RPGM - Project Skyward [v1.3i7] [Skyward Foundry]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Futa all around.

    If it's your king you'll be satisfied !

    The game may be a bit tedious at some point, it's heavy on the gameplay aspect, but it's balanced by its generosity on the art side.

    Sure it may not be your cup of tea, but if it is, it's really worth the money.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Turned based combat fantasy RPG in a world with some futas.

    + Art looks cool

    - There's a 4 level variance could be encountered for fighting the same boss or random enemy. This applies to ads spawned by the boss. So a lvl 4 boss could spawn a lvl 8 ad. This can cause fights to be extremely difficult. This RNG is very unpleasant early on when you lack gear, party members, spells, stats, etc.
    - enemies can ambush you, getting to go first and taking 2 turns. Pure RNG
    - there's a chance to miss physical attacks and magic attacks. More bad RNG elements
    - You have to find save points to save. So if one of the above mentioned RNG gets you, you just lose progress
    - Sometimes you can see remaining enemy health, other times you can't
    - Early on, there's no way to assess enemy weaknesses. So it's a lot of trial and error before you figure out what the best move is against an enemy. This just adds more resetting for a fight
    - Some early bosses are far too difficult (e.g. Lantern Flower Queen), she can outspeed your whole party and one shot your mage. You can also deal 1/3 of the tank's health in a single attack. Not to mention, she can heal herself for more damage than you can deal. She also spawns 2 ads that can potentially be 4 levels higher than she is. Even if you are higher level than she is, she's still likely unbeatable
    - The targeting is terrible with mouse. You can select an enemy, but the target changes from what you've selected
    - too much dialogue
    - sex scenes are meh. Usually an image with one pose and some text.

    The game play is very grindy. The RNG elements elements add more elements that are outside of your control and makes the game more frustrating. The extremely poorly tuned difficulty early on makes an already frustrating experience even worse. Not only does it grinding feel necessary to progress, the sex scenes are not even that great
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The scenes and the story seem pretty good so far, but the dialogue pacing and the combat is atrocious.

    Combat is insanely grindy in the first dungeon without giving you an opportunity to stock up on items or equipment, and you can only save at crystals which there doesn't seem to be a lot of.

    Enemy ambushes mean that they attack twice before you get to act, and in the first dungeon enemies are so strong they can pretty much one shot you in an ambush by double casting a powerful spell, and even if you went an hour into the dungeon.. you never saw another save point, so oh well, fuck you, game over. Try again.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the artwork, great futa designs and scenes. Some of the puzzles are annoyingly random but could be my impatience in getting through the game. Good amount of content. I enjoy all the characters except the dark elf because she can be an insufferable **** sometimes, but that makes monsters going at her much more satisfying.

    Besides some of the puzzles, maybe my only other gripe is that some of the non-important NPC are gratuitously chatty. I feel like the NPC could be more succinct in their conversations, and leave the lengthier conversations to story NPC, sex scene NPC, and player characters.

    The only futa rpg I've played but I get the feeling I won't find anything half as good as this anytime soon.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my top 3 favourite all time H-games and it ain't number 3. If you like futa, this is *the* game for you. That being said, let's list the bad stuff first:

    1- There's a lot of text pretty much everywhere that can be long even when you skip it and it can make the game feel slow at points
    2- It doesn't employ a "save anywhere" function and instead relies on save points, which can sometimes feel a bit scarce
    3- The combat can sometimes have a difficulty spike that catches you off guard and losing game overs you, making you have to restart from your last save, which can potentially suck big time due to point 2

    However, that's literally it for the bad stuff. This game is incredible because it does so much *really* good shit.

