A very wise decision and one you wont regret.

I approve. I do not suggest it myself simply for not start another sterile debat.
Unity is a nice engine. But he have a really big problem. This is a closed privater system. If you have a problem. You have any other choice to wait for the developer solution.
I am a Linux user and free software promoter. I precise the definition of free software. Free is for freedom and not for no money to pay.
On Renpy, i do not have to wait for a Linux version. I can compile my own Linux build simply by taking the Window build and change the executable and the library for Linux executable and Library. Nothing more to do. Is same with RPGM. Impossible to do this with a closed source code like Unity.
I can go forward with the illusion of making more money with a private source code. Is completely false. But i stop here because is not the purpose of this message. And i probably look like the guy preaching for is religion.
A Renpy portage is simply more freedom for all. For the user sure. But for the developer too. The community as able to help him with the code now.
Just because i do not have to ask: a Linux version as planified? This is priceless. And i do not talk about the OS wars and the too much stupid excuse i read from developer having any idea how Linux work (Like the legend about obligation to make 3 500 build for each existing Linux distribution. I swear having really read that)
I made my own candy myself and you don't hear me whining because lack of build for my OS.
A big tank you
Dr. MAD for this really wise decision. Your game looking promising. From now, i follow his development more close.
For conclude. I have absolutely nothing again Unity. Is a nice engine. This is the lack of freedom from the privater software i do not like.