VN - Unity - Completed - Project Cappuccino [v1.25.0] [Tentakero]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, unironically worth paying for it
    i would not display it on my steam profile or anything
    but its generally good solid indie project
    Characters have rather generic design, but are pretty and unique from each other
    you are not questioning if girls are 18y old or anything like this
    animated sex scenes
    animations are basic, its not 3 pngs rapidly altered between each other, but its also not something to burst a load to
    Game is good enough to get hard thanks to pretty girls and kinky toys

    Management is rather painful, turns out that sex minigame you didn't gave a shit about is actually key for unlocking endings and earining more money in next days
    actually fuck sex minigame... its not enough to give the girl orgasm of her live you gottta have her run harder than city fountain 12-20 orgasms a sex, who cares you got only option to click cum every 5 minutes of humping with no alternations or change of position...
    why did i gave it 5 stars??
    i like indie style of this game and attempt of being honest game with sexy elements, not just braindead clicker
    Gameplay 2/5
    Sex Scenes 4/5
    Artworks 5/5
    Story 4/5
    Price 12$ in the good day (i actually paid for the game just leaving review here to reward something i actually liked)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good ratings for an absolutely mediocre product.
    1) Cafe management - done in 5 minutes. No thoughts are put into it. Even tic-tac-toe would be more interesting.
    2) The plot is developing too fast. The characters for me are just pictures with names.
    3) Sex - Well, the game decides to be a good porn game that shows a sex scene in the first ten minutes... Unfortunately, this makes it even worse as a VN. And this scenes... well, someone loves this whole thing where you watch as if from 1 person and use all sorts of toys... Not me. I prefer classic.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid game/Kinetic Novel. It had some fun mechanics and a unique storyline with unique characters. The art was pretty good as well.

    I do wish there was more to the game however. It felt like the game ended pretty early and the storyline was quickly wrapped up. I wanted some more time to explore the game, and get to know the girls. The game does seem to have a good amount of replayability though so maybe that helps.

    I also wish there were some more mechanics to the game. There are the basic mini games and taking care of the cafe, but I wish there were more ways to interact with the world and the characters.

    Its not a bad thing though that the worst complaint I have about this game boils down to I wanted more of it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Lit Dark Age

    Story (4.5/5): Its a little strange but in the same time is kind of interesting, depending in yout desitions is how the story will end, that is definetively appreciated, is anoying to develop that kind of games so I appreciate that, i liked the characters and their differents personalities, they have their reasons and motivations. The way the MC an the females create a relation doesn't feel forced.

    Gameplay (4/5): I don't experienced some kind of bugs anything like that so that's a good start, as I said at the begining is a game with desitions and it has differents endings.

    Animations (4/5): It is really good designed with pretty drawings, as always I appreciate the different bodytypes, it has movement during the sex scenes and some audio effects wich is a good detail,

    Sex stuff (5/5): Every female have different tastes during these interactions (yep, they are not only animations, you have to interact) and depending in the differents chooses you'll unlock a different position or even new scenarios, I really appreciated the sound effects and the interaction with the toys, this with the story are the strong points

    Definetively one of the games that you can play many times and you will not get bored
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Bobber

    Didn't know what I was expecting but this was a really good VN just on its own.
    The story is really insane but the focus never leaves the main characters and the weird overarching plot is always in the background with the character relationships in the foreground.
    Your choices matter a lot, sometimes the choices that lead into different paths are obvious and sometimes they don't make any sense, but that's just how VNs be.

    Good porn too 5/5
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I was expecting some cutesy J-game style cafe management sim with some pervy maid stuff on top. What I got was a shortish VN with a management minigame.

    That said, the VN was fun, the story went in a direction I wasn't expecting, the art is good, and I was never bored. It's a good solid game that should score five out of five except ... there's so much unused potential here.

    There's a management mini-game that makes no difference. There are dating sim elements, but the plot cracks through so briskly that you scarcely get a chance to choose one girl over the other. The maid costumes barely feature except on the game splash screen and in one (text only) random event. And the hottest girl in the game, I never got a chance to, ah, "romance" at all, much less dress her up and giver her orders.

    I suspect what happened is that we're seeing the cut-down version of a much more ambitious game; one where the developers decided that they'd bitten off more than they could chew and stripped it back to the essentials, plus whatever worked. And I can't fault them for that - the result is a solid four stars out of five.

