Well, this is the worst thing I played in a long time, I tried it for the meme face of the little sister and boy did it go off rails after that, atleast we had a laugh (and mostly cries) on our Discord server.
We got a suicidal Billy in the 2nd render of the game wishing he would have not woken up after a bad night of sleep. And let me tell you it would be better for him if he didnt woke up at all after that, assuming he's the MC.
Yes assuming I mentioned, because a bit later we get to play as Kyle, and boy what a nice guy he is. Always wanted to play as the BF that's out to cuck Billy? We'll this is your chance!
You get to molest Billy's older sister and even grape her! (forced BJ) Yes, you play as his point of view. But all is quickly forgiven, because dear old sister still loves him after all that, it was just a 'fight' she mentions later to the mom.
Fast forward we get to Vince, a bald slimeball where the older sister works. And you guessed it, dear old Vince is also out to bang Billy's older sister, what a surprise! Of course he molests her too. But don't worry the older sister still won't tell anyone, i mean getting forced doing sexual stuff and molested is normal right? Maybe Vince also just loves her in his own kind way.
Now where has Billy been? Oh Billy has been on his laptop staring at the image of someone's ass that his friend send to him, he likes to call the woman a bitch.
BUT WAIT, PLOT TWIST, the 'friend' is actually Kyle's little brother, and you guessed it, that picture is his (Billy's) older sister's ass. So his friend has been whacking off to that picture, the ass that Kyle wants to penetrate so badly. Poor Billy getting cucked again.
Then we get some interactions with Billy, you know the classics, helping his mom and little sister. Too bad he is a spineless coward and a total weirdo so those situations turn out as you would expect from a gem like this.
Alright, Vince round two. Yes this time the mother visits the bald prick because of the situation with her daughter, of course Vince wouldn't try something? Right?!?
First he invites both the mother and older sister to a dinner at his house, and of course the mother accepts! He's such a fine gentleman after all, that good ol Vince. Then he proceeds to have another computer problem (just like with the sister) asks the mom to look at it for him, and then he whacks his pecker and cums on her ass. Yup folks, it is what it is.
After that it's the classic 'brother molests sleeping older sister' scene, weirdo Billy is being creepy again and proceeds to kiss his sleeping sister's ass, what a guy.
Last but not least, this gem ends with a banger with Billy saying really creepy stuff as he jerks off to said picture from before, blowing his load over his laptop's screen.
And that's it folks! That was the first part of Billy's epic story to getting cucked. I got to bleach out my eyes now...
EDIT - Part 2
More of the same stuff as mentioned above, Billy being creepy molesting both his sisters, meanwhile Vince grapes Billy's older sister (forced BJ) at his home while the mom is knocked out cold due to drugged wine (haha classic)
That was basically the update, also the little sister got a model update while the older sister is made worse.
Still 1 big fat star...
EDIT - Part 3
Oh boy, here we go again. Billy wakes up wishing he had taken the opportunity to ass rape his little sister when she was drunk and knocked out on the day before.
Then we follow up with scenes of Billy being creepy again, as usual, including a movie watching with both the mom and older sister. Of course they both fall asleep and guess what Billy will end up doing again, surely not molesting them...
Just before Billy get's the chance to anally rape his mother he get's stopped by the little sister knocking on the door.
And that was the end of update 3...
EDIT - Part 4
We start this gem of a update with a small flashback, Billy putting sleeping pills in the coffee for his mom and sis (who would've expected that) and then flash forward rapes his mom while she is asleep.
Next scene big sister get's molested (wow surprise) and hipfucked by baldy Vince who want her to be his daughter, she doesnt do anything to prevent it and takes it, again and again and again as in usual fashion with this game...
Then we go to the next gem, little sister goes to Kyle (the big sisters rapist ex for those that didnt remember) his little brother is there too and they have a big huge party, that consists of 3 people... They get her drunk (haha classic again) do some truth or dare thingy and before we know it she's sucking El Rape-o's dick. They take advantage of her and mid molestation she suddenly wants to... Dance?... And so she does.
After that she gets fucked by Kyle's little brother while Kyle looks on like a cuck whacking his pecker from the other side of the room, man this VN is all over the place. It ends with Noah (the little brother) taking a picture of the little sister passed out and sends it to our lovely protag Billy.
And there ends update 4!
EDIT - Part 5
Well not much happened in this update, Billy goes to Kyle and Noah's house after getting a call from them. Lil sister is still passed out so Noah suggests Billy to molest her. Of course Billy can't resist being a creep and does as he was told.
Lil sister wakes up, but doesn't get to see Billy, she mistakes him for one of the cuck bros which allows Billy to ass fuck his sister. Meanwhile Noah and Kyle are watching and it is exciting for them, their own words.
