couple of new character sprites, plus some more lovey intro stuff from Dockleaf:


Still targeting a March release for the new demo. Music should be sorted, the content is written (and mostly coded). So we're just waiting on some extra art assets, the last bit of coding, and then working out how to package out the demo content from the main game (which I've done before for the Kickstarter demo so it's not the biggest of deals).

Social media for the demo remains a bit of a question - I'm not sure how much, or how well, I can integrate it. I'll probably just leave some fun placeholder content in there - much like the existing demo.

Anyway I don't have much to share today but I just wanted to check in :)


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Got my word counter working:


For reasons too boring to explain, I broke Ren'Py's word counter about a year ago and FINALLY fixed it.

Pleasantly surprised to see that the project is already 44k words long! I reckon I've not even released 10k yet - so there's lots and lots ofcontent to come.
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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
The new demo is coming on really well. It'll be short and sweet, maybe just 15 minutes of all-new gameplay, ending in a nice CG.

I'm hoping to put it out in the first week of April.

And it will be FULLY VOICE ACTED

Check out these samples for a feel of the vibe:

Music is coming too!


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
The CG scene at the demo is kicking my ass.


I've massively under-estimated the work it needs - even without VO.

Part of the problem is that this has been in progress since like November. My artist has had time trouble so asset delivery has, until recently, been slow. I've been able to wire up a lot of stuff in the meantime, but that's actually been a problem too, because I thought the scene was a lot more developed than it was.

The coding, writing and art have all proven really challenging, for different reasons.

The problem - and I've said this before - is that sex is really boring. One animation repeats and the guy goes "uuuh yeah uuh" and the girl goes "Ooh ooh oooh!" until we're done. Once the eye tires of the visual, that's it, the scene is boring.

So I'm working really, really hard to make the scene an interactive, playful sandbox. Just like in the old demo, but with a bit more movement and replayability.

So you can fuck the pussy or the ass. You can choke with the tie. You can squeeze the tits. Originally I wanted to have a secret "rough mode", where if you do more choking the scene gets more intense. But the cost and complexity of that are looking too high - at least for the moment.

And people will still say "it's boring. Where's the animation?". Which I understand. Hopefully some people will like it though.

Anyway we're not far off now. I'm really hoping to get the scene done and playtested this evening so that I can hand the script over to the voice actors for recording next week.

I had wanted to launch the demo over Easter weekend but I think that's looking ambitious now, it might be the week after. Let's see!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
With you mentioning how the cg is kicking your butt, in the past month I've accepted defeat regarding something I thought would be easy. I've given up on drawing background art for my own projects. I just can't enjoy it or put the time in it like I can with characters... not that I put as much time into character art as I should. I've tried different ideas, renders or other assets, but just putting in the time to make cohesive set of background is too much effort and time for me, but that's not what made me drop background art. Now that I've gotten to the point that I'm comfortable with coding and character art I will say I have shifted more of my focus into having a good 'workflow' as my priority, being able to be productive rather than just experiment with quality/skill. Avoiding background art may not be the best design choice for the type of project I'm working on (like many games, it has a story with scenes), but I don't think I could continue the project if I have to keep slowing down my workflow every time I need to make background art (as I want lots of locations). I have ideas on how I could still solve my background art need... but I've design my game so I can work on that at a later time, and what I've got now is good enough. tbd when I have to do more dynamic cg scenes with more poses in the future however.

As for the sex scene being boring, it reminds me why I actually got into adult game making. Trainer games, while they pose questions regarding morality, the fact that sex is their main game mechanic, and this is what really got me interested in adult games, and game making. For me, its hard for games to make sex interesting without what would basically be a trainer mechanic, which tends to introduce the morality issues that often don't fit the narrative of many games. As a result I've explored many options, complex to simple, and am currently exploring more of an roleplaying system... but due to how it is still similar to many trainer mechanics, requiring multiple sessions and character growth, something having a story will already have solved. so my system isn't a plug and play solution... unless you want you characters to be AI driven rather than story driven.

What I have been experimenting with is skill mechanics. Not quick reflex skill mechanics, just mechanics that require some extra effort from the player, effort that can be minimized by being efficient (finding efficient solutions being the skill). The more efficient (skilled) the player is (while still putting in effort), the more fun the game mechanic can feel (being in the zone) and if this matches up with the sex scene and the character's perception (ie reacting to things), the two concepts reinforce one another, positive feedback. The only issue is that the only mechanics (in my 2D game) I can think of tend to give off minigame vibes, so still not a plug and play solution. I'm actually using it to substitute for walking around the game world (and other mechanics) as a way of breaking up the story points, but that's because i'm trying to go for an rpg like world, not a vn.

Just thoughts, though may not be applicable to yourself. I just like hearing similar struggles to my own.
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Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
The new demo is very, very close to completion.

Turns out the addition of voiceover has been a huge deal - it's generated loads and loads of work. I anticipated this, yes, but in practice it's been more than I thought.

From a project management point of view alone, it's 4 more people I need to give instructions, check work and manage deadlines.

And from a technical point of view, I have to test every line in game, often make edits, request revisions and give direction. And I got a bit caught out when I bunch of my line ids changed, causing Ren'Py's autovoice to desync and my audio to stop playing (I thought I'd understood this and just wrote out a longer explanation... but in the process of writing it out, I realised that my thinking was perhaps wrong, so I've deleted it all.).