    I just really wish I could have played the game as originally envisioned, and I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

    Ah, never mind. Four out of five ain't bad. Worth playing.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good story with a satisfying amount of possible endings so it's really worth replaying several times.
    The interactivity of the sex scenes is actually really cool and makes it feel like you're more involved in the action.
    On the flip side of that, the management minigame where you assign girls different roles seems kind of pointless, it doesn't really add much to the story or gameplay. I would've liked to see that either expanded on or just left out.
    Overall, really good. Highly recommend it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid 5/5 game

    A great and easy to understand story packaged neatly in a 5 hour-ish. I picked it up because of the bondage element; however, was impressed by the story.

    -not that grindy
    -simple yet effective story
    -likeable character
    -decent range of fetish
    -have sandbox mode after completion

    -Imo some characters could be developed more (eg. the masochist one)
    -replayable but could get boring after a while
    Likes: Éama
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    sophie 1
    cerise =
    mira = 1

    While the game isnt perfect, i still want to give it 5* just because its so much better than most of the stuff out there. The game is just perfect in so many ways i feel a lot more people should see and play it.

    The artwork is good, while it is a bit scarse on detail, it is a lot better than most of the 3d DAZ engine stuff people spit out nowadays. There is plenty of sexy artwork and also some to help flesh out the story with non-sexy CG. The resolution is good too.

    The story is good too, it got me invested It has some twists, and enough mystery to keep you reading long past the time you should go to sleep. There are a lot of choices, and they matter, as do standings with the different girls. This is unlike most games that promise a bunch of choices. The author actually bothered to go the extra mile and put hours into alternate routes. No matter if you want to stick with one side, want a good or bad end, or a perfect end, the game has the option for it. What helps is that the characters are all nice, they all have their own agendas and drives, and they all have reasons to do what they do. They dont feel like they wait for the protagonist to tell them what to do, or unreasonable. Them all being cute girls most certainly helps.

    The sex is where the game starts to falter. The game has some unique CG for sexy times during the story. But these scenes are very short, and have a single or 2 CG, some of them even cut out before the main event. The game makes up for this for having a sex minigame, including sex toys and different girls having different preferences. However, there are some issues with this too, first the sex scene can be a bit dissociated from the story, the sex minigame is always the same, so the unique situation does not factor in.

    There is also a management minigame, it is good on paper, but the big problem is is that every girl is skilled in one task, but can prefer to do another task during that day. So you have to pick between letting a girl serve (which shes best at) or clean (which she wants). Over the course of days they also build up stress, this can be reduced with sex, but the sex is highly storylimited so your chances to help an exhausted girl out are limited. It is a cool idea, work girls during the day, fuck the most tired one at night. But the game has too little "average" days where this mechanic can shine.

    Replaying the game can also be tough. The save system is difficult to manage (you have to select a saveslot in the options menu, then click the floppy disk during the game to save) and the savegame is set to the start of the day, not the point where you saved. This means you cannot save your favorite sex scene or try out different choices. I guess this is to avoid savescumming, but all it does it make savescumming more tedious. This makes replaying the game for the different endings hell too.
    NG+ seems to try and fix this issue, but it doesnt. First of all, every time you try to load a NG+ game it will ask you whether you want to load it, or use it to restart your game into a new NG+ save. Second, the girls have standings with you. If you want a bad end you want a girl to have low standings with you, but in NG+ you probably have some girls maxed out with little way of lowering it. The choices you can make also are hard to figure out since the standings are updated at the start of the next day. SO all you can do is just try out the choices, wait for the end of the day, then try something else. The only other choice is starting all over, but that takes a long time since you dont have any sex toys unlocked and have to grind out happiness with the girls. NG++ having some kind of affection manipulation mechanic would make this a lot easier. As cheat engine doesnt cooperate with me.

    So that sounds negative, but im only negative because i love this game so much. I just wish the usuability was there. They have this huge gallery of not only ingame CG, but also promotional art. But then the game is like "yeah you have to grind out these sex tokens (freeplay doesnt give those ofc) and you wont get the story either, just the CG". And that makes this game not a 10/10, but a 9/10.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily the best eroge ever created because it features interactive bondage-paired coitus, five consenting partners, graphics fidelity, music, voice acting, and a story that in all good conscience, I cannot throw into a trash can. As a bonus, the game has eliminated the problem of depiction of reality by getting rid of the reality altogether. Coitus in this game does not work one bit like the real world. That was a compliment.

