Well, I don't want to "advertise" my patch (anyway, I am not making money with it), but...Hmm. I haven't even played this game yet. Just "shopping" around at the moment, and doing a bit of reading up on it first. I do LOVE incest content. It's probably my #1 kink. But then again I do also love Walkthrough mods. Especially in lengthier games. It does happen sometimes where you have to choose between either one or the other, and it's unfortunate when it does. Maybe one day when the game is complete and updates are no longer a factor someone will make a 'walkthrough + incest patch'.
For the time being though I'm trying to decide which I want to use for a "first playthrough" lol.
Along with the patch, I give an URM configuration file for the game, that I use myself to cheat a bit
Plus, the game itself can notify you of the change of value of the variables (the message shown names are quite clear, e.g. "submissiveness" or "Katherine love"), is in the game options.
It is not the same as the walk-through mod, but that combination may be enough, if you really like the incest kink (so, if that is your first priority)