Unity - Completed - Rabbit Burn [v1.09] [Bio Sapiens]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    God damn it, this game is so awesome. It's easily in my top 3 of best games ever. It's weird, it's spectacular. It has this gonzo kind of porn vibe to it and I love it. You're basically playing some kind of bizarre poolball shooting game, where you casually fuck the girls you encounter. You die? No problem, one of the girls will fuck you back to live. Rarely does gameplay and h combine so well in a game. It's a true gem. Highly, highly recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Apparently there's a sequel coming out. Looking forward to it. Ridiculous game with some hot animations. Gallery is a bit jank and could use some bugfixing though. The custom maps which is pretty neat. Need to be more games with some clear effort and passion put into them like this though. Nice to see something actually complete even if the pathfinding can be buggy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You play Billiards Carum but the Balls are Big Titty Bitches. There are multiple dirty dicks including yourself that are included as extra cue balls.

    A rare example of a H game with great gameplay involved, though in this case the gameplay isn't sex involved directly.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very unique porn game that honestly doesn't really have a lot of strategy but that doesn't mean it's not fun. It's ton of fun. It's crazy in a good kind of way. I wish more developers would make games like this.
    Likes: mc247
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The saddest part of playing this game is, knowing that this kind of gameplay is much more rare than it should be. I like how casual everything is, yet the H scenes are still great. One can only imagine if the same H core is used for a variety of different gameplay element.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an excellent game. It is very fun; I enjoyed a lot playing it and it has incredibly superior quality. Honestly, I would love to see more games like this one. The idea of competition between rabbits is awesome and the animations are fantastic.
    Likes: mc247
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool gameplay, made me imagine what it would be like to be in a tournament like this in real life, so you could say i got pretty immersed. The animations are surprisingly smooth, especially with the way these rabbits just pick the women up and then perfect penetration all within 1-2 seconds, truly inspirational.
    Likes: mc247
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A weird game with quality animation and model but got bored of it pretty quick, more of a "game" than most porn games coming out, would say it's worth trying for how weird it is but don't expect too much out of it !
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    oh man i love this game so much, weird and fun. the girls are beautiful and the concept is freaking unique, i love to play this game all day. thanks a lot for your hardwork for updating the games.

    btw, there is an extra stage which you can put your creativity on your own stage and play.

    all you gotta do is just shoot the other ball and let the player (you) walk around following the ball goes. If you meet another player, you will fight. If you meet rabbit girl, you will duck her.

    how to win this game is simple, fuck all the girls in the game and conquer all of them. the good part is there are a lot of variety rabbit girls and motion you can do. the most absurd and enjoyable game ever.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i just played this game today for first time with uncensored patch applied.

    holly crap i love it XD

    this game is soo random and crazy, i fucking love it. play giant billiards and fuck girls when running around like a crazy (rabbits)

    hahahaha i love it.. fucking love it XD. its refreshing, fun and crazy. great game !

    5 stars for sure XD

    it definitly deserve a try, its an amazing , funny and carzy game :D
    Likes: mc247
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game where you can immediately get right to the sex it can be uncensored and you just use your mouse to play letting one hand to be "free" for something else. Only problem I can see for some people is that it is repetitive in gameplay but it's nice and simple.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Rabbit Burn is a different game than you are used.
    You play billiard with eight opponents who have a mask on your face. The costume also signalizes the strength of each opponent. After Shooting the Ball, the player runs after the ball and has sex with all the women near the ball. Again the opponents do the same, as soon as the ball hits an opponent's ball it explodes, you get more time each round takes only 6 sec. When a stranger bullet is hit, play time gets added. The game was won once all six women had sexual intercourse. The opponent tries the same, or you prevent it. Once you've slept with a woman, she gets a white frame displayed below and will run after you in the next round. This mechanism works without problems and has not had any issues so far. There are 12 different blocks with other functions, e.g., Sliding the ball after the player or exploding when the box is hit.
    The fact that the opponents become stronger the higher one climbs it is not boring but who this is too difficult in the options to adjust the difficulty level by increasing your own life and damage and lowers the opponent.

    There are a lot of ladies in this game, but these only differ in figure and hair color. There are seven different dance animations for women and 5 for men. Sex scenes There are 12 different animations. As soon as you have completed all the levels, the leveler will be unlocked by creating your stages this is good and brings a breath of fresh air into the music. The graphics are at a high level, and the animations are excellent.

    All in all, this game is well done and in between a very good game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex of Jones

    The soundtrack is "Live at Blues Alley" performed by The Army Blues.
    Its a nice change of pace from the usual stuff.

    It fits well given the context of the game, of some really rich guys knocking around exploding balls, and earning massive amounts of currency for no know reason, but is also pleasant to listen to on its own.

    Give it a shot if you like trying new things, but don't want any commitment
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game turn out to be really great game. It has own style, funny and sexy this game is the perfect combination. I hope it to have multiplayer in the future, this game will be really funny if I can play with my friends. ha ha good job man
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just wacky.
    After glancing over the instructions, I dove into the game. I had no idea what was going on, whether I had to kill other people, hit them, or anything. But among a lot of the other games I've played from this site, this has to be, by far, one of the most entertaining and fun games.
    Compared to a lot of other "games", this one really qualifies as a game because it's essentially billiards...with rabbits.

    Plus, there's a collection button that allows you to view scenes that you unlock as you progress in the game.

    I recommend trying this out.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What. The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Play?
    This HAS to be the most confusing, bizarre, and (dare I say it) most entertaining games that I have played in a long time.
    I had no idea how to win, just as I had no idea how I kept losing...but I was still enjoying myself immensely.
    The instructions give you a basic idea of "how" to play, but good ol' trial'n'error fill in the rest of the blanks.
    There's really nothing fap worthy- the mosaic aside, by the time you rotate and zoom the camera- the "act" is over.
    You can go into the "Collection" and see all the characters and actions that you've unlocked once you've beaten the game (and this is pretty neat imo).

    I highly recommend this game if you're looking for something absurd, off-the-wall, and fun. :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    OK first i have no idea what is going on nor do I have a real clue what to do here BUT i can tell this game is FUN and hysterical. Nothing at all serious no fapping here just plain old fun. I would love to know the premise and the goal of the game for i don't understand anything from the OP. Kinda hope theres some strategy to it but then again if not thats fine with me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually really fun and stylish as fuck. the porn part is hot as hell. Overall a near perfect porn game, or at least as good as they get. Only thing that bothered me was how the rules are a bit hard to understand, but it's still easy to win on the first stages so you have time to get used to it and understand.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, this game is totally stupid and yet, I kind of love it.

    It's not quite billiards, it's not quite a rape game, what the hell is it? I don't know! The graphics are well done and the game play mechanics are very solid. There's even a free play option where you can just watch two models fucking up close, in case the game doesn't give you quite enough time.

    I don't know, the rules aren't the best translated.

    But I do know that it's actually kind of fun. Check it out.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    jack the enemy

    nice models, good gameplay, hilarious, you can play with only one hand =) , but is censored, at least we have tits, go Korea! That works like a porn game, very nice stuff, for the first release of this studio, these guys fo well.