I had my first playtrough yesterday (took about 2 hours), and found everything with ease, the only thing bothering me was sometimes having issues talking with people it gets laggy but when leaving the conversation everything is running smoothly again.
And i really had to upgrade my bag because i kept picking up to much stuff ... @-@
When using the crowbar on a car to open it the zombies kept approaching, so when leaving the opening sequence i got almost killed instantly sometimes... that's one of the complaints i have with it.. But overall i got trough it without dying and enough Ammo to always get myself out of sticky situations. Finding Healing supplies also was easy enough.
And once i got the House from the priest i had another storage unit which was nice.
The Police station took most of my time, since it was lot of back and forth trough the buildings but everything was easy to find.. Well besides the code on the key that took a bit of time for me to figure out, i thought she meant look for another item of his.. and not an item i already had.. so i was searching until i checked the items in my inventory for hints..
Love the difficulty so far and like that its actually trying to be somewhat of a game.

Oh and quick question i did the Shooting range "mini-Game" in the Police Station what did we get from it ?..
Because i didn't notice if i got something or not... ^^