    1- The porn. Good God the porn is fantastic, from the prologue right to the end of act 3, every character with a little heart above their head has at least one hot as fuck cg to show you and they never disappoint.
    2- The characters are amazing, well thought out and make you want to see more of them right from the onset. The MC isn't everyone's cuppa tea but I love her to bits and think she fits the world and style of this game really well.
    3- The lore and world-building is done really well. There are a decent amount of cutscenes but they're used really well and lot of the storytelling is done through quests and dialogue, but there's even more stuff for those who are happy to find it and read it.
    4- While the combat can have a bit of a steep jump between areas, honestly as long as you're not a retard then you'll be fine. Learn your moves, do some trial and error early on and you're set.
    5- The sheer volume of content is fantastic, you can play this shit for hours and not because it's been made purposefully long by the devs like some other games but because of everything you can do
    6- There are interesting mechanics in this that differentiates it from other RPGM games, so it leaves a lasting impression
    7- The art is phenomenal, and I don't just mean the porn, I mean the backgrounds, the custom maps, the character portraits, everything is top-tier
    8- Not come across a community as dope as this one off a small game in a long time! The discord is where it's at, lots of people who not only enjoy each others company but are more than happy to help each other and even new players as well.
    9- It also ticks a lot of fetishes and they're not afraid to step into various niches and really deliver on them
    10- And last but not least, it's fun! The dialogue, the characters and their interactions, the combat, the side stuff, everything is just good, dumb fun, and what more could you want from a game?

    If you've made it this far, I cannot stress more that you will love this game. It might not be for everyone and you may feel frustrated to begin with but I promise if you stick with it, you won't regret it.

    10/10 would fap to fat futa cock n balls again.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i fucking love this game, the big futa girls make me harder than a nasa math equation. also the devs are pog af and chill!
    love me some big futa balls hanging infront of my face.
    if you love futa then this game is worth marrying.
    combats ok, story is pretty good, but man, im here for the futa and the futa is *chefs kiss*
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Attention Futa gang, if you love Futanari, THIS is your game.

    One of the best RPGM games you will find.
    This isn't a random porn game. It's a unique game with some of the best futa art ever made.

    The narration, the development of the characters and the world will make the story captivate you from the beginning.

    If you have trouble with random encounters, you can always avoid them by wearing a ring that you can find in your house from the beginning of the game.

    Enjoy it as soon as possible. And if you liked it, and want/can support the project, you can buy it when it comes out on Steam on January 31st, or by becoming a Patreon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This deserves wayyyy more recognition! It's for sure in the elite tier when it comes to rpgm h-games. A ton of content, actually engaging story, very fleshed out lore and unique, interesting characters. You can just tell a lot of effort went into crating this world and the characters. The gorgeous stylized art really stands out and gives the whole game and its world a unique and lewd charm. Included fetishes personally right up my alley too. The Dev is doing something special here and I can't wait to see it develop further
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good, but it has few flaws. The game starts well, but does not progress at the same level. You don't notice the slowness of the game at first, but later on you only see 1 sexy picture in 30 minutes in the game. Whether the picture is good or bad is debatable. Being a fap game and having such a slow flowing game does not prevent the game from being a normal game. BTW you can skip conversations with W.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I have seen a lot of dev's in my time and never have I seen a Dev put in the time and dedication than this one. the game is well planned out, the versions I have played always come with new content and challenging mechanics, not to mention the Card game inside is fun and easy to understand. the next update I am looking forward to thanks Pro Sky Dev for all the hard work.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the good points. Fortunately, there are a plenty of them, and the main good point is of course TOP QUALITY ART OF JUICY FUTAS. It's just great, trust me. Secondly, this game has an actual quest log. That's right, a useful detailed quest log in a RPGMaker porn game. I'm not sure if it's the first time I've seen one, but it seems so. The dialogues and overall writing are quite good, which is not so common in RPGM world since most RPGM games on this site can be described as Japanese shit + Google Translate.

    However, there are several problems with this game. The first problem that you encounter in the game is that it's slow as fuck and there seems to be no way to speed it up. Dialogues, scripted events, battles, everything is slow as fuck (except movement). But the biggest downside, as stated in many other reviews, is absolutely retarded combat. And the main problem of combat is not scarse save spots and lots of enemies, but endless unpredictable random encounters. To all people who are reading this and who haven't played this game yet: that's right, there are no visible enemies on the map, but during walking you are dragged into combat randomly (and very often). And given that the battles are slow, you will waste a shitload of time on these boring repetitive encounters even if you kill all enemies in round 1. I can't tell you how much I hate these fucking encounters, they are absolutely retarded. Apparently, the dev is trying to pose as some kind of oldfag, but come on, the youngest game with invisible random enemies that I've played before was Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum, released in 1986. Nineteen-fucking-eighty-six, get it? So, dear oldfag dev, please don't ignore the 35+ years of progress in the art of RPG development and make this game a bit less annoying.

