
Jun 19, 2021
It's been a long time since I played this game. How do I look at my troops strength? I have no idea?


Jun 19, 2021
So im actually impressed with how far the game mechanics have come along with this game... honestly this game is shaping up to be good enough to put out a non porn version for mainstream gamers, the war with the barbarians is top quality for its non porn elements.

Only thing missing is a counter attack game mechanic every month of the war that has a chance of pushing me back to Camille, and after that the barbarians can push to my capital and conquer the queen.

Like If I have victory points in the Barbarian terf they cant attack into Camille, but if im at 0 victory points or negative they CAN attack Camille and effect the "rebuild" percent. If I get 0 in Camille they can attack my castle for a bad end.

However speaking of the porn in this game.

I quit playing a long time ago because every updated was just more of the same stupid sub slut queen.

The dev has little to no interest in treating all playthrough options equally. The game wont let us be a dom yet (like was planned and advertised at one point).

Why cant we behead the duke for rebellion, or drag him to the dungeon and give him monthly visits as a dominatrix whip him senseless and put his balls in a cock cage. The game gives a moronic reason that "we didn't have justification for war against the Duke", which is totally stupid reasoning that no feudal society would go along with. In real life the Duke would have been drawn and quartered, or placed in the dungeon for the rest of his life. His lands given to his closest loyal relative. So the games excuse for not giving the player a choice is exactly that, an excuse.

On my most recent playthrough I tried to not make an alliance with the barbarians and try to conquere them the New vegas legion way, and the game still wont let me do it after all these years... for reasons, the reason is that the dev doesn't seem to care about a dom playthrough enough to give it equal time with sub slut stupidity. The Queen being a stupid sub slut in this game is all the worst stereo types for a female protagonist in Adult games, dispite this game having every opportunity to break the mold, and make her strong and respectable. Very unfortunate. Now after coming back to this game after being away for so long all the dev did was add more cheesy slut cringe where the queen becomes a willing whore for barbarians, and has moved on to the queens cosin across the sea, who also is doing stupid cheesy slut cringe. Hey broken torpedo why don't you finish the game stories already in the game with proper queen playthroughs before moving on to more slut cringe across the sea.

This game has one of the most insulting illusions of choice I have ever seen in a game.

In the first hour of gameplay starts out great, you can get defeated by barbarians and Raped, start a Lesbian relationship with your body guard, get sexually harrassed by the duke as a prelude to his rebellion, and retake Camille which if you rebuild (which might take slightly more than an hour) you can start a reasonable wholesome relationship with Sir Gerard. Both the Duke and Sir Gerard are nobleman so their shouldn't be a scandal if your in a relationship and planning a marriage. But Supposedly it would be a scandal because reasons. The dev needs to actually do some research into the middle ages and feudal society.

It would not be a scandal because lots of courts were "lively in the sexual passions", and both the queen, Duke, and Gerard are nobleman. It would be proper if a marriage was on the table, but not a full scandal. I also find it amazingly stupid that it would be a scandal to have a romance with a nobleman who is a vassle, but somehow not a scandal to do Gang bang and Bukakke shit with barbarian tribes for forgin policy reason, yet not a scandal for... reasons... really stupid reasons.

So in the first hour we get a sleezy sub relationship choice with the duke, a wholesome Lesbian relationship option with the body guard, a wholesome straight relationship with Sir Gerard, and a choice to go to war with the duke.

All good wonderful choices.

Then the game has NO extra scenes with Williamina, cutting the Lesbian angle off. (Potential wholesome good strong honorable queen playthrough)

Sir Gerard gets like 5 scenes. (Potential wholesome good strong honorable queen playthrough romance)

The duke has 12 scenes 13 if you count the prologe. (Sleezy mildly bad mildly good sub slut queen playthrough). Not one of these scenes are him in a dungeon or on a chopping block.

The choice to go to war with the duke (which should be considered for both a good and evil queen who is a strong dom).

If you go to war with the Duke and win you are told you are wrong (even though your right) the game rug pulls your choice, when you should be able to imprison and torture him, or excuted him. And yes that is the right choice. The dev needs to go talk with Tywin Lanister from Game of Thrones and actually learn something about how the middle ages worked. Replace the duke with his 18 year old Duchess sister/cosin that the evil dom queen can prev out on during the monthly visits. Double team the Duchess with Williamina. Or ignore her while getting all the benefits of a loyal vassle.

