If the MC's parents are so caring and made sure he had a future, they must have met Gracie because she said she was at his bed in the hospital for a year. They must have talked at some point about who she is, why she is there and must have noticed that she is pregnant at some point.
Wouldn't they have taken care of her and her granddaughters when Gracie got kicked out by her own parents?
You've got quite a few replies but let me start with this:
If you play the official regular (non-patch) game, Gracie most certainly did have sex with someone almost immediately after the MC went into a coma (the timeline of the two versions are the same). The kids are this other guys' and MC's parents owe her nothing.
Okay...Taboo Patch installed version:
iirc, Gracie was kicked out after her kids were born, by which time
she had stopped visiting. i.e. MC's parents would not even know that she'd been kicked out nor have any reason to assume she needed any help.
But let's even put that aside for the moment and first just try to establish what the parents actually did know; There would definitely have been a thorough investigation and a detailed police report when it comes to a fatal car accident...and what would that report say?
The MC left school premises with a Gracie Whateverherlastnameis on the night of xx/yy/zz and arrived at No.x, ABC street at xxxx PM. Witnesses and friends confirm that the young lady was
not mister MC's girlfriend nor in any relationship with him whatsoever prior to them being seen leaving together. At approximately xx:xx am, MC was evicted from x, ABC street while clearly under the influence (ref: Attachment 1: Toxicology Report) wherein he proceeded North, turning right on DEF street .... etc.
From MC's parents perspective, how would they react to Gracie based on what they actually know as the facts. Was it:
1. She's the horny bitch who used our son for a quick one night stand, kicked him out and caused his coma?
2. Hey we don't know your sexual history, paternity test or fuck off. (Ah, she left?)
3. Love to help honey but we're broke paying for this and we're kind of actually dying of ill health ourselves right now.
4. If you need anything come to us. (Oops we died before you did, assuming that she even tried).
Take your pick.
Last but not least, whos to say that Gracie is even a reliable narrator. Letters asking for something - like a credit line, resume cover letters etc. are notoriously highly exaggerated. Unreliable letters are even used extensively in fiction. The BS letter Lysa sent to her sister Caitlyn Stark about how the previous Hand died to kick start the events of Game of Thrones, for example. So who's to say Gracie's letter is even 100% true? Could she be exaggerating her "devotion" at MC's bedside knowing that in the next paragraph she was going to be asking for a big, big favor? I don't know, that's just another possibility.
We're not told by the devs, but that's OK by me. I'm not in favor exposition dumps unless they are/become plot-critical extending the development cycle for adult games