so now that i 'played' it. i have to say, i will Not be back.
everybody looks Good, the writing is...'proper'. but it seems to be a 14 year olds wet dream and written as such. i guess there Could be families in the world like this, but even with dispelling all reason, common sense, belief, emotional, sexual, and mental maturity... i don't think it has a chance.

i t really pains me to say this because i thought it might be fun. maybe i am too old. i do remember being 14 and thinking something like this, but a VN, even a 'porn' version can't stand on a pubescent dream. it just
Is not...REAL! there is
Nothing believable about it. and that is
the core of Fantasy, the Possibility of it happening.
aww, look at you silly snowflakes and your face-palms. look lets be real here. you might not have a clue, but that's okay.
the dialog is trash. bold statements like sis saying she been working on her Pecks and Glutes as the reason she has big boobs. now the is a real face palm. boobs are FAT Not Muscle. chicks work hard on the chest LOSE their boobs. that's just ONE example. and what could i possibly say about mom showing her pussy....
so Please, go ahead and Face Palm away.