After the first hour of gameplay the choices get worse. The game forces you into an alliance with the barbarians to advance the barbarian war quest. Dispite giving you the choice to turn it down. The barbarians (Hawk tribe) approach you with an alliance and your given a choice to accept it or not. If you accept it the game goes as normal. But if you don't accept it the game tells you "fuck you" and won't let you progress past a certain point. <---- do you have any idea how insulting that it, what horrible illusion of choice that is. It's actually worse than the normal illusion of choice because it straight up rug pulls you says "fuck you your wrong" and then if you don't choose what the dev wants the storyline is over until you change your mind.

I should have the choice to be an evil queen and genocide and colonize the barbarians like an evil witch. I should be able to choose to be like Ceasars legion from new vegas for a dom queen playthrough.

But even if im a good queen and accept the alliance, the game mechanic wants me to be a stupid whore for the barbarians to "gain trust ". When I should be able to just pay gold for aid and rebuilding like I did with Camille but the only option is suffer lower trust or be a sub slut queen not a honorable dom queen not whoring herself out to a forgin chiefs gangbang bukakke.

Dealing with your own kingdom is similar. I can only recuit troops and raise moral by being a whore, or I have an official that gets me 10 troops a day instead 100 or 200 you get from being a whore IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE AGES AS A "QUEEN".

The bar scenes with the bandits and the spy, why the fuck cant I bust the door down with troops with no major consequences. Jail the bandits and make them talk. It would be Tywin Lanister approved, and its exactly what every single mideivil king/queen would have done in real life... but NO if you want to avoid being a sub slut queen you have to save scum and reload save after save until you win the gambling game because you don't have real choice in this game, the dev rug pulls your decision making to force you to do what the dev wants.. where is the dom queen option in the bar? Who the fuck is the spy master to not train a replacement or come back to help his kingdom, this is just piss poor writing that only exists to make the player be a stupid sub slut queen.

To give an idea as to how bad this is lets do some math with the gallery:

The duke has 12-13 scenes depending on if you count the prologe.

Williamina the body guard has one scene from the wine cabinet. This is Dispite the wine cabinet being available from day/week/turn 2. Why doesn't she have 13 scenes like the Duke?

Sir Gerard is 5 scenes for a wholesome romance

7 rape scenes for defeat 4 in the barbarian war 3 in the arena (both the Queen and Williamina)

Cheesy slut cringe scenes that only exist for the sake of cheesyslutcringe?
Barbarians 10
Troops 8
Painter 4
Bar gambling because the spy master won't do his job because piss poor writing 2 scenes.
Queens cousin 4 scenes
28 total

Since the duke is also sub slut playthrough we have duke plus other sub slut content

41 Vs 13

13 scenes for all other content which includes wholesome romance, and defeated rape scenes. (Not counting bad ends because they are hard to get, not in the gallery, and I cant catalog them, I also dont know if the bad ends are animated because the two I get most aren't animated)

Most other devs of good games do an updates with different content for different choices. So one update will mostly be sub content, then the next update of mostly dom content. One update is for good choices the next update is for evil choices. "Luna's fall from grace", and "Luna reloaded" come to mind, as well as "The Point of No Return". Where one month is resistance, next is submission, next month is deception.

This game is going to need like 10-20 updates in a row of other content to balance the sub slut playthrough with other content.

Like take the duke... why can't there be multiple options

Option 1: go along with his request, maby marry him because that shouldn't be a problem for Nobility. (Choice is In the game, except marriage because that would actually make sence for the Middle ages)

Options 2: war conquer, behead and kill him. Done with his sorry ass and on to the rest of the game. (Rug pulls the choice because of poorly written lore and lack of knowledge about feudal societies)

Option 3: imprison him and his monthly visits are him being tortured by dommy queen for the rest of his days. Or left to rot. (Rug pulls the choice because of poorly written lore and lack of knowledge about feudal societies)

Devs nonsense option: go to war, keep him in power, and he gets "restless " later on. Which is completely stupid as no feudal monarch would be this brainless as to leave a rebellious vassle in power. ( choice is In the game)

Why is that so hard to provide the two dom choices instead of rug pulling our choices, seems simple would close the plot hole of not being able to do it dispite being a queen? It would stop insulting the players intelligence with false choices. It shouldn't be that hard?