    3/5, let's hope that dev finally repairs his time machine and escapes from the 80s back to our time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For those who don't like RPGs, don't play the game.
    For those who don't like Futa (???), don't play the game.
    For those who aren't willing to read, don't play the game.
    For those who can't go to the bathroom by themselves, don't play the game.


    [The art]
    Was by Eraanthe. Whether it's the characters' drawing and coloring, their massive and marked attributes, or just the fact that they're Futanari... It looks damn good! Just take a look...

    If you are not prone to reading, the game may be somewhat tedious for you.

    The main story may not be something spectacular (understandable considering that it's a porn game), but it's very well carried out throughout the game.

    As a good RPG that it is, you will have to talk to many NPCs, each one with its own story, and some of them with hidden content (CGs).

    *You can skip dialogues by holding 'w', I don't recommend it in the first game.

    Here I am not going to go into depth because I prefer that you experience it for yourselves since it is somewhat more subjective how you perceive the characters.
    Either way, the development of the characters throughout the story is well taken care of.

    [The World]
    The mapping is very well worked, with great detail. Each site feels unique, and at certain moments it seems as if it is alive. Explore every corner, you will find hidden things.

    From time to time you will also come across the odd puzzle, some simpler than others. (They range from moving objects from one place to another, to getting objects that you find in the surroundings)

    Like a good RPG, you don't have visual cues like a fucking arrow telling you where to go at all times (as if you were retarded), so you have to pay attention to what the NPCs tell you.

    Regarding the save points (Books or Crystals), I can understand people who don't use the resources the game gives you, being super dependent on these save points.
    But in my opinion, whether it's because I'm an old dog, I like that they're spread out as you go through the story.
    It adds a certain tension that makes you have to take into account the resources you have to keep moving forward.
    For me, as I already said, a success.

    Tip: You can heal your party outside of combat with Hitomi's heal spell 'Moonlight Sonata' among other things.

    For many, the stone in the road that made them 'abandon' the game.
    It is a turn based combat RPG where you will find a lot of fights against mobs. And some boss fights that will require some strategy.
    They can be tedious, especially with the lines of dialogue at the beginning and end of a fight.

    Tip: To avoid having to fight, you have the the classic 'Escape' or 'Potion of Hiding'.

    In my opinion, it's a great RPG from old days with many CGs.
    If what you are looking for is to fap non-stop, perhaps this is not your game. Don't get me wrong, there is material for it. But it has a different rhythm from the usual porn games.

    Sorry if there is any grammatical or meaning error, English is not my native language.

    Possibly I have left something in the pipeline but this is starting to look like the bible so I leave it like that.

    P.D. Act 3 is just around the corner, an update with a huge amount of content. Stay tuned on Discord.

    I'm working on the game guide but I have it on hold because in the next update there will be a rework of the prologue and the slums and I will have to update it. So if you have any questions I recommend you enter the discord, I'm usually active.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few really good futa games out there.

    The art is incredible and goes perfectly with my kinks. Specially because the artist is not shy of drawing whatever she wants. Even if it's a girl sprouting a futa tentacle dick or someone getting anally fucked by a triple futa dick. Plus your run of the mill vanilla.

    Just beware that the anatomy of the characters may not be good for everyone. If you don't like futa or giant dicks then this is probably not your game.

    And as someone that follows the progress through the author Discord. The game is NOT abandoned.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a masterpiece.

    First of all, the art is amazing. It is detailed and the quality of the pictures is amazing. The style pleases every futa fan I can guarantee you that.

    The gameplay is interesting, the RPGM lends itself to the game story and settings very well. There is not a point in time where you are lacking something to do.

    The quests are good and fun, there is the serious side of it, and then there are the fun comedy style quests. I can recommend the game to every futa and big tits fan. Ye the updates might be a little slow but keep in mind, they don't release little updates they release huge updates containing whole chapters.

    The game is marked as Abandoned, but its not. Feel free to check the official website and join the discord.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    After 15 hours of gameplay i have only a couple gripes with the game.

