VN - Others - Completed - Project Domani [v1.0.0] [Studio 69]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    John Malcom

    I mean it's a good porn game, nothing overly long or unique, about 20 minutes, I enjoyed the linear aspect as it made progressing through the game satisfying. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised, it was short fun game

    Game is about experimenting and experiencing sex, with slowly building up to sex with her, and it's satisfying, also small note; the woman is submissive and slowly grows more confident in herself as the story progresses,

    Game worth checking out, it's pretty much just a visual novel, with if you choose the wrong option you try again until you pass. I liked it, nothing complicated and worth it if you aren't expecting a giant or perfect game, and I was pleasantly surprised

    Short and fun is how I describe it, I loved it
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Played v1.0 – complete game, maybe 10-15 minutes long. Rather linear, you get choices, but they are cosmetic only or don’t change anything because you need to do them in order.
    The MC gets propositioned by his (virgin)childhood friend and they start experimenting together. The heroine has a submissive streak and is interested in a D/s relationship. The scenes go kiss-strip-grope-blowjob-sex and get longer as you repeat them (and the heroine gets less shy). There are essentially only those four scenes and you just unlock more of a scene as you play. There is only light domination (she calls the mc master) and that’s it.
    This would probably be a great game if there actually was some content – as it is it kinda leaves you unsatisfied because it’s over before you know it. Still - I'd give a new game by the dev at least a look.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent short game with functional mechanics that'll last about 10-15 mins.
    The art style is nice and there could've been so much potential for further schenanigans. Also despite being 10-15 mins, manages to have more content than many multi hour games do.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous art, dragged down by everything else.

    The art is quite nice, and there's a reasonable amount of it (though no animations). But everything else is a mess. No effort was put into the writing. "Gameplay" consists of choosing an option, then being told that's the wrong option, then repeating until you choose the right one. Then you repeat the exact same choices for the rest of the game, viewing the same scenes over and over. Had issues with the settings, and couldn't get the audio to work at all. Luckily, this mess is quite short, maybe 15 minutes all up.

    Ultimately, the game just didn't put in any real effort into the gameplay and trainer aspects. Would have been better off as a gallery, but as it is, it's not worth your time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple and sexy not much to say here just a couple mins of enjoyment art looks fantastic but the story is basic the sex is hot and there is only 1 girl but in all honsety it is worth downloading. I am trying to get this review to 200 but It's not that deep of a game
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Just too short, otherwise i really liked the girl and the art, but you can see everything in half an hour, and it could have been cool as a trainer game but none of the choice matter, it's all about choosing what scene to watch and then unlocking the next one.

    Despite this mostly negative review i enjoyed it and will look forward to more from this developer !
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short little corruption game. Loved the art style and the lady, my only wish is that there was more of it!! Looking forward to seeing where this author goes in the future, hoping that they continue to make quality entries.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a decent game with some good art.
    It's biggest issue is the engine choice. It's really a 4 star game that has a subpar experience because of that. Since the difference between an art site and an adult game is the game experience, that's just not something that can be glossed over.
    The art is dang good though, if dark skin is your kink this will fit that and probably give this an extra star for you.
    All and all ... if not perfect, it's still worth giving a play.
  9. N
    5.00 star(s)


    Story: Train a sexually repressed girl to enjoy dick!
    Art: Art is pretty simple but has some good poses and shots. Nice to see some Dark skin representation (Dark Slut=Best Slut)
    Gameplay: Basic train gameplay but a bit short and lacking in options. However this is all accounted for as its not too big nor any grind at all.
    Overall: 5/5 Play it!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is great, and the dev does not lead players on. All types of sex in the first release is certainly a big plus.

    The downsides are short gameplay time and very little "not-straight-up-sex" content. It basically goes from a short intro to a pick-your-sexscene multiple choice screen in no time flat. There is next to no character progression/corruption in terms of gameplay or character development.

    This game would also have benefited from using Ren'py a lot. Text boxes can't be hidden and the game broke for me after saving once (there is only one saveslot as well, not that it really matters though). I can imagine that the dev wanted to polish up their programming skills with this project, which is fine in general. The result just does the things ren'py does, but worse.

    This review might come off as a bit harsh, but I'm still giving it 4 stars. Mostly because I hope that the next game by the dev is more fleshed out. The characters, art and general theme make for a good enough foundation for a decent witch-trainer rival, which I would love to see.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, that was a pretty good one. Short and sweet with great art! It could be interesting if there were different ending or more options to choose for sex scenes or having a peak of how she actually looks like during her "homework" session, but just like this is perfect!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [I'm reviewing version v0.1.0, the first that was release.]

    I think that's a nice start, worth a try. Not much content, but the art clearly stands out from other games, just like the main girl who is a thicc dark-skin girl. A big plus is that she wears different piece of clothings over the days, breaking monotony. Have I already said that the art was great? Well, I say it again.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it. It could use some work, but honestly its really good for being a first submission. Plus i love me some colored ladies, these games need more brown and chocolate colored girls.

    It does seem to break after a certain point where she has her nipples done. And the art doesn't change for scenes after she has nipple piercings. Could also make the transition a little slower from being a good girl into a yes master type. But i will still give you 5 stars. You are my first after all, might as well make it special.