Unity - ProjectR [v0.5.0.3] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The animations and addition of female monsters is great, however as it is in the v0.5.0.2 state, there isn't too much to do. You can collect some lovely girls while conquering areas and breeding has more meaning beyond easier upkeep like in Monster Black Market. The gameplay is promising, though I hope they add unique "Champion" girls to capture the same way doing certain tasks awarded us unique girls in MBM.

    Additionally, the player character should have methods to increase his own stats to make it worth breeding. Either way, a good title to watch if you're a fan of creature management in the same way Monster Black Market is.​
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a fun and interesting gameplay but its not enough.
    Its fun at the start when you start figuring stuff out but the longer you play the worse it gets.

    There is no story i could focus on, its just spend some time grinding and go battle, repeat. Thats all.

    Like i said, it has fun gameplay where you get to experiment but to what goal and finish? I dont see one. I think this game could have been better.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has good bones and the art is cute, but probably mostly because it's still in development, it feels like a proof of concept. There's very little variety and the "breeding" aspect feels completely flavorless so far, with you just watching a bunch of numbers go up.

    The game desperately needs visual variety and things to do both at your base and in the world. Hopefully those will be sorted out and I'll get to increase the rating.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's like a worst version of BalckMarket in any way possible. First is barren, it looks like a Version 0.2 rather than 0.5. It has potential, but it would be better for slower but more significant updates or rather very fast small updates, something that signals a good road ahead which right now is null.
    Likes: Lulwz
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version

    1. Competent options menu with different sound channel adjustments
    2. Option to turn on x-ray
    3. Competent save menu with 99 slots. Shows game version.

    1. Only has 3 preset resolutions
    2. The tutorial popups have a “[current page #] / [total page #]” text area. You can click this and write in it.
    3. Zero tutorial. Actually, there is one in the menu but you have to open the menu and find it first with zero prompt towards it.
    4. The game speed up button has to be held. It should be a toggle instead.
    5. Unsure what the toggle for “nipple” does. Just seems to darken the nipples of pregnant women?
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! I loved just making the most op goblins and just obliterate everybody lol
    The animations are also pretty good and hot to watch! I also like the new infamy system! i found it pretty hard in the early game when you have people attacking in the first 5-ish minutes, so having it so they only attack when you get too high infamy is really great!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good gameplay so far kind of lacking in content. Plays a lot like monster black market trait system is fun. Really just needs more content at the moment but looking forward to seeing future developments.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing gameplay so far only problem is some promotional material has stuff not in the game yet, but I love how fast updates re coming out like the sound when there's an attack is super convenient, and I wish I could upgrade my stud (my human) to mix in new genes for my cattle. and ofc more x scenes please all-in all-in development verry promising.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that is very early in development, proposes some pretty interesting ideas and I hope it does well like its other game.

    We left the idea of the brother and now we concentrate on ivations and rapes, now we can impregnate the girls and from that to create our slaves, each one will have characteristics that will help us improve our warriors.

    To get new monsters we have to send girls to the nearby monster camps, so that they are pregnant and then recover them with these babies.

    When attacking human camps we can kidnap girls, they could have good or bad statistics, so it is important to see what statistics they have and if it would be convenient for us to kidnap them.

    By carrying out enough attacks we will increase our search level, as if it were Gta V with stars, this will cause them to attack us, for this we must have monsters defending the areas, since there are 2 on the left side and the right side.

    The more we attack enemy camps, the higher our wanted level will be, causing new and much stronger enemies to come (which we can kidnap).

    I expect a lot from him considering the creator's previous work.
  10. 1.00 star(s)



    It really needs very heavy changes to start being something really worth. It's core it's pretty much the exact same as Black Market, with the monster girls added that can't even reproduce themselfs with their same race, and an ammount of grinding so big it pretty much copies a lot of the worst things around games of this kind (And this is just talking about the start)

    I know for sure there would be more animations... in 15 years to be really honest. And if the amount of animations ends up being the same as their first game... It will end up being a yandere dev-like scam. Which I DON'T WANT, but it's what it looks like :s
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Is it a degenerate game? Yes. But by god the 2d art as well as the game itself is pretty dang fun and that's all I ask for is for it to be equal parts game and porn. Still pretty early in dev. Not a whole lot to do but what is there is good.
    Likes: LTT82
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    ProjectR (Version, ~12 hours played) by Team-Apple Pie is an engaging game where you must survive waves of women and sister nuns attacking your base. You manage a goblin/shortstack-based army that you breed and develop to handle increasingly difficult waves. Since your units are relatively weak, frequent replenishment is necessary. The game is still in development.

    The gameplay is straightforward, aided by well-designed tutorials. While the game’s simplicity is appealing, managing a growing number of units can become tedious. The art and animations are beautiful, adding to the overall experience. Although the game is still in its developmental stages and may feel repetitive at times, the constant waves and the evolving challenge make base development enjoyable, even at this early stage.

    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/nb1C8HZ
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much that you can do in v0.3.1.4, but it is very reminiscent of team-apple pie's previous game: Monster Black Market.

    As of right now, the map is much smaller than the previous game. I'm optimistic if this is the direction that they are planning, as late game Monster Black Market always became busy.

    It will not particularly benefit you, but you can toggle the language to English if you go into the menus in this version
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    WARNING: 4 stars because this game is basically just a ALPHA/DEMOSTRATION so expect to be clunky and unfinished. there's only about a hour or so of playtime currently. If you've played Team Apple Pie's past game you know this game has alot of potential. Seems like it's going to be a tower defense game with a good gameplay loop (capturing defeated enemies and using them to breed your own soldiers with higher stats) there's also plans to be able to invade other countries to capture their queens so you can breed even stronger soldiers with unique skills if MBM is anything to go by. There's also female variants of monsters instead of all the babies magically being male like the past game. (E.X Female variant of Orcs now called Oni's and female Goblins) If you're into Tower defense games and creating a army you should bookmark this game even if it isn't playable right now.
    Likes: mc247
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Game good, graphic good, but too early for play.

    For example gameplay too difficult after some wave, u can't uprage tower, u can't good protect door if someone already next to door, need monster who defence door outside and inside. Need functional to lvl up your monsters, because enemy to powerful!

    Need ability to delete slave or monsters.
    And that only few improvements what need game, i am glad that dev fix pregnant bug, that good.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good-quality project in early stage of development. If traits will become more interesting and gameplay more diverse, that can become excellent breeding and tower defence game. Current state of project is too repetative and can be played ~15 minutes, so perfect rating in advance.
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    Yep, that widely beloved Monster Black Market. The devs are back and they're trying something new this time around.

    Instead of a managing an Inn.

    This time around, they're appearing to go the tower defense route. Quite the interesting turn of events. We'll see how this plays out, considering this game is in alpha v0.3.1.0.

    The models in this alpha appear to be re-designed versions of existing characters or characters that already existed in Monster Black Market. Only time will tell if we get some more interesting characters.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Guys, Please, before you rate this 1 or 2 stars, know that this game is in alpha

    And it's nowhere near the complete version

    So far, so good

    I didn't expect a tower defense simulator that actually contains sex as a strategy, not a compensation for winning

    Not gonna say about graphics since it's great

    Yeah, it's still lacks a lot of stuff but

    I have high hopes since their team made such a banger (Black Monster Market)

    Cheers to the dev team
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful, Best, Ultra Max Top
    this is all my feeling while playing, I look forward to games from this author like the new year, probably even more than the new year because his games touch on such wonderful genres
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very early into development but it has a solid basic gameplay loop and a lot of potental. At this stage in development there isn't a ton to do but it is still enjoyable. I look forward to future versions of this game.