Others - Completed - R18+ Monster Girls You-kichan! [v1.05] [Nanakusadou]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I find it pretty good.

    Gameplay wise is okay, there are 4 weapons (5, but the stone is shit) so there are various play styles, for example the bow when timed correctly shoots explosive arrows. The attacks are ok, and I did like the "crush" mechanic like you could brutalize the bosses, that is nuts, and have not seen it in any other lewd side scroller and is a nice detail.

    I did not find the game nearly as difficult as other people say, but the fight against the hellhound guy, right after the other boss, was kinda unfair.

    Now for the lewd content. I like it, I like games that use the mechanic that depending on the surrounding enemies the scenes changes, and in this one there were some scenes quite hot. Sure, there is vore, which is the base game thing. But the sexual scenes are nice. I specially like all the F/F action since as other people already pointed out is not that common. Usually is 1 or 2 scenes, not the whole game.

    Overall, I would recommend it. It has a nice gameplay, nice scenes, and is more or less short.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy moly! That's a pretty good side scroller game, well crafted combat mechanics with good 18+ animations and an unexpectedly good ost, pretty short and can be finished within 4 hours but it's definitely some kind of magestic experience with a pretty good story! Erotic scenes are pretty varied, from soft to very hardcore to the point of being quite brutal, combat is quite fun and graphics are also pretty good along with the art style, what to say else? The story was a little bit emotional rollercoaster for me, it was simple yet very good, it would be a lie if I said that the ost didn't amaze me.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. albeit the controls feel a tad bit slow, the game overall is great. and i the vore definitely puts this game on my list of must haves. The action too is another thing that makes the game great.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    visually somewhat rough on the edges, but the animations are good, and you could say that the mixels and funky styles mixes gives the game a little charm.
    the gameplay is quite dynamic and fun, sometimes a bit challenging but never badly unfair, so that's great.

    the attacks and movement are responsive, maybe it lacks a dodge or a dash... but the progression is enjoyable enough as it is. you never get stuck or bored. (some bosses are a bit difficult but nothing that bad)
    Nice little universe btw!

    you got around 2 hours of gameplay to complete the game

    and the H assaults are fun! (a bit easy to escape from though)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Great game!
    If you ignore the Vore and few gruesome scenes that it has haha...
    I understand that some may ignore it due to the Vore tags for example, but after playing it, I can tell you that you can avoid that content, but I hope there was an option to just disable it :(

    ☑ Great!
    Pretty simple, but if you go with the wrong weapon, you're gonna have troubles!
    The game is pretty lineal, so you'll always know what to do.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    Lots of high quality animations, and great game over art!
    The gameover art is reused quite a bit, but still great!

    ☑ Decent
    Not the main focus, but it complements what's on screen.

    ☑ Moderate
    The game may look simple, but some areas can get filled with enemies pretty quick, and some bosses are quite challenging, specially the final one.

    ☑ No grinding

    ☑ Just buy it or support the creator!
    Great game, worth the price!

    ☑ Bug free?
    I haven't encountered any myself.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well crafted combat platformer with both quality and quantity h-content. This is substantially more polished and fun than most games of this genre and has quite a bit of optional content (particularly boss finishers) if you pay attention to your surroundings. Reasonably difficult, but you can restart from any stage once you have completed the one before it, so you only ever need to beat one level at a time.

    Interestingly, most h-grapples in the game can combine with any 2-3 enemies in the level for a unique animation, adding quite a lot of variety to losses.

    Has a gallery viewer (unlocked from the start for me) that shows all scenes and unique animations.

    Very highly recommended.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    bit of a pain to get running, but it's great to see an h-game that's both actually fun and actually pretty-looking, especially platformers. plenty of vore in the vore stage but i think you can just skip it if that's not your vibe
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool game, I did enjoy the Gameplay, although it has a bit of a challenge (it is type that I like though), and quite a few scenes, so there's reason to play it. But for a more detailed view on the game, I've got a Full Review (+ Full Save) on my own Blog, with the link here: [The Link]
    Also, for the QuickView here, for the obligatory TL;DR:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 7.25
    ======== Story = 8
    ======== Characters = 6.5
    ================ Gameplay = 6.87
    ======== Mechanics = 8
    ======== Complexity = 7
    ======== Uniqueness = 6.5
    ======== Replayability = 6
    ================ Scenes = 7.5
    ======== Visual = 7.5
    ======== Written = -
    ======== Interactivity = 7
    ======== Replayability = 8
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 8.5
    ======== Price = 7
    ======== Methods = 10
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 7.53