    Text is slow, make an option for instant text speed.
    The short animations and effects in dialogue also makes skipping feel slow and tedious, either take out dialogue skipping or make it skip the animations aswell.
    Playing a sound effect would with no animation would still feel good for the reader, as it has in many other games.

    Please do something about the speed of combat, it feels so painfully slow. which is made even worse by the unskippable voice line/animation at the start of every fight!

    The Starcards minigame is a very cool idea but so far it has just been painfully unfair to play, if your opponent has better cards you just lose...

    Amazing art and some very good writing, overall great game but it could be so much better if there were some quality of life updates!

    Good work, keep it up.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing this for a while, finally got off my lazy ass to write a review. Its a pretty long game with somewhat challenging battles and puzzles. There isn't a lot of h scenes but there are dark crystals which you have to find to give you cgs, which are mostly huge chicks with gigantic breasts and dicks if that's your thing. This game unique selling point is really the plots and quests, highly recommended to futa lovers that enjoys games with indepth writting and plot(and for those that loves clicking on everything and reading everything. There's always some loot to be found) Some pain points would be the huge amount of texts and how it pauses at each comma and full stop and no way of increasing the speed of the battle but you get use to it as you play more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Project Skyward is the best English Rpgmaker Porn game I have ever played in my life if you like high quality futanari art, amazing writing,beautiful maps and challenging gameplay then you will love Project Skyward as much as I do here are the reasons that make project skyward a hidden gem not only among the very small selection of futanari games but also in the hentai rpgmaker genre:

    1. Art: Lets start with the art the art is made by a very talented artist that goes by the nickname Eraanthe the best way to describe her futanari art its west meets east its like she combined the best features that japanese artist use such as the big thicc boobs,the structure of the bodies and combined them with western style mostly the faces an such creating this beautiful combination of perfection between both parts.

    She also gets bonus points for making futanaris with vulgar cocks,muscles, thicness such as big boobs with femenine faces, so if you are a futanari fan you will love her work she truly has some of the best futa art in the planet and need more recognition.

    2. Writing: Now lets talk about the way the game is written for starters let me make this clear this games writing is on par with some commercial games out there meaning that while yes its a porn game the hentai is not the main focus, many characters are very well written or have their own backstory including some npc I was shocked at frst when some npcs told me their backstory it really makes the world building feel alive and fresh.

    If you dont like text heavy games you might say well maybe this game is not for me right? wrong the game does have a feature to skip text if you just want to play for the hentai but I cant recommend enough to read all the writing sometimes while I was playing I actually forgot I was playing a porn game just because I got so in to the games lore and world building the characters and the story that I had to remind myself that this was a hentai game it almost felt like I was playing those old school final fantasy games from back in the day,lastly I can say that words cant describe how strong the writing or perhaps lore is in the game something that I feel that many Hentai game creators lack or struggle with.

    3. The mapping: Something that I love about project skyward is the mapping I feel that each location in the game has its own little charm from volcano dungeons to the deep sea blue ocean beaches of the game the games has it all you can clearly tell that a lot of work and love went in to the games design its not your generic same basic map type of rpg hentai game that we are used to, one of the members of the dev team is very talented when it comes to rpg maker and he knows what he is doing very few games have beautiful zones like this one.

    The games artist also puts her artsyle and charm to some of the maps by drawing making for some beautiful maps for example there is a map which features honey when you explore it ingame you can see the little details make the map feel so alive, the dungeons are all well made with fun puzzles each with its own theme being a volcano,ruin or a cave.

    4. The characters: There are different characters throught the game something that I likeis there is at least a character for everyone even if you dont enjoy a character you will find a character that you will like therefore I will mainly talk on the most important ones

    Yoshiko:She is the MC of the game she is a Human futanari warrior on a journey to defeat the demon lord and get her mother back, while not my favorite I can say she is a charming character with funny dialog and very quirky personality I think shes a MC that a lot of people will like since she is very hard to dislike due to how likeable of a innocent funny airhead she is.

    Hitomi: She is by far my favorite character in the game you can say she is close to almost being the second MC of the game she is a dark elven mage that is on a journey to explore old ruins with the help of the MC, she has a very outspoken crude personality that at first many people will not like her but as the game goes on she does start to become more friendly and she starts to grown on you, she also has a different side to her when shes getting laid or shes horny she tend to be less bitchy and cuterer when she wants some sex in her life, she has big boobs and pruple hair along with dark skin she is a female which all shes missing is a cock hopefully she can grow one in the future for pure perfection.