But it's all been worth it. The voice and music both sound amazing, they really, really add to the overall game experience. I'm so excited to share it. It'll almost be a year since my last release by the time it comes out.

Anyway, at the time of writing, I'm just waiting for a little bit more voice to come back, then for steam to approve the demo, then it'll be out.

It'll be available on Steam and itch, and I'll "leak" it here (can you leak free software?).


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Little update on the demo.

Yes, it' still coming.

Steam is all up and approved. is ready. Playtesters have all come back to me.

I've still got ~500 words of VO which I'm waiting to be recorded. Have been for a while now, my actress has been quite unwell this last month unfortunately. She's submitted a rough take and she's on the right track, so really hoping to get that closed down over the next couple of days.

Really excited to get this released and played!

It is affecting my forward momentum a bit to be honest, I tend to have an eye on the demo and its causing some drag. But production on early access is still moving forward.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Hello friends, two things!


I assume everyone following this is also following the main thread, but in case you didn't see, the Red Tie demo is now out. Fully voiced, original soundtrack,about 20 minutes of content. It's a shorter, more focused, more punchy experience than the old demo - and IMO all the better for it.


My main thread has been open for nearly a year now, and has received zero reviews or ratings.

If you've played and enjoyed the Red Tie demo, I'd really appreciate a quick rating and review on the main thread. It would help as well if you can mention "red tie demo" in the review. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
Your game didn't appear in the "latest update" subsection of F95zone after you uploaded this very last demo.

That's a bit annoying since that's whats bringing new people to your main thread.

I'm no expert, but there's probably something you forgot to do.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Your game didn't appear in the "latest update" subsection of F95zone after you uploaded this very last demo.
Thanks! The main thread hasn't been properly updated yet - I'm still waiting for someone to upload the latest build and update the links.
That'll give me the front page bump.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
Hi! Been a long time since my last post here so I thought I'd check in.

Although there's not a lot to say. tl;dr still working on it all and things are going well, albeit slowly.

For most of the last few weeks I've been hot-desking. I had intended to use this time to focus on Private Dick - but I've been working in a public space and haven't been comfortable working on a lot of this stuff when I know people are standing over my shoulder.

But things are moving: more voiceover work is coming in and more commissions are going out soon. Art for two new CGs has been delivered, along with new character art, and I've been playing through the early access build to work out exactly what I need to do to get to release. As part of that , I've also been working on a visual roadmap which I can use to help communicate what I'm working on, what early access will look like (and what's in it), and what the final game will look like.

I am a bit disappointed with the working situation though these last weeks - I'd really wanted to take the time to write ahead a bit and get the early access finale drafted. While I know exactly what it all looks like, I've only got about half out-of-date script written down. I've been wanting the time and headspace for months to get it sorted. This was supposed to be my chance and, well, I missed the boat.

In more positive news I've also been working on finishing Lewd Mod: Noir part 2 (and the free demo which will come out shortly after). Which has taken longer than planned but is nearly done and looking great.

Finally, my July is looking like it might be busy with contract work, squeezing dev time down over the next few weeks. We'll see how that goes.

The other thing that's been on my mind lately is social media, and where is my internet home? Twitter has been my favourite platform, but under Musk it gets worse and worse. My engagement has been declining and my growth has stagnated. Reddit has also been hard on me lately - the demo made literally no impression across several subs, and now the whole platform feels like it's about to implode. I'm thinking of trying to build on Instagram and Tiktok - I've heard really good stuff about Tiktok lately. While I feel the audience is too probably young for my content (my target audience is at least late twenties), it feels like the most positive space. If I can work out how to create engaging videos.

So there we are. Lots going on. I have been looking at August for early access (a month ago I was hoping for July), but at the moment I'm not sure I'll make that. Fingers crossed for September.


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
July has been a slow month, fair to say.

I haven't worked out the social media thing. Can't bring myself to try Tiktok. I've been looking around but I'm still not sure where home is.

I've been finishing off Lewd Mod: Noir - Part 2 (a game which is impossible to punctuate), which has taken much more of the last two months than I had hoped. This isn't the place to talk about that, other than to say that it's winning the battle for my time.

Artists are still working though - here's some fresh content:

I'm getting voiceovers in the pipeline as we speak to start filling up the first couple of cases of the early access build. I've still got two more roles to recruit, which is going to have to happen soon.

No movement on the roadmap idea - I just haven't gotten around to it.

No way we'll have Early Access in August. Probably not September now. I could probably have September ready, with a push, but I'm not sure I'll be able to commit to an October update after that - and I really, really want to hit monthly releases after going live.

The other issue is the marketing push - I'll need a new trailer to launch on Steam, and with what I have in mind (which is a bit ambitious) then October is a stretch just for the trailer :(


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2020
The big news this month is that I've opened a free Patreon:

I'm going to try and make this my new home, the source of truth, the primary news outlet. This is where I'll be posting news updates, releases, concept art and stuff later on. Everything will be public, there are no benefits to backers.

If you want to keep up with Private Dick (or my other projects), drop a Follow. You'll get updates in your email and your Patreon feed. I'll be trying to update twice a month.

I don't want people to pledge on Patreon and give me money for nothing. I'd much rather people follow me now, and buy my game when they're ready for sale. I talk about this at length in a .

So this is likely to be my last f95 post for a good long while. Thanks for being part of my journey and hope to see you on Patreon!
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