    A medium-sized action game, with plenty of well-animated H-Scenes, quite the challenging gameplay, and an alright story, as well. The movement in the gameplay can feel a bit stiff, especially during jumps, since it plays similar in that regard to Castlevania (to which it pays homage quite a lot), by not allowing movement after initiating the jump. Still, if you feel like you'd like to try the game out, even changing the difficulty if needed, I'd recommend at least seeing it in Action! (Weak pun, unintended. Honest!)
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The third boss is a difficulty spike for no reason. I was able to beat both the bosses prior without losing a life, yet with the third one, I cannot beat it once after 10 attempts.

    The third boss, the Wolf/Naga abomination, has invincibility frames so you can only attack it once until she does her next attack, she has almost to 0 recovery time when performing moves so she's always on you 24/7, getting close is impossible as she starts spamming grabs that deal 80% of a life bar on contact, and to top it off. she has homing bullets that she spams as well.

    Whoever designed this boss, it's obvious that this is their fursona.

    3 stars for being able to hang her after beating her tho
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is so underrated !!! the animation is very polished, and for each character there are around 20 different animations, and pixel art side-scroller games with this quality are extremely rare, and the story is great too
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It’s rare to come across a game that has amazing hentai scenes, a good story and fun gameplay all in one. This game is one of them. I played through the whole thing in one sitting with no regrets.

    You play as a female god who is trying to save the human race from a monster girl invasion. Along the way, you will go up against a variety of monster girls. If caught, they will violate you! Each scene is filled with high-quality animations, and if there are multiple monster girls nearby, they will join in! Depending on which monster joins in, you will see a different scene. One might suck on your tits, while the other will eat you out. Some might plow you with their futa cock, some might not even be interested in you, and just go after the other monster girls!

    Hentai scenes are not the only thing to appreciate though. The gameplay is surprisingly good. You’re not always fighting like in traditional side-scrolling beat ’em ups. Sometimes you need to escape from opponents or rush through a bunch of them in order to survive. There were a couple of times while playing I felt like I was re-playing the last level of Halo: Combat Evolved. There are 8 stages and each one has an intense boss battle. Try to use the environment to your advantage, as they can be used to inflict a large amount of damage. Climbing walls and the ceiling will be necessary at times, so be prepared to do some parkour!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    H-scenes excellent, the ending unexpected, but there is a serious problem with the input handler preventing you from being able to smoothly jump and attack at the same time. This control problem is the only thing that prevents it from being perfect for what is is.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is okay , but the controls are wonky and loose. I dont recommend playing on any difficulty except easy. The porn aspects are lacking with this game. The game is overly difficult and straight up impossible to do on any difficulty that isn't easy. The 3rd boss fight is just straight up bullshit. The rest of the boss fights are doable.
    -Bad porn game 4/10
    -good metroidvania 7/10
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    wonky Controls + Hard Gameplay = Crappy Game ... I mean the Art and Animations are nice but the Weapons + the Controls are wonky and shit as fuck ... I stopped playing at the 3. Boss because its just bullshit with a bow you cant switch ... bad game overall
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Not too much H content, but it doesn't matter because it is a great game. Lots of fun, and plenty hard with an easy mode for casuals like me. Did not expect this to be as fun as it was. Some size play and vore though. I managed to skip most of it just by playing differently. There's some unique ways to damage the bosses too. And an alt way to kill the harpy boss.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't be fooled like I was. I thought this would be another Milia DX like game, but instead it's just your typical trash H-Game wannabe.

    You get the same 3 enemies that are spammed over and over again for pretty much every single level. They add one extra enemy per Stage, and most don't even have H-scenes. The bosses are genuinely near impossible, and I don't think you could beat them without infinite lives if you didn't have a guide.

    The H-content is mediocre at best too, especially since the first two bosses seemingly don't even have their own H-content. I made it up until the third boss before calling it quits. After 3 bosses, there was only 1 vore scene, and between all the enemies in the game combined, 4 H animations. Horrible game and a complete waste of time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    very enjoyable game with plenty of H-content.

    mostly platformer, you pick up heal items, extra lives or change weapons.
    For me controls are X to jump, Z to shoot/interact, arrow keys to move or duck. Throwing pages is by far the best weapon