Billy busts a nut on her ass after 2 strokes and then sneaks off as Noah keeps her busy (by sticking his dick in her mouth) so he (Billy) can pretend to just have been arrived to pick up his sister.
They go back home, Billy has a revelation moment about himself in bed then a 1 week time skip. Breakfast time, mom wants Billy to wake up lil sis. Of course she's sleeping so Billy once more wants to take advantage of that in true Billy fashion, sadly for him she wakes up.
Breakfast scene, some stupid dialog, mom gets sick and starts to throw up. Sister makes jokes about her being pregnant which she of course is since Billy raped her in her sleep after drugging her a few updates ago.
That was it for update 5.
EDIT - Part 6
Alrighty, this update starts out with the mom finding out shes pregnant (after Billy's rape attack while she slept)
Apperantly the younger sister has a boyfriend who we haven't seen before named brian (without a capital B, yes)
Noah comes across them and invites them to a party at his place, you know the one, where the lil sister was being drunk and got raped both by Noah and his creepy brother. They agree.
The big sister stays at home instead of going to work because of rapist Vince, still for the 100th time she doesn't inform the mom who is worried about her...
Both sisters then have a talk with eachother, Billy snatches a wine bottle from the kitchen (he has a plan he says to himself) And you can probably already guess what's coming. Both girls fell asleep... and Billy molests and raped both of them... AGAIN!
He forces his weewee into the little sisters mouth before going to the, also asleep, big sister. During a inner thought Billy says that he is god's favourite, whatever the fuck that means. He then says to himself that it's better that he will rape and molest them instead of a stranger because he loves them (?????)
He then eats out the sleeping big sis before proceeding to vaginally raping her. BUT, she wakes up during the deed, starts sobbing and tells him to stop. But of course it's Billy we are talking about so he goes his merry way. Billy then says some retarded shit to sweet talk that raping is ok, BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM, before blowing his load.
He doesn't cum inside of her (wow) and then has a schizo moment saying it wasn't his intention and that he wasn't himself.
Anyway, while she cries on bed Billy's inner demon comes out again as he sees his other sleeping sister and proudly says: 'I GOT TO DO IT'. And that all 5 seconds later after raping his older sister. Proceeds to clean his dingdong with her mouth before fleeing the crime scene...
The update ends with a still image of the crying older sister. Woohoo.
EDIT - Part 7
We start the episode with Billy sitting in his room blaming himself for his behaviour, and the older sister doing the same in her room (blaming alcohol and not Billy for being batshit insane).
Then we get a flashback of the older sis now being very young and when their dad was still with them. Hes called bill without a uppercase B. And guess what he's going to do, you guessed right, he starts to molest her by giving her a massage and pulls his dick out.
BTW this shit grosses me out, because she for sure is underage in this scene...I rapidly clicked through this shit, he prods her with his dick after removing her underwear and then eats her out... End of the flashback, thank the lord.
We get some scenes between both the younger sis and older sis, older sis keeping quiet that she found the lil sis passed out with Billy's cum on her mouth.
Now older sis visit's Billy, and in usual way she starts blaming herself again for everything that happened. While we all remember Billy was the devil's advocate.
Billy than has a incel moment monologue, confess he raped her and... Well nothing, the big sister tells that the alcohol was at fault (insert facepalm gif) and once again SHE BLAMES HERSELF... Billy than has a smug look on his face and says to himself: 'she is mine'
He puts up a nice guy act, and then when she leaving he calls her stupid and mentions he is going to do his silly antics onto her again.
After that a random scene with the little sister sucking off a lanky looking dude called Brian (Who?) in a classroom. She pretends he is Noah, he wants to fuck her but can't keep his dick hard.
From that we go to the mom visiting a male gynecologist about her unexpected pregnancy. He eventually sums up everything that has happened so far but she goes like: Nah, that could not have happened. He then helps her and finds out signs that she has been sexually abused.
She then has a flashback of Vince drugging her and her daughter with alcohol, and that is the end for this update. Yay...
EDIT - Part 8
Okay this update starts with Billy's mother wanting to get information from Vince, so she decides to accept his proposal to his home, just the two of them.
After that classic Billy wants to molest his older sister again in her sleep, the older sister is having a flashback nightmare to more pedo content as their Dad forces her to do stuff.
Billy spouts out the usually dumb dialogues, molests his sister while she sleeps, she wakes up, Billy makes aup a sob story which she of course believes and allows him to fap to her and fuck her thighs while she is still crying. Classic.
We then move to the Mom and Vince. They have a small convo, Vince trying to win her over before he proceeds to use his advances to kiss her and be creepy. The Mom says she can't move for some reason (she totally can) while Vince does his usual creepy stuff.
He forces her to suck his dick and she does with zero resistancee.
End of the update