Unity - Completed - Pumpkin Love [Full] [Samurai Drunk]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Held off on playing until the virus issue was solved. And after playing I would say this is a good time.
    The grind of this game is simple but man does it get old real fast, besides that though this is a specific type of game for a specific type of person to play, and I am defiantly that person. Plant girls aren't really something I would call rare in the porn space, but a pumpkin plant girl is a bit harder to find. She is so cute and bouncy in all the right places that makes me just love her. Even with one of the best pumpkin girls I've seen tho, the mini games to keep the whole cycle going should have been bundled together in one action to make things run a little smoother and got the game to go by at a better pace.
    Small things really that made this a less then perfect experience but all the same this one is closer to a 4 then a 5 star game in my opinion.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Just average overall, as most people have said, it can get quite tedious, with the constant flow of play minigame -> farm pumpkin -> repeat. I feel the dev needs to make the farming simpler, other than that its a cute little game, with nice scenes.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty cute and silly game all in all.
    Unfortunately, as someone else had stated, nearly everything is a minigame and sort of gets obnoxious. I had hoped that actually achieving the maximum level would remove the minigame or add a gallery, but it does not.

    Planting seeds, watering once then twice, and harvesting the pumpkins is all the same minigame and grind. The scenes are pretty meh. Not bad, not good, just so-so. This makes the overall grind feel extra tedious, which would have been remedied with a minigameless gallery mode.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    The game itself is really cute and simple with a niche main character being a pumpkin girl. The sprite work is nice and the scenes are well done but ultimately this game is such a waste of time. I don't mean that in the sense that it isn't worth the effort, even though it isn't, but I mean it in the fact that it literally is designed as a time waster with nothing to accomplish. It's so needlessly tedious for no reason at all.

    Everything you do is the same click mini game where a bar moves left and right and you have to click on the right spot. At first this is fine but when you've got to plant seeds and water them for the millionth time, with 8 plots of land that you're required to use for money for food, it just gets old within the first couple minutes. You gotta water her, mini game, you gotta feed her, mini game, you wanna fuck her, mini game, all while doing that same mini game 8 times in between every single action because not growing pumpkins on the side will cause you to lose because you need the money. Not to mention it has confirmation windows for some reason like "do you want to water this plot of land to let it grow one stage further?" No thank you, I think i'll just lose instead.

    While it looks nice and is simple in its design, it just lacks quality of life options and variety. Taking away the mini game you have to play would make the game way better, honestly, as you would just click through everything really fast and get it done quickly. Instead the task of water 8 plots of land that should be instant is now a task that takes like 20 seconds, which isn't a lot but when you have to do it at every time change, it adds up to a lot of time wasted on fuck all.

    Cute pumpkin plant girl, nice pixel art, boring as fuck game that should have been shorter instead of needlessly padded out.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game isn't bad, but it's boring as hell. Everything is a minigame, which makes it last longer than it should. Art is good and the scenes are well animated.

    Edit: it does have a save feature. Still doesn't solve the boring problem.