VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rape Day [v6.0] [Rape Day Dev]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the scenes with Christina, but wasn't a fan of the rest. For some reason the story arch with the strong hot lesbian being forced into lewd situations that made her uncomfortable turned me on. I especially enjoyed when she was convinced to take her clothing off to distract the zombies and the first rape scene with her. I didn't care for the other women, their stories, or the ending with the main character dying. Overall, I still enjoyed those two scenes and the scene with Christina under the desk enough to give it for stars. I also give it a thumbs up for it's over the top male straight villain and certain fantastical elements.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Cons: Dated Renders, Creepy sex with Zombies, no real story, Abrupt ending and Too Short

    Pros: The fact that content like this even exist, it is extreme and stays true to its name, so point would be given just for its boldness. Another point in its support that unlike other games this game gives its character actual choice, ie., if you avoid you need not rape characters involved and be the demon it potrays it to be.

    Neutral: Unlike AVNs nowdays its options to choose are pretty clear and actions have consequence, and are not merely for flavour, which was really refreshing , And I wish more AVNs would emulate this feature.

    Though it is not my cup of tea
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A classic and infamous rape game that was once banned in some countries. I've finished it myself two or three times and recommend it for nostalgia with friends. It covers rape and zombie apocalypse themes, and the dialogues and story are as good as you'd expect from a typical rape game. However, it pushes boundaries in terms of rape content and does it well, with graphics and models that some find ugly but I find acceptable. My advice: If the graphics don’t bother you and you're interested in a game with zombie apocalypse and rape themes, definitely give it a try.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Very bad.

    The reners are awful, and in the beggining there was this terrible grain effect which just makes everything blurry.

    The story is zombie apocalyse so you rape, kill, fuck zombies then die sudenly on heart attack, game finished.

    These "characters" are just there to be raped.

    The music is annoying.

    Atleast it was short and there are some creative sex moments, like forcing a girl to suck the dick of her dad father that was good.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    My Review

    Characters: 1/5

    Well, at least there are characters, actually a few of them. None of them is even close to lovable. And no backstory for all of them whatsoever.

    Graphics (renders/animation): 1/5
    Terrible renders. One of the worst I have ever seen. I thought they were from 2012.

    Narrative (dialogue/plot/ending): 1/5
    Nope. Nope. Nope.

    Gameplay (playability/design/systems): 0/5
    Just Ctrl all the way. There are no gameplay elements in it.

    Audio (voice acting/music/sound effects): 0/5
    Have to download the game again to see if there are sound effects. Nope, nothing, just like my bank account.

    Technical (performance/bugs): 2/5
    Well, thanks to there being no gaming mechanics, there won’t be any bugs.

    Miscellaneous: +3
    • definitely a historical monument; just look at all the dramas
    • this game is the reason why I am on F95
    • I will consider this game creative back in time.

    Overall: 8/30
    To be honest, the idea and theme of this game have potential, it is a shame the product is that bad in the end. I remember watching all the news articles about this game back then and deciding to find a copy to fulfil my curiosity, definitely not my proudest playthrough, though. Anyway, it is fun to review probably the most famous/infamous game around here, and now I waste 362MB for my Mega download quota.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gets a bad rep, for really kind of silly reasons. It is one of the few games on F95 that actually delivers on its promises. It is a COMPLETE game where you spend a game day engaging in rape.

    Does it have a good story? Not really, but it doesn't need to be. And really that can be said about many games on F95.

    Was it seemingly made for attention and shock value? Sure, but does that really matter?

    Do the visuals leave a lot to be desired? Definitely, but that can ALSO be said of most games here on F95.