Its even written into the balance of the game mechanics. You start out with around 1500 troops/military points, the duke starts with 3500. Why the fuck isnt he the king if he has 3500 army points and I only have 1500 in debt, 1000 points outside of debt. If Queeny started out with 4000 in debt 3500 not in debt and The duke started with 1500. You could deal with him like the totorial mission he is, still have some left over for the start of the barbarian war, but need to replenish yourself to win. Verrtignis with its 7500 army points would be a real challenge, and the game would be nice and balanced. Right now if you want something resembling a dom playthrough you need to grind like its pay to win, or use the cheat/debug merchant in order to advance the story without being a stupid slut whore. Its complete bull shit.

With the Barbarians and other stories in the game, they are still WIP so if one type of content lags behind thats one thing. But the duke is the tutorial for forgin policy. It would be nice to get all the dukes options done with before moving on to the barbarians. But the duke is left in limbo, without all his playthroughs!!! if you don't want to make the choice the dev wants, the game forces you to make his choices dispite offering and advertising choices in the game. The Dukes story should be finished including the dom Options.

But the dev moves on to the Barbarians, Verrtignis, and now Queen's cosin across the sea, and most of this content is more of the same sub slut playthrough. Without doing all the branching choices for the duke. If the dev has no intention of ever providing those choices, then I feel lied to. This game is false advertising, because in the past Broken torpedo has said that he intended to offer us more choice, but he wanted to get the game mechanics like the war ironed out first. Well that explanation is becoming an excuse and false advertising when the duke can get conquered but not punished, when the duke has 13 scenes and Williamina has 1 and Sir Gerard has 5.

Same with the barbarians.

They attacked and invaded you.

Options 1a: be a good queen build their trust with aid, keep your honor and dominate aura as a proper queen. Forge an alliance and be good. (Realist to a feudal society, not currently available in game because we can't build trust with aid in gold instead of sub slut nonsense)

Option 1b: be a good queen build their trust with aid, keep your honor and dominate aura as a proper queen. Set a governor over them as new subject "betraying" any sence of alliance. (Realistic to a feudal society, not available in game)

Options 2: be an evil bitch queen, take a page from New vegas legion and Ceasar. So you can war crimes you way through the barbarians not giving a fuck until their remnants join your enemies later on in the game. Lots of sex scenes from your troops raping and pillaging the barbarians, and giving the duke come company in his cell with captured chiefs (Realistic to a feudal society, not available in game)

Options 3a: form an alliance with the Barbarians be a sub slut doing "fertility rituals " in their religion to get their trust and have a true alliance. (WIP but choice is in game)

Option 3b: be a sub slut but back stab the barbarians and set a governor over their lands. (WIP likely to be a choice. )

Honestly the barbarian war story is really well done, but only if you choose what the dev wants you to choose. The non porn elements are shaping up nicely. Insurgent counter attacks, attacks of forts and ruined temples. This game could ditch the porn and Finnish itself into a good mainstream game. As long as the dev actually provides multiple real choices, that are not plot hole nonsense like not killing or imprisoning the duke. Mainstream audience would probably be even more pissed and unforgiving at all the false choice as I am as well many others are in the comment section.

Or even reskin the game. i don't want to kink shame, but the game and the games thread give the impression of multiple choices real decisions. If the dev is so committed to his one kink of sub sluttery that he doesn't have the discipline to work on anything other than sub slut kink. He should reskin the game and change the advertising in the threads.

Part of my problem with the the poor writing in the story is the plot holes of unrealistic choices for a feudal society and monarchy. But if you reskined the game to be in a modern city. Make the Queen the Porn Studio Queen with an main Studio where the castle is now, a B studio where Camille is. You only have a 50% stake in the dukes studio, which would give him a real reason to be an uncooperative sleez ball, instead of a bull shit reason that makes no sence for the Middle ages. The barbarians could be thugs from the hood that you need protection from for your B studio. Verrtignis could be a rival studio ran by the mafia. The city across the sea could be the cop shop, and your police woman cosin could have some run ins with the thugs. All the sub slut choices would make total logical sence, and more importantly the lack of real choices would actually make sence to the setting. The choices would actually fit the setting, and a ton of plot holes wouldn't exist.