    One cannot find these seven features in any other game all at the same time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just a relatively short (6-8hours), high quality dating sim. The art is great, there's a ton of voice-acting, a moderate amount of replayability. 20-30 h-scenes, a few plot twists and surprises.
    Overall, it's a solid experience. I would say the developers have achieved everything they aimed for.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. While I didn't spend the time to get every ending, I really enjoyed the art direction. Models are super cute! The plot was pretty decent as far as these things go and the cafe components weren't too grindy. Reminded me a bit of Elven Conquest in a way.
  13. F
    5.00 star(s)


    There are not many 2dcg VN compared to 3dcg, and I still don't understand why this one is not on the first page based on ranking. From my point of view, it is one of the best 2dcg VN's that have ever been made. Let me explain why:
    1) Nice integration of magic in casual life ( Fantasy is my favorite genre)
    2) Unique and very sexy art style
    3) Captivating plot with many different endings (and different sex-scenes based on choices, not some shitty made change in dialog with no impact at all, in this game every choice matters)
    4) Sex shop ( it's up to you to buy your favorite toys and satisfy your own unique fetishes)
    5) The game is not too long and not too short, the plot has a satisfying and logical ending(s), so don't expect smt stupid from mc or other characters. (4-6 hours for all endings)
    6) You can have sex with girls in 4 different locations + you yourself decide the position and can use sex toys via clicking. (like in some Unity trainers)
    7) Each girls character is well written and has its own charm

    1) To make this game 100/100, it needs to have a bit more sextoys in the shop and more options during sex, for now its 95/100.

    Definitely must play
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely and easily one of the best VN I've ever played in a long time. Short story, but with a fair amount of choices and paths. I really enjoyed the way the girls are drawn, the store was also a nice touch, I have yet to buy all the toys but I'm really into it. I loved the voice actors too, great job and a lot of effort put into this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    There is something peculiar about ass blasting a cutie to 7 orgasms so she can sell more coffee the day after. I mean I want to, and she seems to enjoy it, but I also kinda have to. It's a strange mix of business and pleasure.

    Why does she need 7 orgasms? Well because I worked her like a mule yesterday in the coffee shop, and this time I don't mean sexually. I mean real coffee shop work, like cleaning and making coffee. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. And it ain't me. I'm the fucking manager, I don't do that kind of menial shit. Why, you might ask, am I working this girl so hard? And the answer is simple: how else could I have afforded the bondage rope!? And I'm looking at the vibrator and gag ball next. She'll be working more this week, the poor cute little thing, trust me. And the assblastings will continue. Don't worry though, everybody wins.

    This game is a refreshing mixture of the above premise, and a heavily branching pick-your-path story with different cutie assblasting opportunities depending on your choices. Sprinkle in a little dating simulator with 4 main cuties on top of this and add some witchcraft. Oh and some quality voice acting too. Shake (yo dick) and enjoy.

    This game is fucking unique and I mean that in the best possible way. I have not seen anything like it.

    If I were to list any negatives then those would be that it's short, that the artwork maybe could be more detailed and it's not quite a full 100% finished game yet (missing some minor scenes). None of these flaws even come close to make me consider giving this anything but a 5 though. So don't let these negatives deter you. It's complete enough to enjoy, and has multiple fully fleshed out endings.

    It's cute, it's sexy and it works. Try it if you're up for something new and refreshing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a unique story game with fantasy elements. There are lot of route and endings so game is really replayable. Choices matters and give you different content. There is no bad choices you are not miss contents just reach a different one. Artwork is beautiful and the whole game has a very interesting atmosphere.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game worth giving a try. The free mode in particular, which seemed to be a side addition here, is well executed and in (many) ways better than that in other games where it's the only or key game play mode. The file size is on the large end but the game is already good and here's hoping upcoming versions just keep making it better. Looking forward to whatever the inseminator does on screen...

    [The only reason I didn't go 5 stars is I don't believe you can see everything in free mode, images from the story aren't unlocked unless I missed something, and if a game offers free mode as an option but still requires grinding the regular Unity game to see everything it doesn't fully exploit it's free mode alternative.]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't understand why there's not more love for this game. It's one of my favorites. I haven't seen anything else like this art style, and the game play goes at a fast pace. It's one of the few games I keep checking back regularly with.
  19. B
    5.00 star(s)

    Brian Clarkson

    Interesting story with great characters. Gameplay is unique but not to complicated. Lots of player friendly features. the game loops after your first playthrough, in order to allow you to try other options/choices, which removes a lot of hassle. definitely worth playing or at the very least keeping an eye on.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has a story that is interesting to a degree. Enough to keep me entertained. The sex scenes are pretty cool just cause its not clicking to advance it but gives you a decent amount of control. Wanted to give a 5 star so more people will check it out. I like the pastel appearance the artwork has.