    It is short, gives you what it says it will, and if you are into this kind of thing,it isn't bad.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Completed review
    Story7/10-the idea of molesting in game or raping is a turn on for the most
    -i don't tolerate that in real that's why we have games to do that
    -the developer who did that idea was unique thinking
    -horror game when you are the bad person (the rapist)
    gameplay-0/10NO gameplay
    voices-0/10NO voices
    decisions6/10-nice bunch of decisions
    -you feel like you control the character
    -you can have bad end if you done something wrong
    render-3/10i won't call that a render to be honest
    animations-0/10game not animated
    MC7/10-male protagonist is rough,giant,muscular,scary
    -this is unique MC to play
    -iliked the style of the male protagonist
    ADDONs5/10-rapist MC (which was new idea
    -you are the bad guy (unique idea)
    -giant scary protagonist (unique idea)

    i feel that i was having a trapped energy and i just got them released when i played that game although it's low budget small story and bad graphic but it can satisfy some dark desire inside most of people
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i like the game, straight to the point what the game is.. no bullshite you play as rapist in doomday period, what you aspecting sing along on open fire? nope you do best as rapist killer. story good is free what you hoping for ? JK rowling novel?? ya is good i like.

    graphic.. is Rnp what you aspect ? cyberpunk2077 well you pay 50usd for this game? nope.. so you get play free game about been serial rapist/killer.

    model. could be better but like rape is not beautiful just raw ugly violent. character look like most user on this F95.. haha yeah true fact.. mc model look like typical average American..
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Utterly horrible experience.
    Not because of the content and fetishes. Nonono.
    Because of the overall story and characters.
    If you're going to make a dark story, at very least make a SINGLE character relatively attractive. Because these in the game certainly aren't.
    Main character is also horrible looking with a damn grin on him in every frame.
    Story overall is terribly written excuse for wasting time. You fuck around, then suddenly feel like you're gonna die. And you die. A matter of plowing through the game in less than half an hour.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Happy Potter

    The FUCKING faces! The FUCKING HORROR! Fuck man. The Faces are just FUCKING creepy! And THAT is coming from ME, THAT FUCKING MEANS SOMETHING! YOU FUCKING KNOW IT TOO. Just LOOK at the FUCKING SMILES!!!!!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This was very disappointing.
    (I'll keep this fairly brief as I accidentally clicked off to the side once and so the entire thing disappeared and writing it out again is a bit of a pain...)

    The renders aren't great, they aren't the worst but there's a sort of grainy effect applied to them a lot of the time.

    The characters range in attractiveness but pull over the top facial expressions when being raped that just seem a bit inhuman ... also minus points for the gross zombie action.

    There doesn't seem to really be any branches to the story ... you can game-over yourself but ultimately it's just about getting the girls or you don't and I found a path through in which you get them all and there doesn't seem to be much more to it than that - it's fairly short.

    I thought it was an interesting premise ... what if you were in a zombie apocalypse... with the breakdown in society and lack of law enforcement would you be able to extort people for sex in return for food and safety, manage to outright force yourself on them without repercussions ... but it didn't really try for that angle and just went from 0-100 in 5 seconds to be a poorly written sex romp.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders aren't that high quality and there's some heavy film grain in the beginning for some reason. The protagonists model stands out quite a bit as he has weird proportions compared to the other characters.

    The story is meant to be comedy but it's hilariously badly written instead. Every non-zombie character is as one dimensional as they can possibly be and are as interesting as the zombies. Characters barely spend enough time talking to get established and are then raped and/or killed off within a minute or two.

    The choices are usually "rape instantly or don't" or "kill this person or don't", none of those choices seem to matter anyway since they're never referred to again.

    It's a shame that this game even got as much attention as it did, without the steam controversy it would have just faded into obscurity together with all the other poorly made games which get shovelled out on a daily basis.