    Mitraa:He is a feline prince of the party and the party he is shy but also is always cheering for his friends while he is not the most popular character he is one of the most likeable in the game he is so sweet in some parts when cheering on the MC or just helping out the party if you like femboys this character is for you.

    Faemari: She is a fish humanoid type futa an the healer of the party there is not much to say right now since she is the newest character in the party as of right now so we havent seen much about her at the moment she does seem likeable at the very least and I think she will be a good counter balance to yoshiko being another futa making sure she doesnt hog all the futa banging action to herself.

    SubCharacters:There are many amazing subcharacters like Gorakna a big dick ogre one of the hottest characters in the game or a paladin named Lucilla with the biggest human dong you ever see large breasts or Alaria a rancher with a big dong that fuck anything in her way the game has some amazing hot subcharacters that I could write about but since it would take to long I will just say they are as good and hot as the main characters so dont sleep on them.

    5. Game design and music:The sistem and music are pretty standard I think they are what you expect from and rpg maker game turn based combat with different clases and skills I think this is the one area that could use the most work I think that many thing can be improved in the sense of introducing more skills class changes,balance and making the characters beginning of the battle speeches less long, as for the music well its the standard rpg maker music so there is not much to say other than that.

    I just want to conclude that Project Skyward feels like a blessing in todays day and age in a era where english futanari games are almost non existant even more in the rpgmaker platform, it truly makes me feel happy with joy everytime the devs drop a new update for the game because I can escape reality a little and put myself in to the wonderful fun world of Project skyward, the Dev team is very small so updates do take a while to drop but when they do they usually have so much content and work in that they are worth the wait.

    So if anybody has questions or wants to talk I suggest joining the discord everyone there is very friendly also want to say that Eraanthe the dev along with the other dev members are all very kind people who listen to everyones opinion even if you cant support the game with money, unlike many devs that wont listen to you unless you are giving them large sums of money.

    Lastly I want to say that If you enjoy the game please support Eraanthe with ingame comissions not only can you get your original character or existing characters in the game doing your favorite sex scenes but it helps the game development getting more scenes and Eraanthe puts those scenes inside the game for everyone to enjoy with hot dialogue.

    If you made it this far thank you for reading and I hope I could show you at the very least a fraction of what make Project Skyward one of the greatest hentai games ever made.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I really like the art but this is honestly one of the worst RPGM porn games I've played. The dialogue goes on forever but the writing isn't anything special, the combat encounters are WAY too frequent and not that interesting, everything feels very slow and a lot of the quests are very poorly designed.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    It's been a while since I played a game that made me bored and frustrated at the same time from the very beginning. I have spent over 2 hours in this and I have yet to find any enjoyment in this mess

    -This game is so fucking slow, the combat is slow, the cutscenes are slow and it has random encounters so you will spend a chunk of your total game time in random combat encounters and the other half of the game in cutscenes
    -There is so much fucking dialog I quickly said fuck it and skipped every single thing I could and it still took way too long, it's not even interesting to read
    -The porn content is almost not there, you could even remove it and it wouldn't change anything
    -You will constantly have to run back and forth toying with enviromental puzzles while you get assaulted by random encounters harder than you will get slapped in Fromsoftware games

    This fucking game managed to piss me off with the worst things you could have in any game in it's opening act. I got through the damn prologue section but the game still felt like it's in one of those slow opening sequences that we all hate, I was running through the slums of the first damn city like a headless chicken trying to find a damn thief and all of a sudden I was stopped by a door and now I have to backtrack the whole bloody area for a retarded fetchquest to get a key so that I can continue to run around more.
    This is just another example of incopetent game design as far as pacing and combat is concerned
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The best futa game I ever played on this site, not only is the gameplay very fun but the art is top tier with some amazing lore and world building if you are a futanari fan this game is a must play.

    The maps in the game is another thing that make the game amazing its clear they have a very good dev behind doing the technical part as well the jade trail and orchard are examples of two good looking maps among many others.

    Some scenes could use a bit more writing or fluff to spicy them otherwise I got no complaints.