I was tempted to post something like this comment as a review but not sure what stars to give it, also Broken torpedo is working on it and might deliver one of the best games, if real choices actually start being implemented. But if the porn part of the story keeps going this way its going to be 1 star.

Is there a road map as to when multiple options for different playthroughs will be available? Because im starting to think they are not coming or we would already have multiple options with the duke?

If the dev is going to provide those multiple options for different playthroughs, broken torpedo should get the Duke and Barbarians finnished (all playthroughs) and then bump the game on the F95 site. Start a new thread or get F95 mods to send the game to the top of the new game list. It would probably rake in a ton of new fans who get freshly introduced to the game. But if you do it with all your false choices it could backfire and get quiet a bit of 1 star heat. My bump your game Idea will only work with multiple playthroughs available, or people will hate it.


May 16, 2019
3000 word essay
I thought my post was a bit long

but you really went all out. I was more bothered with the general lack of content and smaller choices in particular than categorizing the available ones but you are right.

However from what I got and what's rather clear if you consider this thread started in 2019 is that there simply isn't enough manpower behind the game to cover that many options and details. It's already quite a remarkable show of dedication that development is still happening and it needs years more of it to be completed and fleshed out at the current rate to a state that will still be far from what we both would like to have.

I also refrained from posting a review but one star seems an underappreciation especially on this site as
1 the game works
2 it has OK non AI art
3 there are actual game elements and
4 there aren't many games like it - if you know some name them.
So more like 3 stars base leaning toward 4 if you really like the art, characters and setting


Jun 19, 2021
I thought my post was a bit long

but you really went all out. I was more bothered with the general lack of content and smaller choices in particular than categorizing the available ones but you are right.

However from what I got and what's rather clear if you consider this thread started in 2019 is that there simply isn't enough manpower behind the game to cover that many options and details. It's already quite a remarkable show of dedication that development is still happening and it needs years more of it to be completed and fleshed out at the current rate to a state that will still be far from what we both would like to have.

I also refrained from posting a review but one star seems an underappreciation especially on this site as
1 the game works
2 it has OK non AI art
3 there are actual game elements and
4 there aren't many games like it - if you know some name them.
So more like 3 stars base leaning toward 4 if you really like the art, characters and setting
Lack of porn art for different paths, I would agree... not enough man power.

But providing the choices that future art could fit into, I don't understand why that cant happen. To arrest the duke and put him in jail would be one scene, and a click of a mouse choice in the game that settles the matter. Or execution. I the Barbarian war is still WIP, so the dev not delivering yet is somewhat understandable. But it really shouldn't be that hard with the duke. Its also bad writing to leave the duke situation the way it is for reasons in my 30,000 word essay.

Im not going to rate 3 stars.. its going to be a 4 or 5 star.... or a 1 star. The bad things about this game are shaping up to be unforgivably bad.


New Member
Feb 19, 2021
Lack of porn art for different paths, I would agree... not enough man power.

But providing the choices that future art could fit into, I don't understand why that cant happen. To arrest the duke and put him in jail would be one scene, and a click of a mouse choice in the game that settles the matter. Or execution. I the Barbarian war is still WIP, so the dev not delivering yet is somewhat understandable. But it really shouldn't be that hard with the duke. Its also bad writing to leave the duke situation the way it is for reasons in my 30,000 word essay.

Im not going to rate 3 stars.. its going to be a 4 or 5 star.... or a 1 star. The bad things about this game are shaping up to be unforgivably bad.
It's funny you accuse the dev of not understanding how feudalism works when you clearly don't know the first thing about it. There are lots of historical examples of powerful nobles being able to basically ignore their liege, especially if they're far away from the capital like the duke in this game. Absolute monarchy only became a thing after the Renaissance.
The fact is that a new, untested monarch like the queen in this game would have little authority unless she had actual power to back it up. In other words, it's quite realistic that the player can't invade a duchy in response to its ruler being slightly rebellious.
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Feb 20, 2020
Lack of porn art for different paths, I would agree... not enough man power.