    I can't recommend this game, not even for a quick fap. But what I can recommend is to not support this developer or any others who try to get their terrible game marketed by controversy.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    m curious , i will give it a try

    but why in every game involving some sort of rape , the male protag is always a old and ugly pervert ? ...
    i'm 33 and may not be the most beautiful person on this planet but i'm largely above average ( without trying to boast XD ) , so it's difficult to asociate myself with a character like that

    besides, I'm curious to know what is the average age here and the percentage of people who are ugly , who are like the cliché of the guy who watch porn and play sex game
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    such low quality in pretty much every aspect, steam could have just not wanted it because its poorly made trash. very few options all of them boring the main character is just an unrelatable pos. All the 3d models just look like mannikins, the story is about as shallow as you can get.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep making more such games with lots of sex scenes, good storyline :) it's a rare gem indeed. I like how the man looks like a man with a large penis. The women characters are also proportionate and well done.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    As they used to say, "they made a mountain of a molehill". I came for the controversy and quickly finished the whole thing in 10 minutes with nothing particularly exciting to, say, "come again".
    The concept is that a virus that turns people into horny zombies spreads throughout the world. The MC is the boss of some company that is hiding with his coworkers on the offices as the apocalypse happens. From then on, you go on a "journey" to rape (and often strangle) your way through every woman you find. The choices are often binary and the consequences are mostly immediate (rape now, don't rape, kill now, let die) with the possiblity of "bad endings". Regardless, in the "true" end,
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    This game is the most pathetically toothless attempt at dealing with a rapist main character. The context itself rids the act of most consequences. The MC is just... evil rapist #5123 (who, of course, has a giant dick). The female characters victims are barely built and therefore there is also no sympathy, especially when they make the most stupid decisions possible. But still, this is a porn game we are talking about so, fair enough, no need for oscar bait.

    What about the sex? Well, it is the most relative aspect when it comes to these games so I'll just try to explain my mindset. Although I can understand that the "forbidden fruit" aspect of seeing no detriments to simply going at it with powerless women may be sexually appealing, in here, it is done so much and in such a way that it ends up feeling banal and therefore that feeling is lost. I also found the poses to be too convoluted and didn't really fit with the non-consensual nature of the sex.

    The visuals are... not good. I'll admit, at this point I'm hardly experienced with DAZ but I've played other 3DCG erotic VN games and this is obviously made of (very) incomplete renders. It takes (lots of) time and knowledge to get all those scenes done but the end result certainly looks a lot better than this. You could argue that the grain "it is part of the aesthetic" but given the inconsistency on that aspect as well, I seriously doubt that was the case.

    This is certainly not a good example of a good 3DCG erotic VN (on this website at least). For a serial killer and/or rapist VN, it isn't nearly bold enough (no gore on zombie bites, MC kills solely by strangling) and is also completely toothless (unsympathetic MC, lawless setting, stupid and underdeveloped victims). Also, a note to the "free speech" apologists of this title: if you want to spread your thoughtless hypocrisy at least make sure the thing you are defending actually has something to say in order to qualify as "speech" of any sort.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    it's just really bad. no animations, poor writing, bad renders, choices don't feel like they're affecting the game ( they don't, anyway ), no good man path, characters are boring, cliché story, and really, I mean a really short game. it only took me 10 mins to finish it. a complete waste of one's precious time
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I played it due to the media outreach this game got.
    Well after spending some time with this I've gotta say: this is terrible. I mean terrible - terrible. Even by F95 standards this game is abysmal - and trust me I've played some fucked up and uncompleted shit before.
    Writing is terrible, renders are terrible, the idea was interesting but it's executed terribly and last but not least - choices are nonexistent.
    Overall I'd go play any number of other games on here - don't waste your time with this. Steam did the world a favor to kill this abomination.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I think most people would agree that, ignoring the recent Steam controversy, this game is just plain garbage. The premise is stupid, the characters are idiotic and make no sense, the image quality I would say is rather gosh darned awful as well
    Morally questionable premise aside, this thing barely counts as a game and it's really not worth wasting your time.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    While I understand the premise is to be a morally questionable person, the character we play also doesn't seem to have much sense. The Boss, frequently makes inappropriate comments, making his status painfully obvious. The fact that the females of the game don't run away just highlights a lack of intelligence. In addition the best endings you get involve you dying of a heart attack, really? The only reason this game is getting attention is because of some steam controversy, there are hundreds of games on this website that do premsises like this, but actually do them well.