Collection Video Rash Nemain Collection [2023-08-19] [RashNemain]

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Active Member
Dec 18, 2021
Judy Alvarez - Kiss, POV, Creampie WIP - 1080p NW.gif
Judy Alvarez - Kiss and Creampie - a little peek (Gifs) - 1.gif Judy Alvarez - Kiss and Creampie - a little peek (Gifs) - 2.gif

Judy Alvarez - Kiss, POV, Creampie WIP - 1080p NW

Heya guys!


Today I'm gonna show you on what I worked on.

You already saw a little of the kissing and of the creampie scene, now after more polishing you can see everything.

I worked on the PoV too. I promised that so I tried to do a scene without add something that felt too much "uninspired".

I'm not sure if I like it or not, It still needs some work on judy expression and some other thing.

It was tough because I wasn't sure, so It took longer to make it.

On the other hand the kissing and the creampie was actually somethign I wanted to do so, aside from techical issues, I managed to do it pretty quickly and I think those 2 scenes don't look bad.

I'm usually pretty harsh on my animations/Scenes, but I feel like these 2 scene turned out better than what I expected. Of course, there is room for improvment, but not that bad for a first attempt.

About the PoV, It may look a bit "too much" and maybe this whole scene was better without it. I'm not sure to keep it or not, what do you think about it? If you like the PoV tell me because I'd like your opinion here.

Now I can say that something like the 90% of the NSFW part has done.

I may say the 100%, BUT the intro may contain some NSFW scenes.

In these last 4 days I'm working A LOT because maybe I finally chose the intro and the ending, but to do that I had to change many things, and to save time I worked no stop. I can't say too much, because it's a test.

I have 2 important things to say:

1) The next month I may not release any WIP. I'm not sure but I'll do my best to show something.

Since I will work on something that may be above my skill, I'm not sure I can do it on the "first try".

I mean, I can do it, but I want do it right.

2) The realease date is not decided yet, but It should be on the first months of the 2025. I can't say the right month or the right day because I dont' know it.

What I can tell you is that I'm working in a good pace in these last months, with the right mindset and the right ideas I think I can do the same for the next scenes.

Unfortunately when I started Judy, I didn't have in mind what I was going to do, and It influenced negatively all the process. For this reason I'll do my best to deliver asomething good for those who had the patience to wait 'till now.

So here we are. Can't wait to release it guys, we are in the same boat!

Tell me what you think about this WIP, what you like what you don't like.

As always, thanks for the support.

See you next time!

Last edited:


Oct 22, 2024
How long is the Judy animation going to be? Rash has been working on this for more than a year so im curious.


Super Straight
May 3, 2024
wait, is that good or bad? how long did the harley animation take? that 1 was like 8 mins.
Yeah, it was around 8 mins. Judy animation may be a little bit longer than 8 mins but I think that's unlikely.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2021

Hey Guys!!

How's it going?? ~(˘▾˘~)
It's pretty early here. it's morning, I'm working on the Judy animation since yesteday but I wanted make one last post before the new year.
As mentioned in my last WIP, I'm not going to show any WIP this month (December), but it doesn't mean I don't have anything to say, eheh!

This month I worked on 2 parts of the intro:
  • The first one is SFW, It's the first segment and I made it to add some context.
It was harder than I thought, but I managed to make it.
It's ready but still not rendered.
  • The second one is part of the intro too, but the last segment.
It is NSFW and it's a foreplay scene that will be linked to the blowjob loop.
I'm still working on it so several things may change.

For January I'd like to show this little NSFW scene.

I did other things, but no need to say it now.

I still need to add stuff in the intro and add the ending.
The ending is shorter, so I think It will be faster to do (hopefully).
About the release date:
I'm still pretty confident that the animation will be released for early 2025. I'm working pretty well in the last months, of course there are ups and downs but this is because I'm bad to manage things (I'm working on it (╥︣﹏╥)), but my workflow is far better compared to how I was working 4+ months ago.
Of course I'm still a mess, most of the time I'm not sure of what I'm doing, BUT I'm doing a bit better.

So, guys, one last thing:
I learnt and I'm learning a lot of things, and without your support during these years It wouldn't be possible.
I don't want to lie, money are useful to let me focus on my patreon and keep doing NSFW animations; but your kind comments and your kind messages are those things that help me when I feel like I'm not doing so well.

Thank you for your patience and for your support, despite this year didn't go as I expected.
If you have any question, feel free to ask!
I wish you a happy new year. See you next timeeee (•◡•) /



Dec 8, 2020
Does he use polls to choose the girls he works on or choose based on his own preferences ? I really hope he'll use Ciri for his next project :sneaky:


Oct 22, 2024
Does he use polls to choose the girls he works on or choose based on his own preferences ? I really hope he'll use Ciri for his next project :sneaky:
yes he does, i think he picks a certain franchise and then used a poll on it. Last time it was cyberpunk and he made a poll on whether the girl should be judy or panam and judy won.

If he picks the witcher franchise, i'd to see him work on triss merigold, likewise if he picks the resident evil franchise, i'd want claire or jill tbh.

Either way it will take a long ling time to be there yet.
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
For RE I'm hoping that someone does something with Rose. Or maybe someone can do something with a character from Silent Hill 2 remake. Those new characters need love too!
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