I mean it's a good porn game, nothing overly long or unique, about 20 minutes, I enjoyed the linear aspect as it made progressing through the game satisfying. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised, it was short fun game
Game is about experimenting and experiencing sex, with slowly building up to sex with her, and it's satisfying, also small note; the woman is submissive and slowly grows more confident in herself as the story progresses,
Game worth checking out, it's pretty much just a visual novel, with if you choose the wrong option you try again until you pass. I liked it, nothing complicated and worth it if you aren't expecting a giant or perfect game, and I was pleasantly surprised
Short and fun is how I describe it, I loved it
Game is about experimenting and experiencing sex, with slowly building up to sex with her, and it's satisfying, also small note; the woman is submissive and slowly grows more confident in herself as the story progresses,
Game worth checking out, it's pretty much just a visual novel, with if you choose the wrong option you try again until you pass. I liked it, nothing complicated and worth it if you aren't expecting a giant or perfect game, and I was pleasantly surprised
Short and fun is how I describe it, I loved it