But providing the choices that future art could fit into, I don't understand why that cant happen. To arrest the duke and put him in jail would be one scene, and a click of a mouse choice in the game that settles the matter. Or execution. ... But it really shouldn't be that hard with the duke.
Then you have no understanding of Medieval monarchies. Absoluteism simply was not a thing, and it wouldn't be until the 1600s it would become commonplace. Feudalism was a system filled with checks and balances to prevent the monarch from simply removing and deposing whomever they wantd to. Additionally, in game the Kingdom is Patriarchal and the Queen's reign is short and the Duke is a fair distance from the capital. The Queen simply would not have much authority.


May 16, 2019
The issue with the Duke is lack of subtlety in his rebellion. Instead of just outright stopping to pay you a smarter disloyal Duke would instead only give you token support so that he can still say he is doing his duty while inofficially giving support to people that keep the Queen in check for him like the church, banks and guilds.

As for powerful nobles being able to ignore their liege that all hinges on the rulers inability to get the nobles bases of power away from them. While there are examples of defacto autonomy due to weak or distracted rulers there are also enough cases of nobles being brought in line or being replaced by ones that are by competent rulers

Right now we have an otherwise smart noble who rebels in a dumb way and then there is very little content in regards to the Queen or the Duke loosing that scenario and what's there feels unsatisfactory as it just keeps the status quo.

Right now the game tells us after defeating a rebell that we can't do anything to him due to a lack of a casus belli which feels wrong as it makes no sense in not being allowed to punish one who violates his responsibility to pay taxes. It's even worse that you're told that in your moment of victory after you likely took on a debt to raise the army necessary for that. Like yeah the big thing you just did... ehm we're in the wrong and now we can't continue because we would be even more in the wrong, sorry we are telling you this only now.


Jun 19, 2021
Then you have no understanding of Medieval monarchies. Absoluteism simply was not a thing, and it wouldn't be until the 1600s it would become commonplace. Feudalism was a system filled with checks and balances to prevent the monarch from simply removing and deposing whomever they wantd to. Additionally, in game the Kingdom is Patriarchal and the Queen's reign is short and the Duke is a fair distance from the capital. The Queen simply would not have much authority.
The dukes reason for rebellion is he wants to prev out on you... if he rebeled because he was dealing with bandits because the crown was too incompetent that would be a reasonable rebellion and/or withholding loyalty..

But his reason is he wants to perv on you...

Yep... heads, spikes, walls! That is the correct corse of action.


Nov 24, 2018
An update is available on patreon.

It is rather boring, just two scenes, blowjob for duke and sex with duke in front of wilhelmina.
Number of errors too: a repeating phrases (phrase 1, phrase 2, phrase 3, phrase 1, phrase 2, phrase 3) in "want to invade duke properly", black screen stuck at repeat of running-through-duke-castle-scene.
The activation of duke visit even with maid in front of bedroom is inconvenient - no one visits there, it is time-dependent (only on even weeks) and badly noticeable.

Oh, well.
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Game Developer
May 7, 2019
Queen in Deficit Ver. 0.29a Release

Change Log:
  • -New H-event in the Duke route, this marks the end of the normal Duke route.
  • -New H-event in the Duke Bold action route, this marks the end of the bold action route, you can trigger it outside the bedroom.
  • -Refusal to be contained with the status quo with the Duke can lead to new conversation with Nighveil.
  • -You can also trigger the new conversation with Nighveil, if you subjugated the Duke by force and then lost control of him for 3 times.
  • -Added two new Reforms that further increases tax income.
  • -Minor fixes where spending money in national decision it shows the result immediately.
  • -Minor change to the Duke's horse ride and hunting events to clarify that the bold event chain is triggered in even-number weeks.
  • -During the bandit event, Verrtignis on world map will now show the strength of the bandits.
  • -Now you can load your save file from the in game menu instead from the start menu.

0.29b bug fix:
  • -Fixed the bug where the crop rotate reform doesn't work.
  • -Fixed the bug in the war with Bailabaikal, when you lose and successfully escape, the player character become invisible.
  • -Fixed the bug in monthly review there's miscalculation of the value of the family collection.
  • -Fixed the bug in the conversation with Nighveil when dialogue for two different scenarios both show up.
  • -Other minor fixes


Jun 19, 2021
man. its just one dude slowly working on his passion project. the extreme amount of choices and paths ppl are expecting him to make as if theyre paying him a full monthly salary
The choice we want are already in the game, they just have to be followed through on with out rug pulling the player.

Broken Torpedo has already demonstrated the skill to tell a tree branching story. He just needs to prioritize it.
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Jun 26, 2019
Why cant we behead the duke for rebellion, or drag him to the dungeon and give him monthly visits as a dominatrix whip him senseless and put his balls in a cock cage. The game gives a moronic reason that "we didn't have justification for war against the Duke", which is totally stupid reasoning that no feudal society would go along with. In real life the Duke would have been drawn and quartered, or placed in the dungeon for the rest of his life. His lands given to his closest loyal relative. So the games excuse for not giving the player a choice is exactly that, an excuse.


If you go to war with the Duke and win you are told you are wrong (even though your right) the game rug pulls your choice, when you should be Nable to imprison and torture him, or excuted him. And yes that is the right choice. The dev needs to go talk with Tywin Lanister from Game of Thrones and actually learn something about how the middle ages worked. Replace the duke with his 18 year old Duchess sister/cosin that the evil dom queen can prev out on during the monthly visits. Double team the Duchess with Williamina. Or ignore her while getting all the benefits of a loyal vassle.
This part irked me like 2 years ago and I am irked that it is still the case. If it gets to the point we fight the duke and defeat him militarily there needs to be consequences, for him and for us but the rug pull is just super annoying.


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Jun 13, 2021
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Jan 2, 2019
The choice we want are already in the game, they just have to be followed through on with out rug pulling the player.

Broken Torpedo has already demonstrated the skill to tell a tree branching story. He just needs to prioritize it.
This game seems to be the wallmart version of the survival of sarah rose from what Im hearing. As I have no real interest in a game like this without lesbian scenes or the ability to actually rule your country I'll just stick to that until this one catches up. Thank you. (y)


Apr 23, 2018
This part irked me like 2 years ago and I am irked that it is still the case. If it gets to the point we fight the duke and defeat him militarily there needs to be consequences, for him and for us but the rug pull is just super annoying.
Judging from this, the duke storyline is still forced? That's the reason I initially quit this game back during its initial days. Oh well, time saved,
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Omae wa shinda

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
Logically you can't expect a single guy who already got his initial plan out first to instead focusing on the the patreon request.

He need to push out his story on duke before adding in extra option which you can harm or jail the duke at the negative consequences, like duke have 4 retainers at his side, so if you jail him, that should be some opposition from duke faction to try suppress you and rescue duke.

If you kill duke, your other neutral retainers and duke faction will out to get you first, because it is a tyranny by CK3 standard. Causing rebellion, so you need sizable armies to fight civil war. So you need to weed them duke faction first so you can grant your royal guard into marquis role to fill in the power gap. So many option

I also dive in database and saw there are some Arena scenes with Willena where she get fucked when defeated, but after playing for 3 years in-games, i didn't saw any arena sex nor we can interact with this Arabic lord lol

Maybe Lesbian part not important yet because we got Gerard in-game for good relationship or maybe it doesn't affect the game much. It only affect relationship part but not overall of the game.

Ongoing story of so called our long-lost auntie decided to plot a plan for invasion so she and her son can safely establish safe haven in our island before crown prince behead them is quite interesting because it tell you got only 4 years ingame when you start the game before she launched an assault.

Yes, the game and story is moving slowly, maybe he need to talk with his chinese friend who working hard on stupid rpgmaker placement. The game is progressing i mean, it only 0.29b since 2016 so maybe there are some options waiting to be push out? I mean like what? 2-4 people working on this game? It still good game with good art (hell there many AI crap) and there are team who make game like shit even with major team and budget. (i looking at you Avowed ). This is like indie level. Be patience.
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4.10 star(s) 18 Votes